Working on a prawn vessel in Australia – Job experience
Finding a job as a deckhand catching prawns in Australia can be an adventurous and rewarding experience, but it requires knowing where to look...
Working on a Paradise Island in Australia: Info and Experience Feedback
Sometimes luck smiles upon us when looking for a job in Australia, and we stumble upon THE perfect opportunity! Working in housekeeping in Australia...
How to find a Dairy Farm Job in Australia
Australia, with its vast agricultural lands and thriving dairy industry, offers numerous opportunities for those looking to work on a dairy farm. Working on...
Working 88 days on a dairy farm in Australia
Working on a dairy farm in Australia can offer a rewarding experience, allowing you to become familiar with the agricultural industry and live an...
Dream job in Australia: Working with dolphins in Monkey Mia
Who hasn't dreamed of spending their days by the water splashing around with wild dolphins? In her home country, Marine works to protect water...