Home Visa / Immigration Third Year Working Holiday Visa for Australia

Third Year Working Holiday Visa for Australia

Third Year Working Holiday Visa for Australia

Australia’s Working Holiday visa program is a popular choice for young travelers looking to explore the country while working to fund their adventures. Introduced in 2019, the Third Year Working Holiday Visa offers eligible participants the opportunity to extend their stay for an additional year. This extension allows more time to experience Australia’s diverse landscapes, culture, and job opportunities. Here’s everything you need to know about applying for and obtaining a Third Year Working Holiday Visa.

Understanding the Working Holiday Visa Program

The Working Holiday Visa program in Australia consists of three stages:

  1. First Year Working Holiday Visa (Subclass 417 or 462): Available to individuals aged 18-30 (or 18-35 for certain countries) from eligible countries. This visa allows you to stay and work in Australia for up to 12 months.
  2. Second Year Working Holiday Visa: To qualify, you must complete at least 88 days of specified work in regional Australia during your first year.
  3. Third Year Working Holiday Visa: To be eligible, you must complete an additional six months (179 days) of specified work in regional Australia during your second year.

How to qualify for a third Working Holiday visa in Australia

179 days of work

To sum it up, you will need to do 88 days of farm work or eligible work in your first year on a Working Holiday visa to qualify for a second Working Holiday visa. Then you work six months during your second year to apply for a third year. The type of work you will have to do to be eligible for the third year visa are the same as the specified work for the second year visa. You cannot complete the 6 months of specified work during your first Working Holiday visa.

Specified Work Requirements

Specified work refers to certain types of employment in designated regional areas. The work must be in one of the following industries :

  • Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing: Harvesting and packing fruit and vegetables, shearing, dairy farming, and more.
  • Mining and Construction: Work on construction sites, mining operations, and related activities.
  • Natural disasters Recovery: Paid or volunteer work in support of bushfire, flood, cyclones recovery efforts.
  • Hospitality in remote or very remote areas.
  • Etc

Eligible jobs for a third year visa

Remember that not all jobs are eligible to qualify you to renew your Working Holiday Visa.

Age limits for the Working Holiday visa

The Working Holiday visa is available to applicants between the ages of 18 and 30 (inclusive), with the exception of some countries. If you are from Ireland, Canada, or France, are eligible for a Working Holiday visa up until the age of 35. Since 2022, people from Italy and Denmark can also avail of a Working Holiday Visa up until they are 35. You can apply right up until the day you turn 36.

If you’re from the United Kingdom, following the signature of the Free Trade Agreement, you are now allowed to apply for the WHV up to the age of 35. And since July 2024, British applicants are exempted from the specified work requirement.

Read more: UK-Australia Free Trade Deal & Changes to Working Holiday Visa

How do I renew my Working Holiday visa?

You’ll need to apply for your third Working Holiday visa online using your ImmiAccount. As with your previous visas, you’ll need to provide all the required documents, such as your passport, as well as proof of having completed your six months of specified work. This proof can include:

  • pay slips
  • bank statements
  • payment summaries
  •  piece rate agreements
  • tax returns
  • employer references (ABN, address, etc).

Submit your application through the Department of Home Affairs’ ImmiAccount portal. Provide accurate and complete information, and upload the required documents. The application fee must be paid at the time of submission.

How much does the third year visa cost?

The application fee for a third-year visa is the same as for a first-year and second-year visa: $650. You pay at the end of your application. If your application is unsuccessful, you will not get a refund.

What can you do with your third-year Working Holiday visa?

Your rights are the same on your third year than your first and second WHV. Which means, you can:

  • Travel
  • Do any kind of work
  • Study for up to 4 months or 17 weeks (including weekends, public holidays etc.)
  • Travel to and from Australia as many times as you want

Read more: Eligible postcodes for a third year in Australia

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Australia Backpackers Guide
The ultimate guide to work and travel around Australia with a Working Holiday Visa! Get all the tips and advice from other backpackers. The first travel guide written by Backpackers for Backpackers in Australia!!!


  1. Hello
    Can i do my 176 days starting in my first year?
    I will turn 30 before i reach the 176 days.
    I wondering if i can do the days for my third year still in my first year.

    Thank you


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