Some nationalities can apply for a Working Holiday visa (subclass 417 & 462) up to and including, 35 years of age. Among those French, Canadian, Irish citizens, Italian, Danish and English citizens.
Indeed, the UK – Australia Free Trade Agreement entered into force in May 2023. UK passport holders are now able to apply for a Working Holiday visa between the ages of 18 and 35 years inclusive since July 2023.
The age of 30 years remains as the limit for all other Working Holiday countries that travel to Australia. Everything you need to know, you can read in this article.
Table of Contents
Age limit increased to 35 for some nationalities
Countries with age increased
This is great news for travellers over 30 years old from a few countries! Indeed, the age eligibility for applying for an Australian Working Holiday Visa expanded to 35 years for some nationalities!
- In 2018, Working Holiday Visa Australia age limit increased to 35 years for Canadian and Irish citizens.
- In 2019, it was France that announced the same change !
- Since 2022 the age limit for Italian and Danish citizens wanting to work and travel in Australia has also increased by five years – from 30 to 35 years of age. Australian citizens up to the age of 35 will also benefit from reciprocal arrangements with Italy and Denmark.
- And finally, since July 2023, the age limit increased to 35 years for UK passport holders!
Migration Act Extract
Those changes can be seen in Schedule 1—Countries or regions, passport conditions and age requirements in the instrument Migration (Arrangements for subclass 417 visa applications) Instrument (LIN 22/051) 2022 and Migration (Arrangements for subclass 417 visa applications) Amendment Instrument (LIN 23/047) 2023.
It is also noted on the immigration website under the ‘age condition’ for a WHV.
Australian legislation clearly defines the age limit for Working Holiday visa makers :
(2) The applicant:
(a) holds a working holiday eligible passport of the kind, or of one of the kinds, specified in a legislative instrument made by the Minister for the purposes of this subclause; and
(b) is aged at least 18 and no more than:
(i) 35; or
(ii) if a younger age is specified in the instrument mentioned in paragraph (a) for the kind of passport the applicant holds—that younger age.
Therefore if no age is specified, it means that the age limit is 35 years old.
Other partner countries (such as Germany) are still in the process to amend the bilateral Working Holiday Maker agreement expanding the eligibility age to 35.
For UK Passport Holders
The UK – Australia Free Trade Agreement has entered into force and the age limit for UK passport holders has been increased to 35 since July 2023.
With the agreement, UK passport holders are able to:
- apply for a Working Holiday visa between the ages of 18 and 35 years inclusive since 1 July 2023
- From July 2024, UK passport holders can be granted up to three separate Working Holiday visas without having to meet any specified work requirements. These arrangements apply to all Working Holiday (subclass 417) visa applications lodged by UK passport holders on or after 1 July 2024.
UK passport holders, including those who previously entered Australia on a Working Holiday (subclass 417) visa using a different eligible passport, do not have to meet the specified subclass 417 work requirement when applying for a second or third Working Holiday visa on or after 1 July 2024.
More info : UK – Australia FTD
How to renew your Working Holiday Visa in Australia
People currently on a Working Holiday Visa in Australia (subclasses 417 or 462) and over 30 years old, are eligible to apply for a second or third year visa if they are from France, Ireland, Canada, Italy, Denmark and UK.
Renewing your Working Holiday Visa in Australia, either Subclass 417 or Subclass 462, offers an exciting opportunity to extend your stay and continue exploring the country. The process, however, requires meeting specific criteria and undertaking certain types of work.
For Subclass 417 visa holders, you’re eligible to apply for a second year if you have completed three months (or 88 days) of specified work in regional areas of Australia during your first year. This work often includes farming, fishing, mining, and construction. Holders of a second Subclass 417 visa can apply for a third year by undertaking six months of specified work in specified regional areas during their second year.
Similarly, for Subclass 462 visa holders, a second year is possible if you complete three months (or 88 days) of specified work in northern Australia in certain industries, including tourism and hospitality, agriculture, forestry, and fishing. As with the 417 visa, a third year is possible for 462 visa holders who complete six months of specified work during their second year.
Note: UK passport holders are exempted from regional work since 1 July 2024.
Hi, I’ve already completed 1 year travel within Australia and achieved my 88 days farm work. I am from the UK currently aged 30 and turn 31 in November. If I apply for my 2nd visa before I’m 31, this will give me up to 12 months until November 2021 to ‘enter’ Australia, right? Could I then enter use said visa for the 2nd year.. Even though I would be 32?
Hi Danny,
You definitely need to apply before you turn 31. Once your visa is approved, you will have 1 year to enter Australia so until November 2021, no matter your age 🙂
Hi, I am turning 35 soon, must I apply for my visa before then or do I have until I am 36? Thanks.
Hi Mel,
To apply for a WHV you must be 18 to 35 years old (inclusive) for Canadian, French and Irish citizens. Which means you have until the day before you turn 36 to apply. However, you won’t be able to renew it as you ll be over the age limit. Maybe you could apply now and enter Australia as soon as the borders open and do your 88 days straight so you ll be able to renew (if of course you want to renew!). Cheers
Hello I’m from the UK and applying for the three visa at age 35 when it comes into play in 2022. Do you know if it will be issued as a three year visa or will have I renew but will be 36 after 12 months
Hi Sarah
Unsure at the moment. We will know more within the next few months. Cheers
Hi I turned 31 in august 2022, has the law for uk passport holder changed to 35 yet? Also what requirements do Turkish passport holders need to obtain the Australian working visa?
Many thanks
Hi Jasmin,
No the FTA has moved so far. For Turkish passport holders the conditions are the same to obtain a 462. Cheers
You have until a few days before you turn 36
Yes it is correct (until you turn 36 yo) Cheers
Hi i turn 36 on November 29 thia year will that be enough time for me to get approval for my Australian 12 month working visa to be granted???? Thanks
Hi Daniel,
Yes make sure you make your application before your birthday. Once is done you are safe 🙂
Hi how do the application please i ain’t got a clue were to go what website i go on could you point me in the right direction please thanks
Hi guys please please message me back, i have paid & sent off all my documents & immi application off i turn 36 in 4 days, i ain’t heard nothing from home affairs, if i have sent off my application before i turned 36 will they still approve me??!!
Hello, I am an Irish citizen, I have completed my 1st year Australian WHV and I am eligible to apply for my second one. Does the age limit of 35 apply to me even though I did my 1st year WHV before this update in age came in? Thanks
Hi there,
Yes you can apply for your second year visa 🙂
Hay !!
I am from Indonesia, can I apply for WHV when I am 32 years old.? But I have 4 years experience in Agriculture. Because almost all the information I read must be 30 years old.
What about 32 years old but with 4 years experience can still apply for WHV?
Hi Sadik
The age limit is 31 years old even if you have experience. You can check the immigration website to see your visas options :
Hi there, I’m a UK citizen who was interested in possibly getting one of those working visas to come and live / work in Australia for a year. Only trouble is I turn 31 on Monday! Have I left things too late?
Hi Mike,
Hope you applied right before your birthday !
Hi, i applied for a visa and because of covid I’m not able to go, it expires this month. From what I understand i have until 2022 to ask for a WHC WAIVER or a refund.
Is that correct? Any extra info is welcome. Thanks in advance.
Hi Milena,
Correct. The process as to how to get the refund/waiver has not been explained yet. Cheers
Hi. I’m portuguese 31 years old. Never been in Australia. Do I have any chances to get a working holiday visa? No exceptions related with covid-19?
Hi, You can apply for a WHV until you turn 31 (it is 30 inclusive). No exception so far (except waiver and refund for those who had to leave the country or couldn’t enter Australia). Cheers
Hi there,
I am an Irish citizen turning 33 and hoping to use this visa in the next year or so. However I work in Banking and want to continue on this job path, can I do so or am I required to engage in ‘casual’ work?
Hi Deborah,
Once your WHV is granted you can work in any fields/jobs (6 months max with the same employer)- However, if you wish to renew your visa, you will need to work in some jobs/areas for 88 days. Cheers
Hi there,
I was just wondering, say if you do 88 days of work on your first WHV and you want to apply for a second one but in New Zealand, is that transferable or is it limited to Australia?
Thank you
Hi Kristy,
It is limited to Australia. Cheers
Hi, I’m 32 years old living in Ireland, UK passport holder, is there any possibility of a WHV when things open
Hi John,
The age limit has been extended to 35 yo only for Irish citizens. If you do not hold an Irish passport, unfortunately you will not be able to apply for a WHV as you have already reached the age limit 🙁
Hi there,
I have just started by second year working holiday visa Feb 2021, however I turned 31 in December 2020. If I complete 6 months of agriculture work this year will I be eligible for a third year visa, I have heard mixed stories of the visas been granted and not granted. Otherwise I’ll know if I should do my 6 months agriculture work or not
Hi there,
If you do not hold a passport with an age limit at 35 then you wont be able to apply for a 3rd year. Cheers
Okay, because I have 11 months to complete my 6 months, do you think the age limit will go up to 35 for U.K. passport holders? Or do you think Covid has just pushed this back
Hi Tel
With the current situation it is unlikely that the age limit will go up to 35 any time soon 🙁
I am a 26 year old French citizen. I have found a job in Sydney but need to work out the visa. Is it possible to enter Australia at the moment? Is the government releasing any work holiday visas at the moment?
Hi Camille
If you can be sponsored (TSS) then you should be able to enter the country. Otherwise only PR and citizens can enter atm. Cheers
Hi I have exceeded the age limit for a U.K. citizen (33yrs),
Are there any other way to work in aus and possibly live there eventually. I have family that immigrated over 10yrs ago and own a business. Can this help or is there any other way to get over there?
Hi Jake,
Have a look at the student visa or the family sponsor visa :
Hey there!!
I am a 33 year old Canadian passport holder (currently living in the UK). I would love to apply for an Australian WHV. However, do I need to wait until the borders open to do so? Any indication of when this may be and how long the visa application takes?
Also, can you work the full year in one job or only 6 months?
Thanks so much for all your help!!
Hi Corinne,
You can still apply even if the borders are closed at the moment. However, as we are unsure about the reopening, i would advise you to wait a bit as when your visa is granted you have 12 months to enter Australia.
I just wondered whether you know if and potentially when the UK age limit May increase to 35. I’m 32 and procrastinated too much previously, and missed my chance!
If not, then are my other options permanent residence applications?
Hi Steve,
Good news! Age limit will increase for UK citizens! It has been confirmed yesterday following the meeting between Morrison and Johnson! So you will be able to apply for a WHV when the agreement is finalised! 🙂
I will turn 35 in July of this year. I know the age limit increase was agreed but when will this agreement likely be finalised?. I’m guessing providing it’s done prior to me turning 36 I can apply?
Hi Gemma,
Unfortunately we don’t have nay more details at this stage. On the provisional Uk-Australia FTD under the ‘Mobility’ section it says the agreement will come into effect ‘within 5 years’. We hope it will be sooner! Cheers
Hi, i am from the uk and applied for my first year visa a month before turning 31. It is saying the process will take 4 months to be granted. Do i have a year to enter once it is granted or from when i applied?
Also, if the age limit is indeed upped to 35, i am assuming i will be able to do a second and third year?
Any light would help! Thanks, James
Hi James
The 12 months start once your visa is granted. Regarding the age limit, we do not know exactly when it will enter into effect. But in all cases, yes once the age limit is increased to 35 you will be able to stay up to 3 years in Australia. Cheers
Do we know how long it took for the Canadian/Irish/french age limit to change to 35? Surely it can’t take too long to come into effect
Hi Joe,
It was immediate for the Canadian, French citizens. But the announcement was made after the agreement was signed! Here the FTA was agreed on principle only. Cheers
Hi, I am from the Uk and have completed both my first year and second year WHV. Can I apply for a third year WHV as i worked in the construction industry until I left Australia in November 2019?
Many thanks,
Hi Daniel, you must have carried out at least 6 months of specified work on or after 1 July 2019. If it’s the case, and you are still within the age limit, you can apply for a third year. For now, we do not know when the agreement will enter into force. Cheers
Thanks for getting back to me.
I worked in the construction industry for most of my second WHV, so would have done 6months by July 2019, so can I still apply? I am 30 now so can I go ahead and apply for the third year now?
Many thanks,
Hi guys,
I’m a UK resident and I’m currently working on my subclass 417 application. The online application says the “State / Province” section of the Place of Birth information is a required field. Any idea what to put in this section, as states and provinces don’t really exist in the UK? I was born in Tyne and Wear, and this seems the most logical.
Hi Adam,
Yes it is correct. Cheers
Hi im in scotland and 33. I was wondering if i can still get a visa as seen something about them going to 35? Thanks
Hi Daniel,
No final agreement so far but it should happen within the next year or so. therefore you will be able to apply for a WHV (up until your 36th bday). Cheers
Just wondering if I applied for a working holiday visa at 23 and worked and got my second year working holiday visa and completed it. At 30 years of age can I apply for a working holiday visa again?!
Hi if you have done you regional work yes you can apply whenever you want. Cheers
Hi, I am a UK citizen can I move to Australia to live ? I have a sister who lives there , I am 54 years old ?
Hi there, you should check the sponsor visas (family),to%20visit%20their%20family%20members.&text=%E2%80%8BYou%20may%20be%20eligible,COVID%2D19%20related%20travel%20restrictions.
I have already completed my 1 year WHV. I didn’t do my farm work. When this comes into play does this mean I can apply for a second year?
Thank you
Hi Jessica,
Unclear for now but pretty much applicable only for new visa applications. Cheers
I’m from U.K. I’m 30 my partner is 31 (32 next month)
Are we able to apply for WHV or do we need to wait until the age limit has increase indefinitely ?
Also my partner did his first year approx 8 years ago. Does he still apply for second ?
Hi Jay,
If your partner already applied for a WHV and did not complete the 88 days of regional work, he wont be able to apply for a second year. You on the other hand can apply for a WHV at any time. Cheers
Hi there. I am 31 yo turning 32 in June 2022. I am from UK and hold a British passport. I have never before being in Australia and was wondering if I could apply for visa?
Hi James,
For now the age limit for Uk passport holders is 31 inclusive. which means that you can apply for a WHV up until your 32nd bday. Cheers
I applied for a working holiday visa in 2011 and went and stayed/worked in australia for a year but didn’t realise about the “specfic work” until too late, im now 33 and a half years old from London, and on the uk news it says that the new working holiday visa might not need to have the specific work to get second visa?
Hi Maiko,
Yes that is correct but it looks like it will only apply to new WHV and not previous, expired visa. Cheers
Do we have any more news on when this agreement for upto 35 could take place. I heard they met last week but nothing was signed. You think July 2022 is realistic
If for example it does get signed then is there a waiting time to get it from then or you could apply more or less straight away
Also, when you apply what’s the odds on getting one. As this isn’t based on a points system like the skilled one so is it just more or less anyone qualifies but you can only give so many out ?
Hi Conor,
Hard to answer all your questions as we do not know much at this stage. However it is said that the agreement should enter into force in 2022 (to face the lack of manpower in Australia). So hopefully we should know more within the next few months. Cheers
Hi i have previously been to Australia on a working holiday visa and completed more than 88 days. Ive now been home for nearly 2 years due to covid im 33 from the uk is there a chance of getting a second year whv when the age limit raises to 35? Or will i need to look at different visa options? Thanks
Hi Ryan,
Yes you ll be able to apply for a new WHV once the age limit increases to 35… hopefully by the end of 2022.
Hi, I just want to confirm your answer as I am reading some conflicting comments on this page.
I am a 31 year old UK resident, who stayed in AU for less than a year under a 417 visa. This was roughly 5 years ago – and I completed my 88 days during that time.
Now, understanding the new ’35 year old allowances’, I am very keen to return and do my 2nd and 3rd year…. is this possible?
Thank you!
Hi Tom,
It is a bit tricky to reply to this for sure. We do not know at this stage if the FTA will apply only to new WHV or previous ones. But in your case, as you did your 88 days, it seems you will be able to apply for a new WHV (TBC). We will update this article once we have more information in hand. Cheers
Thank you, appreciate your reply.
Seems like we just need to wait a few more weeks to get confirmation.
For others interested, this link (page 4) suggests an update is due in a couple of weeks.
I had a thought….
…the Irish/French/Canadian went through a similar change a few years back, right? AU bumped up their age ceiling from 30 to 35.
How did AU deal with these? Did they allow previous WHV applicants to return to complete their 2nd year (say at 32 or 33 years old)? Or did these new rules only apply to to brand new WHV apps?
Hi, I applied for a working holiday visa back in 2015. I stayed in Aus for 4 months working for a university, but then came home. I’m now 34 and hoping to apply for a new working holiday visa (hopefully next year) before I turn 36 in March 2023. Given I already had one of these visas in 2015, will I still be eligible for second, assuming the age limit increases to 35 before I turn 36 in 2023?
Hi Charlie,
unfortunately if you have already ‘used’ your WHV you won’t be able to apply for a new WHV. 🙁
Hi, thanks for getting back to me. Given the age is increasing to 35 and the criteria (like farm work) are changing, doesn’t that mean the scheme is starting afresh?
I guess what I’m asking is, how does my previous WHV make ineligible for a new one once the age limit increases? Can’t I just do the work required under the new scheme?
Hey guys, iam 29 at the moment, turning 30 in 6 months… I alread got to the medical exam stage and was now wondering, if I now do the checkup and get positiv feedback and my application gets accepted, let’s say end of January, is my 12 month visa than valid from that day on or can I also enter for example in November 2022 (I would still be 30) and still have the full 12 month? Let me know guys, thank you very much; you should get payed from the home affairs agency
Hey Sascha,
Once your visa is approved, you ll have 12 months to come to Australia. You visa will start once you have entered the territory and will be valid for 1 year (that you can renew).
Thanks 🙂
I previously had a WHV for 2 years back in 2011, when the visa age limit gets increased would I be able to apply as a UK citizen?
Hi Alice,
It does not seem that this will apply for former WHV makers at this stage. Cheers
I have already done a working holiday visa but was unable to do the farm work to make me eligible for a second year because of the covid restrictions. My intention was to enjoy the first 6 months and then do my farm work but couldn’t because of all the restrictions the country had in place due to covid. I knew I was too old to get my second year but was going to do the farm work anyway due to hearing the rumours of age increase which is actually happening, July 1st I have heard. I had to leave early because I lost my job as well. Where do I stand? Could I possibly be granted the new one due to the circumstances the country and I was in when I was living there because if none of this had happened I would’ve done my farm work like I had planned and be eligible for my second year when the age increase is in place.
Hi Joseph,
Hard to give you a definite answer but if your WHV has been affected because of the pandemic, you should be able to apply for a VAC or refund. Cheers
Hi there,
I held my 2 WHV’s from March 2018-March 2020, as far as I can remember the 6 month farmwork for UK visa holders for a 3rd year wasn’t an option at the time.
When the new trade deal comes into effect, can I get a third year visa seeing as there’s no farmwork requirement moving forward anyway?
Hi Rosie,
It seems that the agreement will only apply to new applicants and not previous WHV but it is to be confirmed. Cheers
My partner (UK resident) was been granted a working holiday visa on 6th December 2021. We don’t intend to pick up the visa from the Aus Embassy in London and enter Aus until December 2022. Although it was granted before July 2022 (presumably when these changes come in), would my partner still be given a 3 year visa with no work restrictions because we wont be entering until after the date these changes come into play?? Thanks in advance!! Love the information on the website!!
Hi Barry,
It is unclear at the moment how the regulation will apply. However your partner’s visa wont be activated until you enter the country. You can wait until there are more details about the agreement and worst case scenario cancel his visa and reapply for a new one after the FTA enters into force. Cheers
can I renew my working holiday visa before it expires? I am applying for the first year now and will turn 30 in april.
I imagine going to Australia in October and doing the 3 months of specific work to be eligible for visa renewal.
However, my first visa year would expire in October 2023 and I would already be 31 years old.
Could I apply in April, before I turn 31? even though it’s 6 months to my first visa expires? Or could I apply for a new extension visa even though I have already turned 31?
or in that case would I only be eligible for a one year visa?
Hi Isadora,
You can
Hi Isadora,
You can apply for a WHV until you turn 31 (30 inclusive). So you can enter the country, do your 3 months work and apply for a second year before your 31st birthday. Cheers
Hello, I have a one-year gap in my studies in Canada and plan to complete my first working holiday in Australia. If I finished three months of specific work in the designated area. Then after three years (I will graduate at that time), could I apply for a second work holiday visa?(If I was under 31 at that time)
Hi Amy, yes no problem. You can choose to do your second WHV after the 1st one or a couple of years later. As long as you complete the 88 days, no worries 🙂
I held a 417 WHV January 2019-2020, and I didn’t do the 88 days regional/farm work so wasn’t eligible for the 2nd year visa.
When the new “no work necessary” rules come into place in July, will I be able to apply for my 2nd year?
Hi Emma,
It seems it will be only applicable to new WHV holders however it is not clear at this stage. Cheers
Are you able to clarify where you have seen that the new visa will only apply to new applicants?
I am also in the same position as a lot of people on here, in that I did a year in Australia with no farm work. I am hoping to be able to apply for my second/third year once the new WHV comes out.
It is not clear at this stage, we are still waiting for some clarification. Cheers
Hi there,
I am from Holland. I’m currently 32 years of age and already did a working holiday in 2019-2020. Had to leave because of covid but luckily I finished my farm work just in time. So I applied for the second WH visa before I turned 31 in August 2020. For a long time I didn’t really hear anything until the 10th of December 2021(!!), when my second WH visa got approved. I was surprised to say the least. Now, because the age restriction for my country is 30, can I still make use of the visa because I’m 32 at the moment and will be 33 on August 29 this year? The visa got approved and it saids I must enter Australia before December 10th. Cheers!
Hi Jelmer,
For this specific question I would advise you to get an answer directly from the immigration department (and preferably in writing). Cheers
Hi, can you enter Australia on a working holiday visa with a child?
Hi Hayley, you won’t be able to have a whv granted if you have a dependant children. Thanks
Hi i done a years whv in 2010. Can i apply for another one before im 36? Thanks
Hi Anthony,
It seems the new rules will only apply to new whv holders but this point needs to be clarified. Cheers
Hello! Im a British passport holder. I applied for a working holiday visa just before I turned 31, it got approved but I was unable to use it due to covid, and border closure. The visa expired and I wasn’t able to reapply because I turned 31.
Will that be an issue if I reapply once the age limit changes to 35??
Hi Nay
No it shouldn’t be an issue, you should be able to apply without fees (VAC application). Cheers
I am 30 years old and turn 31 in December, I have already completed 1 year in Australia and did do my farm work, I am a British citizen, would I be able to return for a further year?
Hi Amy,
We do not know at this stage if the FTA will apply only to new WHV or previous ones. As you did your 88 days, it seems you will be able to apply for a new WHV (TBC). We will update this article once we have more information in hand. Cheers
Can I apply hoildays visa before I turn into my 36 birthday.
Or 35?
Hi, usually it is 35 inclusive. Cheers
Hi, I’m from the UK recently turned 31 years old , I haven’t been to Australia before , but looking to come out to work.
Did they increase the 18-30 age to 35? Or will I be unable to do this
Thanks, Dean
Hi Dean,
The FTA is not into force yet. It should be by the end of the year. Cheers
Hi. I’m 28 and nearly half way through my third year WHV, what are my best options for staying in Australia..?
Hi Steve,
Your options, depending on your situation : 408 visa, student, TSS … Cheers
Hi I am 34 and have a recent criminal record for failing to provide and breath test. Will this affect me getting my whv. Also when is it likely to change to 35yr limit. And can I complete what needs to be completed time/visa wise at this age or will I run out of time
Hi Jake,
No it shouldn’t affect your visa however you will need to declare it when applying for your WHV. The age limit should be increased within the next few months however no date has been set yet. Cheers
I have applied for my first holiday working visa, and planning to fly over next February from the UK. By this time I will be 31.
Does that mean I would not be able to apply for the second year working visa even though I am still over there and completed the mandatory work needed?
Or should I just cross my fingers and hope that the 35 year old extension goes through?
Hi Joe,
The 35 yo extension will definitely go through this year. We hope this will be in July but no date has been set yet. Cheers
Where have you seen that the age limit will definitely be raised to 35 this year?
Hi Tanya,
Hi, I applied for a WHV back in 2015, I entered Australia on this visa but never worked, only travelled for 4 months. Would I be able to apply for another WHV because I did not work?
Hi Laura,
It is unlikely but we are still waiting for clarifications. Cheers
Hi there,
I just discovered the WHV program is extending to 35 years old for UK citizens (fingers crossed)
I also see a third year has been added if you do 6 months of agricultural work in your second year (this wasn’t an option when I previously completed my second year WHV)
In my second year on a WHV in Australia I did work for 6 months in agricultural work. Do you think it would be possible to use that work from 2017 to apply for a third WHV? I’m 33 now.
Thank you
Hi Annie,
Unfortunately to be eligible for a third WHM visa, you must have carried out at least 6 months of specified work on or after 1 July 2019. If you worked in 2017, it wont be eligible. 🙁
Hi, I am a UK citizen with an upto date passport. I will turn 35 on May 2nd. Can I apply for a WHV now? If not, do you know when or even if I ever will be able to before I turn 36 in 2023? Thanks
Hi Jason,
You wont be able to apply for a WHV atm as you are over the age limit. If the text enters into force in July, you will be able to apply until you turn 36. Cheers
Hi there, just noticed on a few websites the mention that the FTA possibly won’t come into force until 2024. Just wondering if there is any official info on when the visa age increase is now likely to come into force. Currently 35 and turning 36 in Nov 2022, so a bit worried about the timeframe and possibility of missing out. Thanks
Hi Allan,
All info are up to date on this website :
Hi you guys. I’m 28 and from the UK; I have just applied for my first WHV. Complete newb.
I have a tricky question – first, I’ll be 29 by the time I arrive in Australia. And as things stand with the 30 y/o limit, that means I can apply for the second years WHV when I’m 30 and stay a second year. However, when that year is up, I’d then be too old to apply for a third years WHV.
Let’s assume this 35 y/o limit doesn’t come into force – is there any other way to stay longer? I.e if you’re over the age limit for a third WHV? Is the only way to stay permanently (without studying or getting married!) to find an employer who will sponsor you to stay?
Second question, and I doubt you’ll know this – let’s say I’m in Australia doing my 88 days of hard graft for my first WHV and then the new 3-year visa option comes into play – think I’ll be able to start from scratch again? I.e get the 3 year visa (which may have more relaxed restrictions on what work one can do?).
Hi Ed,
If the FTA doesn’t enter into force on type, you have to go on another visa (can be student, tourist or even a sponsor if you find one).
For your second question we do not know at this stage if if will concern only new WHV or also people who already hold a WHV… we will need to wait a bit to get some clarification!
Any news on when the bilateral will change to 35? I’m 35 now and have until Jan 2023 before I turn 36.
Hi Orly,
No news at this stage 🙁
Hi all, I’ve just seen an update to the new WHM visa for UK passport holders (when it gets implemented). It gives good clear examples for people that are new to applying for the first time and also for people who have already had a stint in Australia and where they stand on applying for the ‘new’ visa when it comes out.
I think it will answer a lot of people’s questions in this forum and is generally very good news for all
Thanks Tom for sharing !
Hi, with the announcement that the age is to be increased to 35 for Danish and Italian on the 1st of July 22. There’s no mention of the U.K. does that now mean it’s unlikely the U.K. change is to come in on the 1st of July after all?
Hi Gemma,
Unsure… hard to give you an answer here… we hope it will be July for Uk too but it might be within 2 years (from date of signature)
I know it’s speculation at the moment, but how confident are you the new WHV for over 35 year old from the UK will go through this year? i’ve read reports saying it may be July and then others saying it could be within the next 2 years?
I’ve just turned 31 so have to wait for the new visa and hopeful it’s this year but also dont want to put my life on hold for 2 years if it’s happening 2024!
Hi Ben,
It is quite unclear at the moment, but considering Italian and Danish citizens’age limit will be increased in July, we hope it will also for UK passport holders. Cheers
I’m within the age limit 29 but my husband is turning 40 this year. He always wanted to do the WHM. Could he join me on my visa, as spouse? Is that an option?
Hi Eva,
Unfortunately your husband won’t be able to join your WHV. He can go for a tourist visa or even a student one… Cheers
Hi mate, any update on whether the UK will change the age limit to 35 soon? I really need this to happen and I’ve heard some news articles say this will happen by 1 July 2022. Cheers mate
Hi there,
Not confirmed so far! Hopefully at the same time as Denmark and Italy!
I’m 30 and turn 31 in November? Is the age limit getting increased to 35? And does the year start from the day you apply? Or say it’s accepted.
Hi Lewis,
Yes the age limit is to increase soon (we do not have a date yet). Once the agreement enters into force, UK passport holders will then be able to lodge an application for any Working Holiday (subclass 417) visa up until the day before their 36th birthday.
Hey have you any update on when the age from UK will change to 35 to get into Australia? 🙂 I keep coming mixed comments – thank you
Hi Koral,
No date so far 🙁
hi there,
do you think the UK and AUS will increase the WHV ages to 35 by 1 July 2022? I really need to get there soon so hoping this happens
We hope it will increase at the same time as Italy and Denmark 🙂
Hey there!
I am 34 years old from USAand currently residing in Bali, Indonesia.
It’s unfortunate for me that USA wasn’t part of the age limit increase.
Does anyone here know of any other way I can enter Australia for temporary work?
I have some friends who are suggesting to apply for a study visa and take a short course which also allows for 40 hour work week whilst attending a course.
What do you guys think?
Thank you!
Hi Randy,
A Student visa can be a good option as it will allow you to work while following a short course. Otherwise you can always look for a sponsorship (TSS visa). Cheers
Please, if I was granted the WHV before (when I was 30) but haven’t entered Australia, can I apply again and be granted it again?
Thank you!
Hi Giovanni,
If you havent used your visa and never entered Australia, you ll be able to apply for a new one. Please note, the age limit for Italian citizens will increase to 35 in July 2022. Cheers
Hi I have read the UK has just introduced this bill as of yesterday (11.05.22)
Good news?!?!
Hi when you go for the working visa what information do you need to have. I have been told you need a police report also what vaccine do you need to have thanks.
Hi Jonathan,
Police report may be requested … depends on your personal situation. As for the vaccination, 2 doses of approved covid vaccine are required to enter the country. Cheers
Seeing as the age for UK citizens is going to 35, and i already have my first year approved (i plan to enter in November) if i arrive at age 32, then in theory i should be able to extend my stay for 3 years, taking me to just before i turn 36?
Hi James,
For 2 years (so 3 all together). Cheers
Hi just wondering what information is needed for the visa as I have been living in Thailand for 11 months do you need a police report also what vaccines are needed I’ve had 2nd one do I need to have my 3rd to be safe for a job. Also what date do we think the age will increase for applying for the visa
Hi Jonathan,
The documents you ll need to provide will be listed at the end of your application. You may need some medical ones. To enter Australia you ‘only’ need 2 doses.
And finally for the age limit… maybe July but nothing is 100% atm. Cheers
That’s perfect do you need your medical information from your own doctor or just a to-do a medical at somewhere that does them as don’t want to travel back to the UK to get the information thanks.
Hi there,
Depending on the medical examinations required (if any) you will need to see an approved doctor (the list will be on your immi account). Cheers
I am 30 and turn 31 on the 21st of June. I have my first WHV sorted but just want to check, do I have to be in the country before I turn 31 next month or can I come a few days after? My Visa expiry is May 2023 so I’m assuming I can enter after my 31st as the visa was completed prior to me turning 31, is this correct? I should say, I’m from the UK.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Dan,
You can enter the country up to 12 months after your visa has been granted (your age doesnt matter). Cheers
I turn 31 in August. Is it best to apply now or wait until the new age limit comes into place? Would I still need to complete the mandatory farm work to get the second year, or would I still benefit from the rule change?
Hi Alice,
The problem is we do not know exactly when the FTA will enter into force. In all cases, you will not need to complete the mandatory work to renew. Cheers
Is it possible to make another YMV? I am a canadian who used hers in 2014. Now I am 32 wondering if I can get another YMV now that the age is to 35?
Hi Cori,
Unfortunately if you havent done any eligible jobs you wont be able to apply for a new visa (the removal of ‘specified work’ requirements only applies to UK passport holders). Cheers
I’m from the UK and currently 30 years old, I turn 31 in March of next year. I’m looking into getting a visa to australia and need to come up with the best plan possible
Few questions- How long do i have to apply for my visa and how long will this process take? When receiving my one year visa do i have to enter the country before turning 31? I also see that the visa age limit will change to 35 for brits soon. Do you know when this is law is likely to come into play?
Hi Alex
If you plan to apply for a WHV you can until your 31 st bday (for now and until the FTA enters into force). Once approved you will have one year to enter the country. Cheers
Do we have a rough estimate of when the new UK Aus FTA will come into effect? Was first reported at July 1st but that doesn’t seem true now.
Hi Dave,
Yes initially then it became ‘The new arrangements will start for WHMs within two years, on a date agreed on between Australia and the UK.’
So this would come into effect in December 2023?
The maximum time frame is 2 years from date of signature.
I’m losing hope that both governments are going to enact the 35 age limit anytime soon. And I need it to be done soon as well
Fingers crossed mate!
Hi, it’s June now. Do we have any news about the U.K. 35 year old threshold?
Ho Tonas,
We will probably have news on July 1st as the age limit is increasing for other nationalities on this date. Cheers
Does anyone know for certain that the new working holiday visa (UK/Aus) will definitely commence this year? I’ve seen a lot of comments on various forums that say it will commence on the 1st July but as it gets closer and closer to the date there are barely any news articles or certified sources to state this is the case, which I so desperately have been hoping for.
Recently there has been an update on the House of Commons page to say the trade deal was formally laid before parliament on 15th June, and now it provides for a minimum of a further 21 sitting days before the UK can ratify the agreement, which correct me if I’m wrong takes us to 5th of July? And won’t it be another 30 days to then come into affect?
It would be really useful if anyone else has found further information or confirmed sources instead of the generic response: “the agreement will commence within 2 years” as most of us are already aware and are desperate for some good news with a more specific date (fully understand it’s a long shot).
Thank you!
Hi Chloe,
No official date atm but things will move forward from 1st July as age limit is increased for 3 other countries. So fingers crossed
It’s July 1st and still nothing announced from both governments. Very disappointed
It is indeed 🙁
did anything get announced yesterday as expected regarding the new working holiday visa??
No Matt nothing so far 🙁
Since it recently went through for Danish and Italian citizens has there been any update on when the age increase to the working holiday visa will come into effect for Brits?
When the change is made for Brits will they be able to apply from inside Australia if they are already there on a tourist, or other, visa,?
Thanks for all your work to help us understand what’s going on.
Hi Charles,
So far no news 🙁 It went through for 2 new countries but not UK 🙁
Thanks for your response. Do you have any information regarding my second question? If a Brit were in Australia on a tourist visa when when the changes come into effect would they be able to apply for a work and travel visa from within the country?
From what I have read the UK is expected to ratify their side of the agreement around the 20th of July. However, Australia’s Joint Standing Committee on Treaties doesn’t reconvene until the 26th of July and the trade agreement is currently listed under lapsed inquiries as it wasn’t completed before the election. So it could be another month or more until Australia officially signs off on their side. Fingers crossed the visa age changes will come in immediately when they do.
My source:
I too was due to apply when I turned 30 but missed the boat – UK citizen. I will turn 35 Jan 2023 and 36 in Jan 2024 and understand in 2024 the age will change to 35 for Brits? When would be the best time for me to apply? I don’t want to miss out again
Hi Pri,
We hope the change will happen way before 24! Things should move forward within the next few months!
Why does this article say Australia has been accepting the new visa since March?
Hi Bradley
It s not accurate. The FTA is not entered into force yet. We are hoping this will happen within the next months 🙂
My comment was deleted yesterday?!
Why does this article state that they’ve been accepting the updated visa terms since March?
Hi Bradley,
Just replied to your comment 🙂
Do you think this has something to do with the delay to the FTA?
Does seem there is some good news within the article though: “We welcome the planned changes to the Working Holiday Maker and Youth Mobility schemes, and the new Innovation and Early Careers Skills Exchange Pilot.”
Hi Matt,
Thanks for sharing the info 🙂
Hi, I’m looking to go to Australia in august, and I’m from the Uk. If I get a year working visa, before the new 18-35 visa is approved, will I be able to change visas to avoid doing the farm work please? Or will I have to do the farm work, then apply for the new visa once the 12 months run out?
Hi Josh
As soon as it comes into force, you will have access to a 3 year visa (minus 1 as you ll have used it already). Cheers
This is a great find, Charles. I’ve been following this WHV change closely and hoping it enters into force soon. Where is your source for the 20th July for UK signing of their side?
From what I read you have to apply for the WHV (if it’s your first) from outside of Australia.
(See ‘you must’ bullet points)
Thanks for sharing 🙂
Hi Karl. Thanks for that info, it’s very helpful. I’m assuming “apply online from outside Australia” could be anywhere not just the UK? I’m planning on visiting friends there soon so visiting a closer country briefly to apply would be better than flying all the way back to the UK if it enters into force soon.
I couldn’t find my original source but a more recent one says “The agreement will clear parliament on Wednesday under an obscure behind closed doors process”.
I hope that’s helpful.
It doesn’t enter into force. The deal is being ratified by the UK’s CRAG procedure on the 20th!
This is so frustrating it’s taken this long to change the age limit to 35. Lost all hope
I feel your frustration, I’m not yet 30 but my fiancé is 32… we have been waiting for months, with the hope it would be implemented on 1st July, the day came and went but we then got our hopes up the new agreement would be ratified today but nothing so far.
What’s even more weird is there’s been absolutely no media attention around it.
Our lives are on hold whilst we wait for this law, I’m currently working a job I hate but can’t hand my notice in until we can apply for visas. Losing hope too!
So i’ve found this below news article:
It states that the The Australia-Britain Free Trade Agreement is due to be passed through parliament when it resumes, and will likely come into effect by the end of the year or early 2023.
The commissioner says the process will be concluded when the 47th parliament begins onm July 26.
“The trade deal is done and dusted. It’s signed, so it’s going through parliamentary processes because free trade agreements are international treaties and have to be legislated,” Ms Treadell told AAP.
“That’s gone very well so far. We very much look forward to the Free Trade Agreement coming into effect at the end of this year or the beginning of next year.”
So i guess this is good news in that it’s def going ahead so hopefully will be end of this year latest.
Cheers for sharing this Ben! Very hopeful this is this case, fingers crossed…
End of this year or beginning of next year? This is not good news it’s horrific news. Thanks for the info but wow this is devastating. Fingers crossed that this isn’t the case and it comes into affect a lot sooner
Yeah appreciate it’s not ideal, i wasnt sure how much of a rush you’re in but im hoping it’s going to be sooner! it’s just frustrating they cant give us an exact date
I’m in the same boat as you chloe. Life on hold and in a job I cannot wait to quit until this deal comes into effect. At this stage lost all hope as it keeps getting pushed further and further back, and I turn 36 in aug of next year so time is running out. Might look at other countries to go to now while they have actual policies in place.
Still no update. I’ve completely lost all hope now.
If anyone hears or sees anything (positive) pls post.
I am also in the waiting lane for the age limit to increase, very frustrating :). As you can’t apply for a first year working holiday visa whilst in Australia, do you know if you can apply whilst not in the UK? E.g. if I applied whilst in Asia, and flew from there?
Any info you have would be much appreciated!
Hang in there guys, we’ll get there!
Hi Mich
Yes totally 🙂
I was wondering if i could apply for the Working holiday visa outside the uk but also not within Australia? I am a uk citizen?
Thanks all of your help!
Hi Mich
Yes you can but you wont be able to enter Australia until your application is approved. Cheers
For anyone interested the Australian Joint Standing Committee on Treaties has added the UK-Australia FTA to their list of current inquiries with the following info:
“The inquiry was re-referred to the Committee on Monday, 1 August 2022. The Treaty and related documents can be found on the Treaty being considered page.
The Committee will not be re-opening submissions and will use the evidence and records of the previous Committee received in the 46th Parliament.”
The reporting date is 16 November 2022 which is the earliest reporting date of any of their current inquiries.
Thanks Charles
What does that mean Charles?
The approval of the act will be dealt on 19/11 ?
It means the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties (JSCOT) is currently considering the submissions made back in Feb/March by the previous government regarding the UK-Aus FTA and will produce a report with recommendations that take into account those submissions. From what I’ve seen the government doesn’t necessarily have to use any of the recommendations and the treaty can be ratified and enter into force before the government responds to the report.
One thing I’m not sure about yet is whether the reporting date is the earliest the report can be released or if it could come out sooner if the JSCOT finishes it early. It seems like the government can’t ratify the trade deal until that report comes out though.
So if the reporting date is fixed the trade deal could be finished any time after Nov 16. If it’s not fixed and the report can come out sooner then maybe it can be finalised even sooner. It’s worth keeping in mind that per the terms of the trade deal it will enter into force one month after it’s ratified by both sides unless they agree on a different date. So even if everything was finalised by both sides on Nov 16 it could be another month before the FTA actually starts.
The submissions from the previous government:
Any idea when they might increase the age limit for Estonian citizens? Or where I could find info about that? I know that currently the age limit is 30 years.
Hi Annie,
Check the Australian government website together with the Estonian one. No mention of an increase atm. Cheers
Hey guys!
First of all thanks in advance for your time. Wondering if it is possible to apply for a WHV 417 with an Italian Passport if I had already lived in Australia for 2 years with my Argentinian Passport (under a WHV 462)? I really would like to go back, i have been working in regional areas all my stay there during the covid but I turned 33 this year. I didnt receive the approval of the covid Visa and i left the country without applied for a Bridging bad. u know if there is any possibility to get an exemption?
Hi Alvaro,
No sure it will be possible as there is a question when applying for a WHV where you must say whether or not you ve already done a WHV in Australia. It is worth giving it a go (but you might loose your application fees). Cheers
Hi there!
Is it possible to extend my arrival date on my accepted first year working holiday visa? It currently states ‘arrival before 10 december 2022’ – could i push this back to january 2023?
Moreover if i cannot arrive before the date given can i re-apply for the whv?
Here is a bit more info regarding the reporting date of the UK-Australia FTA:
“Category 1 and Category 2 treaties (major treaty actions) automatically stand referred to the Committee for inquiry and report upon tabling in the Parliament. The Committee will generally report on these treaties within 20 and 15 joint sitting days respectively”.
The committee can decide it requires more rigorous inquiry and extend the time frame, they can also decide that it’s urgent and exempt it from the standard 20 or 15 days.
So if sitting days for the committee are Mon-Fri the report could be released much sooner than Nov 16.
Thanks Charles.
Looking at 2023 best case scenario now aren’t we unfortunately!
It’s looking that way. I checked and the JSCOT has 15 sitting days between when it was re-referred to them and Nov 16th. So it could be ratified on November 17th and enter into force by mid December. That is looking like the best case scenario at the moment.
I haven’t seen anything that explicitly states the working holiday visa age will increase on the day the FTA enters into force. So unless anyone has found anything to the contrary it’s worth keeping that in mind too.
Maybe the site admins can tell us more about that as they are expecting the age increase to happen soon.
Not holding my breath
We are exploring other visa options because this is becoming painful with all the speculating and waiting – our lives have literally been on hold for 8 months and passing us by. So I definitely recommend biting the bullet, looking at alternatives and checking the skilled workers list because there doesn’t seem to be any urgency around this & it will most likely not come into affect until 2024. We were told July 1st and it never happened so if it’s November this year I’d be super surprised. Good luck!
Hi Chloe. To my knowledge neither the Australian nor UK governments gave July 1st 2022 as the date the age changes would occur.
I disagree regarding the trade deal not entering into force until 2024. The reporting date for the JSCOT is Nov 16. After the report is released the Australian government can ratify their side of the deal and it should enter into force one month after that. Whether the age increase to the WHV will occur on the same day remains to be seen.
However, I agree that looking at alternative visa options is a good idea and am doing the same. Best of luck with it all.
I come from Italy, I am 35 y.o. and will turn 36 in January 2023. I have just got my firt working holiday Visum, valid until 28.8.2023. Do I need to enter Australia before I turn 36 or can I enter the Country within the next 12 Months, even if I will be 36 y.o. ? Thank u
Hi Chiara
You have 12 months to enter Australia from the date your visa is granted! Enjoy 🙂
“Completed by early 2023”.
Disappointing. Hopefully they can speed up this process but it sure is dragging its heels.
I hold a Uk passport . I’m 31 is it now possible to work in Aus up to the age of 35 ?
I completed my first year when I was 21 and earned my second year but never ended up using it . Have they extended the age to 35 now ?
Hi Alex
Until the FTA enters into force you wont be able to access the WHV program. Hopefully soon!
Can you paste the article Bradley? it won’t let me read without subscribing.
“Trevelyan is the first British cabinet minister to visit Australia since the election of Anthony Albanese as prime minister in May. She said the enabling legislation for the trade deals would be introduced within the coming few weeks and expects the deal to be fully ratified by early 2023.”
Not much on it to be honest mate! She’s doing a speech with the Oz counterpart in Adelaide tomorrow! See what comes of it
Thanks for the info Bradley.
Sorry as you may not know and it’s still unknown or if the article said more to it.
But does this mean age range will be done by 2023 ?
As I’m hoping it gets done by august next year as I’m 31, looking to go in September next year.
I want to break down and cry because this is taking so long
Should have some update on Tuesday then…
“Trevelyan returns home on Saturday and will introduce legislation to the House of Commons on Tuesday that would make the British-Australian free trade deal law.”
It’s talking about submarines..
Is it possible to push back on the latest arrival date of my first year visa? It says entry by 15 December 2022. Can i push back to January?
Quote from her speech
The UK is focused on ratifying the agreement as soon as possible.
The reason I have to head home tomorrow is because I’ll be presenting the enabling legislation for the FTA to the House of Commons on Tuesday – the next stage towards implementing this legislation, so our firms and citizens can start to enjoy its benefits.
I know your government is focused on moving ahead at pace too.
For people who are desperate to get to Australia. Can you not just apply for the WFH visa now and go?
If we now can strongly assume the new rules will come affect some point in 2023. Which means it will come into affect during your first year of the WHV, which should mean you will be able to extend it for the further two whilst your there.
No. I am desperately waiting for the UK to change their age limits to 35. I am 35 now and 36 in August next year. Time is of the essence.
Not if you’ve already had a visa, back in the UK and want to go back to Oz.×32.png
Looks like November or end of 2022….
Thanks for the update! A couple of quotes worth keeping in mind:
“I am confident that by the end of the year we’ll have done everything we need to do to legally set up the Australia-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement,”
“The treaty has already been submitted to the British House of Commons and will be sent through the committee stage in the next two weeks”
So it looks like both sides are keen to get it done soon. But:
“Australians eligible for the UK’s Youth Mobility Program will expand from 30 to 35 years of age within two years of the agreement coming into effect”
Hopefully the age changes happen on the day it enters into force or very shortly after.
“Australians eligible for the UK’s Youth Mobility Program will expand from 30 to 35 years of age within two years of the agreement coming into effect”
I don’t understand why there would be a further delay on that aspect when that is part of the deal?
It’s part of the deal but I remember reading something about the removal of the necessary work requirement happening within two years after it’s potential impact has been assessed. Maybe it’s related to that.
Just realised I didn’t link the article. Here it is:
Let’s hope once the FTA comes into effect the age changes immediately. I cannot wait a further 2 years
This is my hope too. I don’t personally mind if the necessary work requirement remains I would just like to get there ASAP.
Australian Parliament is suspended until Sept 20th so this may delay the AUKFTA report coming out.
I have written to the UK Committee overseeing the report on the trade bill.
They were due to sit on the 14th Sept, with their report due out on the 22nd. But of course this is now put back due to The Queen dying.
I have made it clear that the Under 35 agreement should be implemented, as soon as the deal is ratified and into effect, as it would help labour markets, businesses and exporters.
I suggest those who want it implemented straight away do the same.
Thank you Bradley
Can you apply for the first year WHV if you already were granted one before, but never actually used it?
Hi James,
Yes if you visa has never been activated 🙂
Ok great, i currently have a visa approved and the arrival date is 10th December this year which i may struggle to do. I am over 30 now and from the UK but in theory if the age gets bumped up to 35 at some stage next year say; i’ll be able to re-apply for the first year visa again when that happens?
However, after the Coalition government signed the UK-Australia free trade agreement last year, British backpackers will no longer need 88 days of farm work to extend their working holiday visas. The relaxed requirements will not come into effect until at least 2024 as the deal has not yet come into force.
Not sure where they are getting this ‘at least till 2024’ info from though? I can’t see it anywhere else online. Anyone else found anything?
cheers Tom
Official response from DIT.
Thank you for your email of the 8 September enclosing a query about the Youth Mobility
Scheme and the UK-Australia Free Trade Agreement.
Our ground-breaking free trade agreement with Australia is the first trade deal negotiated from scratch by the UK since we left the EU. It will deliver benefits to people, businesses and communities throughout the country, and I am heartened to read that you want to take advantage of one of the many opportunity it affords.
As you set out in their email, the UK and Australia will make changes to the Youth Mobility schemes so that they are available to people aged 18 to 35 years inclusive for a total stay of up to 3 years. This also includes removing requirements in Australia for UK nationals using the Working Holiday Maker programme to undertake specific types of work, for example on a farm.
We are currently working with the Australian Government on the next steps required to implement these commitments and once further changes have been made to these schemes they will be publicised.
The operationalisation of the new commitments on the Working Holiday Maker programme is ultimately a matter for the Australian Government and we would recommend consulting the Australian Department of Home Affairs website for the latest visa information including eligibility requirements.
The UK and Australia will continue to review mobility arrangements, in line with their respective immigration systems, with the aim of further enhancing the ability for citizens to live, work and travel in each other’s country on a mutually advantageous basis.
And I can reassure you and your constituents that we are working to bring the UK-Australia FTA into force as early as possible so that UK citizens and businesses can reap the full range of benefits across the deal.
So reading between the lines, it’s up to the Australian Government to decide when it comes int affect.
Lost all hope that this will get done this year…
Thanks for the update again Bradley, I’m just hoping this is done by September next year for me personally as I turn 31 in august. As I plan to leave after I’m 31!
Fingers crossed!
Hi! What are the options for a 32 portuguese yo to get a long stay visa?
Hi Sara,
Student visa seems to be a good option for you. Cheers
With all the turmoil in the UK I don’t expect this to be done anytime soon
Don Farrell -“I’m confident these deals will be in place by the end of the year”.
Fingers crossed!
Yeh but will the age limits change.
Yes definitely but the date still unsure!
Hola! Soy una española de 34 años que esta pensando en solicitar la WORK AND HOLIDAYS, sé que han prolongado el visado hasta los 35 años, pero no sé si para ciudadanos españoles esto es posible o se mantienen la solicitud para personas de 18 a 30.
Un saludo.
Hi Patricia,
The WHV is available for Spanish citizens up to 30 yo. If you hold a passport from another country, you may be able to apply for a WHV if the age limit is higher. Cheers
Hi, I’m Italian, just turned 35. I got my first WHV back in 2017, as the age limit recently changed, will I be able to get a second WHV? I didn’t not complete 88 days of farm work. Thanks
Hi Hazel,
Unfortunately the Italian citizens but you need to complete the 88 days to renew (only UK passports holders will be exempted in the future). Cheers
My god this thing is taking forever. Albo keeps talking about letting more immigrants in but putting these plans into effect seems to be taking forever
Hi providing that the age limit increase to 35 years old for UK citizens is taking its time and it is uncertain of final dates. Are there any other options for 31+ year olds to come to Australia to work? IS permanent residence the only option?? would love to know more struggling to find info online
thanks 🙂
Hi Alix you can check the student visa (but you ll have to be enrolled and you can only work limited hours per week). Cheers
Hi. Does anyone know if the UK changes government, will that affect or stop this uk-australia FTA?
🙁 we don’t
They are still dragging their feet with this. Absolutely annoyed
I’ve given up on this. There’s patience and then there’s being realistic. I turn 36 in August next year so time is of the essence. Absolute joke.
Something I can’t seem to find out is:
I am currently 31 years old (UK). If the trade deal officially goes through and I am then 32 years old, I can get the 1st WHV and once it ends I’ll be 33. In that time frame, will I still be able to get the 3rd one if I am over the age of 35?
Or does it basically mean I have to get all 3 visas applied for and worked through before I am 36?
I desperately want to go to Aus and hopefully get PR there. This country has had it I’m afraid.
Thanks 🙂
I have my first year visa accepted, and my entry date is before 10th December 2022.
I am going to struggle to make it out there before this date this year due to my current situation.
Am i able to push it back to next year, Feb/March time?
Please let me know if/how i can do this
Hi James, if you do not enter Australia prior expiry of your visa, you will need to apply for a new one. Cheers
Hi there, I’m from Ireland and looking to move to Australia on a WHV but want to take my wife and 3 kids with me , is there a different visa for familys? Cheers
Hi Shane,
You can check the TSS visa or if you have family in Australia a potential sponsoring. Cheers
I don’t think this deal is ever coming into effect
Further delays expected. Not looking good .
That article just says that the political situation in the UK “could lead to further delays” and that there are concerns about it. It also mentions that Albanese “said he would be speaking to Liz Truss’ successor about having the appropriate parliamentary processes moved through their respective parliaments.”
So there are no confirmed delays.
I appreciate that you’re frustrated and want to vent but maybe you could take it easy on the negative posts. We all want the same thing which is for this deal to go through ASAP and get where we want to be so maybe you could consider the effect your posts might be having on other people’s outlooks.
Thanks for sharing. Other articles are actually saying the same… delays to be expected because of the political situation in UK 🙁
Just a thought, but hear me out hahaaha…
Should we all write letters to the PM asking him if he would kindly sign the agreement so some of us can leave UK to go somewhere better?
Hahaha, I fully support this!
I don’t blame you for wanting to leave the UK. Its an absolute mess
I am Canadian, applied for 1st year WHM at 35 (the day before I turned 36). I was granted it and 11 months has passed. I am now 37 and going to Aus in the next month (before entry expiry). Assuming I complete farm work while there, can I apply for a second visa?
Hi B,
No you wont be able to apply unfortunately as you ll be over the age limit.
Hi there,
Was it approved one day before turning 36? Or did you apply and then it was approved after?? I am wondering if I can wait until the last minute to apply or if I should apply a few months in advance. Thanks!
You can apply until the day of your birthday 🙂
Hello I’m 34 years of age, and I’m wanting to go on a working holiday visa to Australia whats the age limit I was going with a company but thry said thry are waiting for new visa to be despatched any other visas thaf I could apply for to get me out there.
Hi there,
Age limit still 30 atm. You can apply for a student visa 🙂 there s no age limit. Cheers
The JSCOT report on the UK-Aus trade deal is due to be released tomorrow.
Once the report is out the Australian government can ratify their side of the deal. If the same rules apply as the submarine deal they don’t even need to respond to the report before ratifying.
Hi Charles, appreciate the update. Where did you seen information? Struggling to find any clear updates on the agreement.
Yes pls share Charles 🙂
I’m 29y/o from UK and have received my first WHV.
I’m desperate to leave UK and go out to Aus. I’m thinking of going after Christmas.
However I want to stay for the 3 years (no farm work) rather than 1 year with farm work still in place.
Is it risky to go hoping for the new change to occur at some point in my first year during 2023? I really don’t want to come back after 1 year.
The necessary work is only 88 days and it doesn’t have to be farm work. There’s a list of all of the types of work that meet the requirements online.
Charles, let hope they don’t ratify, don’t think they will with all reports about them getting a better deal then the U.K!
Hi Lee
To ratify it would mean they sign off on their side which would put it half way towards entering into force. So I hope they do ratify their side.
Charles, let’s hope its immediately in effect. This has been dragged on for too long
I hope so too. Fingers crossed.
Not trying to be negative, but what impact will this have? Why is a former minister coming out and saying this, and possibly derailing the whole thing? What is his intention
I saw that too. From what I understand he’s just voicing (a justified) opinion. The deal really is much better for one side than the other. Fortunately for us it’s likely to have zero impact. The current UK Prime Minister has already said that the deal is bad for UK farmers but the government will be going ahead with it.
Long story short; the ramifications of the UK dropping out of this deal – not just with regard to Australia but every other country it needs to negotiate deals with in the future – are not worth it.
So it will be going ahead.
The JSCOT has published their report on the UK-Aus FTA
This is recommendation 2:
The Committee supports the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and recommends that binding treaty action be taken.
This was pretty mush inevitable but still encouraging.
And here is the bit relevant to us:
Working Holiday Maker Program Visa and Youth Mobility schemes
6.192 The Parties permit citizens aged between 18 and 35 to participate in their
respective Working Holiday Maker and Youth Mobility schemes and remain
in the country for a maximum of three years without being required to
undertake specified work during their stay. Individuals under either scheme
could apply to switch to an alternate visa route where a longer length of stay
may be granted, subject to meeting the relevant criteria.257 The AUKFTA
provides for an increase of the existing cut off age for these schemes to 35.
Nothing on date of implementation but it’s acknowledged at least.
Great, some positive signs. It’s still just a waiting game as to when the date changes.
This looks like very good news.
Could someone answer this for me please?
I’m 31 years old from the UK.
If the deal goes through while I am 31yrs old and I apply for my first WHV and get it, for the 2nd and 3rd WHV, do I still have to be under 35 years of age?
Basically, do I have to be under 35yrs old when applying for my 3rd WHV?
The latest you would be able to apply for the WHV would be one day before your 36th birthday.
This would include the 3rd WHV?
What I’m trying to understand is, if I was 36yrs old and had already had my 1st and 2nd WHV at ages 32 and 33 say, I would then be too old at 36 to apply for my 3rd one?
The WHV is available for those aged 18-35 inclusive. So at 36 you would be too old. At 35 and 363 days you wouldn’t be.
If the necessary work requirement isn’t removed immediately (which is very possible, almost a certainty from what I’ve read) you’d also need to have done that in both your first and second years.
By all accounts, this deal is to be ratified by next week. Let’s hope the age changes come immediately into effect
That would be excellent news! Have you got a link for that?
Same one as I posted above. Scroll down a little
The relevant parts from the article for everyone else:
“Senator Farrell said he had informed UK Secretary of State for International Trade, Kemi Badenoch, the government was in a position to have parliament pass the bill next week.”
“The agreement will be in force after Australia and the UK have confirmed with each other in writing that they have completed their respective domestic requirements.”
So Australia could ratify their side next week but we don’t know when the UK will take care of theirs. Hopefully soon. Unless otherwise agreed upon the agreement will actually enter into force one month after both sides have ratified the deal. Hopefully during that time we’ll get some answers about the age extension.
Still a waiting game it seems. Let’s hope for the best
More info here. Most of it has probably already been covered though –
“This morning I had an introductory call with the new UK Secretary of State for International Trade, Kemi Badenoch. I congratulated her on her role and gave her an update on the fact that were in a position to finalise our parliamentary processes next week.”
Hello, my girlfriend did a 1 year Australia visa and did not complete her farm work. Is she able to apply for another visa? I heard they are granting “do overs” due to covid/ lack of workers. Is this correct?
We are Canadian. Thank you!
Hi Will, yes if you had to leave the country because of covid you can apply for a new WHV free of charge. Cheers
Yes but when will the age changes come into effect. That’s all we are concerned about
Agree with you there Losing hope! We just want to know when the age changes come into effect. I couldn’t care less about how much beef and lamb will be exported or imported into each of the countries lol
According to this article, the date for commencement of the FTA should be 01/01/2023
Some light at the end of the tunnel, hopefully!
Australian side done! Your move now UK!
“The bills easily passed the House of Representatives on Monday and the Senate made them law on Tuesday.
The deals need to be ratified by the respective British and Indian parliaments before they take effect. Neither nation has yet done that.”
So, when the deal is ratified on both ends, how long does it take for the visa age change to come into effect?
Are all parts of the deal instant after ratification or will they introduce certain things first? I get that it’s the trade part that’s the most important for the countries and the visa age limit change is probably the least of their worries.
I’m not too sure. Hoping someone else can answer that
We don’t know yet. It will come into effect within two years of the FTA entering into force.
So could be 01/01/23, 01/01/25 or any time in between.
Because it’s the first WHV to have the necessary work removed – and it was suggested that the impact of that be tested before it comes into effect – it may be delayed.
I have no information on the technicalities of it but I’m hoping that the age change and necessary work removal can be done separately.
Both countries have made it abudantly clear that they need more skilled workers and migration, so I am hoping it is changed ASAP!
Me too. I’m remaining optimistic that it’ll get done soon.
I’m hoping it will come into force soon. Otherwise I’ll only be able to do one, maybe two WHV.
Same here I wanted to travel and go to Australia for Christmas next year… my 31st birthday is august next year.
You can apply now if you’re 30. Why not do that?
Yes you should
Does anyone have any key dates or info on when the UK plans to ratify their end?
I haven’t looked into it recently but if it’s expected to enter into force on January 1st it would need to be before then and probably before Dec 1st. As per the agreement signed earlier this year it enters into force one month after both sides are ratified unless otherwise agreed upon.
I just had a look and couldn’t find any news on it. It’s worth keeping in mind that this deal isn’t very popular in the UK so the government will probably be inclined to keep things quiet until it’s signed to minimise bad press.
News of the Australian side getting signed had the UK farmer’s lobbying group complaining again. So don’t be surprised if news of its finalisation comes suddenly.
True, thanks for the update 🙂
Let’s hope it gets implemented soon! Thanks Charles
Fingers crossed!
If the finalisation happens and the trade deal comes into affect – I’ve heard people say that certain aspects of the deal could be implemented at different times – if the deal is meant to benefit both countries greatly, then why would’nt they just do it all at once?
I’m guessing the majority of us on here are literally only waiting for the visa age change.
My mate left for Aus three weeks ago (Brisbane) on a WHV. He applied for I think 10 jobs over the course of a few days and 9 of them invited him for interviews….WOuld never get that here in the UK! Pay for jobs over there seems significantly higher, with basic jobs starting at like $20 an hour.
I simply cannot wait to go now! The only thing is, once I get my WHV, I will sell all my belongings for the extra cash but I know for a fact I won’t want to come home. I hope I can get employer sponsorship for permanent residency there. I need a new start in life and to be honest, I deserve it.
I’ve been so unhappy for the majority of my life and I’m 31 yrs old now…if I don’t get this opportunty to go, I’ve got nothing else going in my life. Still live at home, rubbish stressful job, ruined credit rating so will never be able to get a mortgage and single so cant move out and live on my own as this country is too expensive with crappy wages.
Sorry to rant about my life story but, like many on here, we may never get the chance to do this if the government takes too bloody long 🙁
I’m with you Dan. Can’t wait to go. Also still living at home and rubbish job. Need to change urgently.
I’m remaining hopeful this deal gets implemented for a start date of 1.1.23
The Guardian seems to the the work requirements won’t be removed until 2024.
“The relaxed requirements will not come into effect until at least 2024 as the deal has not yet come into force.”
What the Australian Government says about the date commencement for the new visa arrangements:
“Australia and the UK have agreed to put in place new arrangements under the Working Holiday Maker (WHM) program and Youth Mobility Scheme within two years of the entry into force of the Australia-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement (Australia-UK FTA).”
So it’s confirmed that it will be within two years. That doesn’t mean it won’t happen immediately but also doesn’t mean it will. The wording from that article also gives the impression that both changes will start at the same time, which could delay things………………
That guardian article is quite old, I wouldn’t put any weight onto that (as it was before the deal was ratified)
I simply cannot wait that long if that’s the case. I need this to happen urgently :((
Just going to cross all my fingers until things are more clear
A good course of action might be to contact the government and ask if they know when the age change will occur. Now that the deal is a month or so away from entering into force they must have an idea of when this will be.
From my experience you will have to be persistent and talk to a few people before you get to the person who can give you answers.
For many of us I’m sure this would be a fresh start at least…I just wish I’d made my mind up a few years ago about this and not left it too late to decide that this is actually what I want.
I keep checking for updated news every day in the hopes that we can do this sooner rather than later 🙁
Even India has green lighted the FTA with Australia to begin in the new year
WTF is taking so long with the UK. Too busy watching the world Cup it seems
Have you asked them?
Before the deal can be ratified by the UK the
Trade (Australia and New Zealand) Bill needs to be passed. You can see what stage it is currently at in the link below:
Page was last updated 14 November
Also that includes the NZ FTA which is separate from the Australian one in terms of stages
I wouldn’t put too much weight on that
It’s called the Australia and New Zealand Bill so it looks like the one bill is intended to cover both FTAs. They may be ratified at different times but the necessary changes to British law seem to be getting made together.
If they’re separate bills what stage is the NZ one at relative to the Australian?
It also says “The Bill is now due to have its report stage and third reading on a date to be announced.”
I can’t find an announcement of the third reading so it looks like it’s still in the report stage.
If you can find anything to the contrary I’d be very happy though. I’d like to see this done soon.
I found this on the Australian govt website
“A-UKFTA will enter-into-force after Australia and the UK confirm with each other in writing that they have completed their respective domestic requirements.”
The UK’s domestic requirement is the Trade (Australia and New Zealand) Bill getting passed.
The UK government updates on that can be found here:
So the Australian foreign minister is going to the UK to ensure the UK handle their part of the deal and make sure they sign it off.
Really pathetic on the UK part.
Significant article just written about the deal. Worth a read for those interested
What’s it say? Says I have to subscribe?
It was was essentially questioning whether the deal was worthwhile to the UK, and there are farmer groups protesting and singing petitions against the deal.
Very frustrating.
It is hard to understand why they agreed initially to then step back…
Report stage for the Trade (Australia and New Zealand) Bill is December 12th.
So it is nearly finished in the House of Commons. It then has to go through the same five step process in the House of Lords and after that get royal assent.
So basically it could take forever seeing as it’s got to go through the House of Lords?
What is the Royal assent, how long a process is that?
It could be finished in the HoC on the 12th or 13th of December as according to the link I posted as the “Report stage is usually followed immediately by debate on the Bill’s third reading.”
How long it will take to get through the HoL is anyone’s guess at the moment but from what I’ve read the first and second reading stages can be over in a day. The committee stage starts two weeks after the second reading and lasts around eight days. The report stage usually starts 14 days after committee stage has concluded and can be spread over several days (but is generally shorter than committee stage).
If there are no amendments to the bill in the HoL it goes for Royal Assent which is when some old billionaire whose father was also his cousin decides if it can become a law.
So from when it goes to the HoL we’re look at:
First and Second Reading – 2 days
Committee Stage – 14 days + 8 days = 22 days
Report Stage – 14 days + 6 days* = 20 days
Third Reading – 1 day
Royal Assent – ?
Total = roughly 45 days to get through the HoL + Royal Assent
If the report and third reading stages are completed on the same day, it goes immediately to the HoL and we count full weeks not working days 45 days from December 12th is January 26th 2023. So it could get royal assent a few days after that.
*is an estimate given the information on the government website.
This is all info I got from literally a few minutes of googling. For this site to have been saying “The age limit for UK passport holders will be increased to 35 within the next few months (hopefully by the end of 2022)” for a while now maybe tells us that it isn’t a good source of information.
I don’t see this getting done until end of Jan unfortunately, the UK are dragging their heels and we all know they don’t like this deal. And even then, the age changes might not even come into effect. Might look at Canada instead
Not holding my breath anymore
Don’t you need to be 30 or under for Canada as well?
No it’s 35
Not relevant but the Australia-India FTA seemed to get implemented at warp speed compared to the UK one. Visa changes and all
Well, that’s positive for us! Hopefully we’ll get the immediate visa change too.
Report stage/ 3rd Reading of the Aus/NZ bill is the 12th of Dec. With the procurement act 3rd reading on the 13th in the House of Lords. This will enact and superseed this bill.
We might, just might. Get this done before Christmas should all be well.
Cheers Bradley.
If I understand correctly does that mean the Procurement Act getting passed in the HoL will also bring the Aus/NZ bill into effect?
“The Procurement Bill is expected to repeal the Trade (Australia and New Zealand) Bill as enacted, although retaining the changes this Bill introduces.”
I guess so?
Losing hope….I can’t find any info on getting a WHV in Canada for UK citizens, I end up on those visa agency things. You got any useful links for that?
Also, if anyone wants to add me on Facebook for a chat, you’re more than welcome to 🙂 I promise I’m not a weirdo
Does this mean anything?
Hi Dan
Sorry, I think the age limit for 35 is for Australian citizens. UK is 30
Thank you 🙂
Are you an Australian citizen then?
Yes I am an aussie desperately trying to get the UK (crazy right)
I turn 36 in August so hence why I’m so frustrated with the delays
Wanna trade places Losing Hope? We could do a straight swap of countries
Anecdotal, but this article suggests the FTA will start early next year… Been hearing that for months now
I wouldn’t trust anything the Express says. It’s a rag and basically just a rip off of the Daily Mail. However, I believe more reputable news sources have reported a similar thing.
Losing hope I really don’t know why you’re stressing about the UK! It’s an absolute *hitshow of a county.
I assumed you were trying to get to Australia. Honestly explore the Canada option!
Couldn’t agree with you more Karl. I actually thought you (Losing Hope) were trying to escape the UK…not come to it.
Economy is f**ked, housing market is, job market is horrendous, weather cant make its mind up, police are now woke and too afraid to do anything, stabbings in London left right and center, cant park anywhere for free except your own driveway. Did I miss anything out?
But I guess it’s one of those Grass is greener things?
Agree guys, I must be mad
Also I hear illegal immigration is rampant over there and the country is unrecognisable as a result
Try and convince me otherwise haha
Net migration is at an all time high which would imply there’s still many good reasons to go to the UK.
The UK isn’t unrecognisable, I recognised it just fine after five years out of the country. There were also crime waves before people started using the term “woke”.
I think you’ll have a good time there. Change your place change your luck as the saying goes.
Thanks Charles
I still plan to go. But cannot wait around forever for this to be enacted. So I have Canada as plan B
You’re welcome. It’s always good to have a plan B.
To be honest the only thing I noticed as being different in the UK is that some people and media outlets now more openly display their bigotry and lack of compassion. Which is a disappointing.
Oh, and you can get in trouble for holding up anti-royal signs which is both terrifying and hilarious.
Having said that it’s one of the biggest economies in the world, has a lot of nice people, a lot of diversity, it’s pretty high up freedom indexes (not counting the royal nonsense) and even has a few days of sun a year. So it’s not all bad.
I’m trying to read up on the Procurement Act and how it will enact and superseed the Aus/NZ bill. Have you got any links that would be useful? I think I’m probably looking in the wrong places. Thanks in advance.
Thanks for sharing
“It’s an exciting time to host Lord Ian Botham, the UK Prime Minister’s Trade Envoy to Australia. We have huge momentum with the UK-Australia Free Trade Agreement due to enter into force early next year and CPTPP negotiations progressing. If you are a British company looking to expand then come to Australia!”
I predict the deal will be ratified by the end of January and will enter into force 30 days after (end of Feb/beginning of March)
I’m 34 and already had one WHV in Australia and I leave home to start travelling South East Asia at the end of January and praying the visa changes happen before June 2023 and I can apply for my 2nd WHV while I’m travelling.
Does anyone know if I would be able to enter Australia on a tourist visa and apply for my 2nd WHV while in Australia? (Providing thebl changes have happened)
All the info about the second WHV can be found here:
75% of applications are processed in eight days or less so getting one from outside wouldn’t take very long if you were in a rush to get to Australia.
We might find it gets ratified even sooner than late January given the third reading of the Procurement Act is in a week.
Thank you Charles! I really hope so 🙂
You’re welcome. Me too!
Fingers crossed, Charles.
UK signed a trade deal with the US
As usual, the Australian FTA was scruitined
Hi, I got delayed getting to Aus because of COVID. I’m just about to turn 32 and made it here for my first year WHV (UK citizen). It looks like I’m too old to apply for the 2nd year, is this the case? If so I won’t stress finding the right work.
Hopefully the new 35 visa kicks in and I can switch over to that one, but guess no news on how that works yet?
Hi Hannah, for now yes you are over the age limit. But once the FTA enters into force you ll be able to renew (without working in eligible jobs). Cheers
This is a bit worrying to be honest. The India Australia FTA is starting December 29, but the visa changes won’t be done until 2 years
This gives me no hope for the UK australia FTA, it will still be a waiting game even if the deal gets done by the end of the year.
Something to keep in mind is that India doesn’t currently have a working holiday visa arrangement with Australia so implementing it would require training, new digital infrastructure for processing and possibly recruiting and hiring new people.
For the UK/Australia it requires changing a number in the system from 30 to 35 and no longer having to assess whether people have done 88 days of necessary work. So in theory it is much, much more simple. That doesn’t mean it will go through immediately but it will be a lot less hassle for both sides to implement.
Agree Charles, that is a very good point.
Australia and the UK already have a system in places for many years now.
If the work requirement wasn’t being removed at the same time it would just be changing 30 to 35 in the system like they’ve done for five countries previously.
From the response Bradely got from the British government it seems like the decision on when the age change happens is up to Australia. Australia needs more workers and people aged 30-35 are more likely to valuable skills. They lose some of the people doing the necessary work but also gain people with higher skill levels. From my point of view getting the age change done seems like a good idea. We’ll see what happens though.
As you’re an Australian citizen have you considered contacting the government and asking them if they have a timescale in mind for the visa changes once the FTA enters into force? The government works for you after all and the fact that people are asking might just get to ear of the right person.
To be honest I don’t know where to begin to ask. I will have a look into this though
The Trade Minister’s office is probably a good place to start also immigration. They may already know when it’s expected to happen.
Thanks for the quote and I think you’re right. I’m not an expert but from what I understand the Procurement Act gives the govt the power to change certain rules so as to meet the requirements of trade agreements. It’s effectively more powerful than the Aus/NZ Bill but will also retain the changes that bill makes.
So as soon as the Procurement Act is passed the UK govt can make the changes necessary to be able to ratify the FTA. It looks like the Procurement Act still has to go through the House of Commons though and I don’t know how long that will take.
Hi everyone, I contacted my local MP and asked him the question regarding if the visa changes will happen straight away or if we would be waiting for up to 2 years from EIF and his understanding was that the changes would happen quite quickly. Hopefully this will give us all the news we need once UK finish the ratification ☺️
Excellent news! I’m 36 in Feb 2024 so hopefully I can get 1 year (which would be wonderful)
Hopefully, like others have said we should know a bit more end of Dec / beginning of January?
I can’t remember if this was ‘in progress’ at the committee stage or the ‘report stage’…somethings changed on the page but I can’t work out what….
The committee stage has been completed but it was incorrectly marked as being in progress in the report stage, it looks like that was corrected. The report stage won’t be in progress until the 12th.
The report stage is followed immediately by the third reading and then it goes to the HoL. Given that they’re just about to pass something that supersedes the Aus/NZ Bill it might fly through if we’re lucky.
Jonny that is excellent! Thanks for taking the time to do that.
Who is your MP and did they give any indication of what “quite quickly” means?
Hi Charles, my local MP is Ian Levy and I asked him if they visas would change straight away and his words were “that would be my understanding”
It’s a positive thing if my MP doesn’t think there will be any delay to the visa changes, but again we just need to see it in black & white on the gov websites
Hey Jonny, that’s very encouraging. Thanks again for asking.
I also totally agree we need it in writing before we can believe it. The day the number next to British passports changes from 30 to 35 on the Australian immigration website I’ll be very happy.
When are you planning to go to Australia? I’m leaving UK and travelling Thailand and Vietnam at the end of January and going to just stay out there until the visa changes and head to Australia
I plan on going as soon as I’m able. So hopefully within a week or two of the age change happening. It sounds like we might be two of the first over-30s to arrive.
Haha let’s hope! Fingers crossed we hear some more news next week then
Very interesting page
Therefore, CANZUK International is calling on Australian and British residents to use our online contact form and get in touch with the Australian and British International Trade Ministers. The online form includes a pre-drafted email emphasizing the need for freer movement between the two nations under the Free Trade Agreement
Thanks for sharing 🙂
Guys, please fill in the template here and share to anyone you know wishing to move abroad. The more the better, we need this ratified quickly
I have just sent mine and will add it to Facebook groups! Let’s hope it works!!
Just sent mine as well. Also added in a sob story in the hopes that makes a difference ☺️
Thanks guys
I’ve submitted it as I agree with the principle. From what I understand from reading it though the letter isn’t intended to speed up the UK-Aus FTA entering into force but to show a desire for greater freedom of movement between the two countries.
Thanks Charles, agree. At this stage willing to try anything to get clarity on the situation and speed it up, and we know know we can email the trade ministers directly now through this mechanism. Cheers
The third reading of the Procurement Bill is currently underway in the HoL as is the report stage of the Trade (Aus/NZ) Bill in the HoC. So things are moving.
Fingers crossed Charles we get some clarification this week
I don’t think we’ll hear anything this week both bills still have to go through the other house and get royal assent. They might move quickly but I doubt there will be any announcements re an expected date of ratification. I’m inclined to believe the government will keep quiet until it’s done. I might be wrong though………
It’s becoming a joke how long this has taken. The Australian side got this done in a couple of weeks
This thread has been really helpful and I’ve kept up to date for over a year now – so thanks to everyone who’s posted. It’s given me hope knowing I’m not the only one waiting for this.
Updated today. Hopefully move to next stage soon.
Fingers crossed 🙂
Updated today:
Hopeful. Thanks for everyone who has posted over the year or so. I’ve kept up to date the whole time and it’s been helpful knowing I’m not alone in wanting this to go through.
The Trade (Australia and New Zealand) Bill has been passed by the House of Commons and has completed the first reading in the House of Lords.
Thanks Charles
Does parliament close for Xmas during UK? Hoping this gets done before then……
Yes losing hope, I believe it’s the 20th December to 9th Jan
House of Commons: 21st of December to 8th of January
House of Lords: 22nd of December to 8th of January
4 more working days to get this done otherwise a long wait til the new year
HoL haven’t had the second reading yet. It seems unlikely to get done before the new year.
I’ve just found this thread and I’ve found it really useful. Fingers crossed the age limit increases in the first half of next year..
Yes definitely ! Thanks guys for sharing !
Hence my username. This is dragging on
Hey Guys,
Big thanks to those of you posting updates and info, I’m another eagerly awaiting the age change and have been viewing this page often. In regards to the readings in the house of lords, do we know how many of those are required? The 2nd being scheduled for 9th Jan, do we think that is the final reading and final remaining stage of this process?
Thanks again to all of you, as Ellie said it’s comforting to know there are so many of us in the same position 🙂
Thanks all for sharing info on this page!
Well, I think there’s no need to lose hope as this will definitely get done. Just not before Christmas by the looks of it. If anything now is the time to have more hope than ever before.
Posted on the 9th. Might explain why things have jumped forward a bit this week:
“Mr Farrell is also heading to London over the weekend, and hopes that come Monday he will be watching the House of Commons finally ratify the Australia-UK FTA, which has been delayed by Britain’s extended bout of political turmoil.”
Thanks Charles
Just to clarify, house of commons stage is before house of Lords? How can the FTA be ratified at the house of common stage?
There are two bills currently tabled that will allow the British Govt to ratify the FTA when one of them is passed: The Trade Bill and the Procurement Bill. The former started in the HoC the latter in the HoL. Once a bill is passed by one house it has to then be passed by the other before getting royal assent.
The Trade Bill is the furthest along as it was passed in the HoC this week and is now going through the same process in the HoL.
Right I understand now.
Let’s hope it gets through on Monday
HOL second reading is booked for 9th January
Was hoping for before Xmas! Best case we’re looking at is probably Feb at this rate! Snails pace
Yep very disappointed
The second reading of the Procurement Bill in the HoC is also set for the 9th of January. Looks like the government decided they needed a nice long holiday before they did any more work on either of these bills haha.
I’m 31 and I’m in australia just now on a working holiday visa. Could I do my 88 days and apply for my second year?
Hi Daniel, which passport do you hold? If you are from UK the FTA has not entered into force yet… so you wont be able to apply for a second year until it is the case. Cheers
Some UK ministers have voted against the Australia FTA. Wonderful…
Losing hope – in the link you shared It says only one voted against it?
I agree, it is wonderful because this has had zero impact on the FTA.
First, he’s an MP which means he’s in the House of Commons. The HoC has already passed the Aus/NZ Trade Bill. So his vote against it did nothing.
Second, the UK cannot pull out of this deal now without becoming a pariah. They will cause serious damage to their negotiating power in any deals they are currently working on and any they may want in the future. Their opposites from potential trade partners will be able to come to every negotiation able to demand very favourable terms as they will be able say that the UK has a record of pulling out of deals and can’t be trusted.
This trade deal is happening. The only thing we need to be interested in now is when.
Well explained there Charles. It’s just the when we are all eagerly waiting for nkw
I don’t want to get anybody’s hopes up but it’s worth keeping in mind that the UK and Australia don’t actually need the FTA to enter into force for them to increase the age on the WHV. The Procurement and Trade bills are required to allow trade to be carried out under the terms of the FTA but the visa age increase is an additional component of the deal that doesn’t require any new legislation. Look at the increases for Italy and Denmark in July.
Just something to think and maybe contact your local politician about.
I didn’t know this! Is this why the visa age change could take a long time then?
Why wouldn’t they just change it once the deal goes through?
I don’t see this getting done anytime soon based on how everything else has been handled
I don’t know what you mean by soon. But within the next few months would seem to be realistic from my understanding of things.
Need it to get done ASAP. Been waiting since December last year
Looks like the final working day of 2022 yielded no results in the UK parliament
An arduous wait lies ahead
Hey, the 2nd readings for both bills are on 9th January.
The government’s have said they expect the deal to EIF in the first quarter of 2023 so by 31/03/23.
I’m leaving the UK in January and travelling around South East Asia and hoping the changes will be made while I’m travelling.
It’s frustrating we have to wait but fingers crossed over the next couple of months everything is finalised.
The government also said it would be done by July 2022 but alas it wasn’t. You have to take everything they say with a grain of salt
To be fair, it was in the media but nothing in the government websites stated July 2022 but I know what you mean, a lot of kicking the can!
I have just emailed and expressed strong urgency on the visa changes to happen. Worth putting it out there so they know people want it to happen asap
You’re right Jonny, it was the media (including this site) that was claiming July 2022. When you do a bit of digging you find they provided no evidence to support this and it was just speculation.
That’s a good idea. I’ll email them too.
UK government asleep at the wheel
Hope everyone had a good Christmas and if you’re like me, hope it’s the last one in the country you are in. 🙂
Merry Christmas Dan
Hopefully in the next few months we will all be able to apply for our visas and celebrate!
I actually just read an article in the guardian and Australia want to increase the age limit to 50 haha!?
Merry Christmas everyone.
I’ve included a link to that article. It looks like they’re getting through the the applications very fast at the moment which is good news for when the age increases.
When I see news like this it makes me question why they would wait up to 2 years to make the changes after EIF… Don’t want to get ahead of myself but this is a positive thing for us I hope
One positive article about the UK australia FTA
Thanks for sharing 🙂
I’m from Australia. That change of age to 50 won’t happen anytime soon (if at all). The tourism board has no voice in Australia. They cried during the harsh lockdowns here in Australia and still nothing was done. I wouldn’t get my hopes up.
Lets concentrate our efforts into the 35 age increase. That’s what’s important
I agree Jonny. I’m also optimistic it will happen soon after EIF.
We just need to stay positive and hope both governments agree that the visa changes happening fast are a good move on both parties. 🙂
An email someone (I think it was Bradley) received from the British government implied that the decision on the date of the changes was mostly up to Australia. Given how desperate they are for workers at the moment I’m expecting it to work in our favour.
I called the Australian immigration office yesterday. They couldn’t tell me much but did say that the visa changes will happen within two years of December 2021. I’m taking that as another good sign.
I got through to someone immediately. Should anyone else wish to call them to show more people are interested their numbers are:
In Australia
Phone: 131 881
Outside Australia
Phone: +61 2 6196 0196
I think I used extensions 1 then 3.
According to the website you can contact them “Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm your local time”. So anyone in the UK shouldn’t need to worry about time differences.
Thanks for calling them Charles! At least it gives us confidence the changes will happen in 2023.
I will try and give them a call as well and see if I get the same answer 🙂
Cool, thanks Jonny! I’m interested to hear what they tell you.
Everything is still “if” and “maybe”. This is really becoming farcical
I didn’t speak to a member of the government just someone who works in the deptartment of immigration call center. They couldn’t really tell me more than the information they were given.
As you’re in Australia maybe you could ask your local politician what’s going on. They might give some more clarity to the situation and it would be very helpful for us all to know what they say.
I’ve just trawled through all the bills currently tabled in the House of Lords and the first one they will be working on when they return from their holiday is the Trade Bill. I’m taking this as another positive sign. If there are no amendments made to the bill in the HoL it could go through much quicker than it did in the HoC.
Where I did my research:
Hi Charles,
I also noticed on the UK gov website the most recent update on 9/12/22 and quotes:
Once the FTAs take effect, businesses and citizens all around the UK can start to feel the benefits, including:
new rules making it easier for Brits to live, travel and work in Australia and New Zealand.
No mention of it being within 2 years etc,its%20own%20independent%20trade%20policy.
Interesting. I had a bit of a dig on the “Benefits of the FTA” page that links to and couldn’t find anything regarding the 417 visa. Hopefully it’s a good sign.
It’s also worth noting that some bills can go from Second Reading in the HoL to Royal Assent in less than a week. So that’s something else to remain optimistic about.
Definitely 🙂
I have a proposal for everyone:
The Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs is Andrew Giles. I propose that we all contact him asking something along the lines of:
“How long after the the UK-Australia FTA enters into force will the age increase to 35 for the Working Holiday visa (subclass 417) be made for British citizens?”
Maybe we should also mention that there are a lot of us keen to come and work in Australia. Given what Bradley learned from the British Government – that the visa changes will be at Australia’s discretion – Andrew Giles should have the most accurate information. It will also be good for him to realise that there are people out there who want these changes to happen ASAP. Never underestimate the power of a noisy minority!
So there you go. Tweet him, email him, call him and ask your friends and family to do the same. You never know, a little bit of effort on our part might make all the difference and have us all where we want to be in a month or two.
Electoral Office Telephone: +61 (03) 9497 9783
Parliament Office Telephone: +61 (02) 6277 7770
Done 🙂
Hey guys, does anyone know if on the new visas there is the same rule of only working for one employer for a maximum of 6 months? Or does this change?
I think I read there was no limit, but I could be wrong if someone want’s to correct me?
They have relaxed the rules until 30/06/2023 so depending when the new rules come into force will determine if this will apply to the new visa 🙂 hope this helps
To add to what Jonny said: From what I understand the two changes are the age increase and the removal of specified work for British citizens. However, it is possible for employers to apply for an exemption if they want to keep you for longer than six months.
So, as long as there’s no ammendments to things we could be looking at very early 2023 for the visa changes?
Not trying to get my hopes up but do you guys think things kind of looking promising?
Fingers crossed that’s what happens. I do think the next couple of months are going to be big for finding out more details and hopefully we get the good news we’re all hoping for.
Looking at what we know, I think the trade deal with enter into force by March 2023 but don’t quote me on this.
Let’s hope so aye Johnny… Fingers and toes crossed
I agree with Jonny. I think EIF will be sometime between January 9th and the end of March. Some non-emergency bills have gone from second reading in the HoL to Royal Assent on the same day so you never know.
This is the things now, it’s all going to depend on the time between the remaining stages.
Second reading we know is on 9th of January then hopefully the committee stage following shortly after.
The report stage and third reading are usually on the same day.
On other bills, do we know if the considerations for amendments and royal assent to be at the same time?
UK missed its deadline to close all FTA’s in 2022
Haha, that’s a bit misleading. From the article:
“Britain’s government is poised to miss its target to seal deals covering 80 per cent of its trade with the rest of the world by the end of 2022.”
“… instead the UK has so far only made deals covering just over 60 per cent of its global trade, according to government officials.”
With regard to the UK-Aus FTA we knew a couple of weeks ago that it wouldn’t be going through until 2023.
I’m just clinging on to hope now, as it’s all I’ve got.
I live with parents at 31 years old, I work a dead end job with no qualifications. Can’t afford to move out and live on my own on just over minimum wage. Credit rating absolutely ruined so will never get a mortgage in my lifetime.
My goal now is to get a WHV (hopefully 3) and pray, and I mean pray I can get sponsorship or the likes to get permanent residency there.
I hate my life at the moment and although Australia might not be for me, I’ll always be wondering what if should I choose not to at least try.
Australia is a great place to live. Weather, pay, lifestyle is amazing all year round
It’s very frustrating we have had to wait this long with no clear information of deadline in sight.
I am curious though Losing Hope, why do you want to come to the UK?
Just a sea change, I have lived here in Australia my whole life and am bored now. Other than that Australia in my opinion is a much better place to live, the pay is much higher, weather is better etc
I tried to make a bigger post about this but it’s still awaiting moderation for some reason:
The Australian Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs is Andrew Giles. I suggest we all contact him regarding when the age change will happen. The more people he hears from the more it will be in his mind.
It’s the Working Holiday Visa (subclass 417) we’re asking about for anyone unsure.
He is also on Twitter
OK email sent
Thanks Charles. I have sent an email to him also.
Review published February!! Let’s get some movement by then!
Definitely looks like it could be promising for the visa changes to happen fairly quickly if Australia are crying out for workers! Fingers crossed!!
My best friend went to Australia on 6th November 22, took 2 weeks holiday. In the meantime he applied for 9 jobs I think and had interview offers for 8 of them before taking the one he wanted within a few days.
He’s on really good money.
He just says it’s completely different over there compared to the UK.
Australia is awash with with jobs right now, and the pay is very high.
I hope this deal enters into force very soon, and that you all find work and happiness!
What kind of work is your friend doing, Dan?
Great to hear this kind of news!! Haha
I have done my 1st working holiday in Australia already and getting a job was so easy!
This is great news to hear work is available and I can’t wait to get there! I’m staying positive with the visas and hopefully by next month we will know what’s happening!
Losing Hope: I hope so too! 🙂
Jonny: Are you from the UK? How did you find Australia, is it as nice as people say? Also, my friend is a warehouse supervisor and on about $70k, now I’m a supervisor in a supermarket and on nowhere near aS much as that 🙁
Yeah I’m from UK, Newcastle upon Tyne
I absolutely loved Australia, so laid back and it’s got everything anyone would need!
I did my farm work and I loved the experience! Got to meet so many different people from all over the world and I was making about $1500 per week & considering you can’t spend your money in the outback I was able to save plenty!
When are you thinking of heading over?
Ah cool. Don’t think I’ve heard of anyone anywhere that’s had a bad experience of working in Australia!
Pretty much as soon as the visa age changes, I’m applying for the visa. So hopefully that won’t take too long to be granted then I’ll try and book flights out ASAP.
I want to get the 1st one applied for soon as so I don’t leave it too late to get my 3rd one before I turn 36 if that makes sense.
My friend said if I look for work close to where he is, I could possibly stay in his and his wife’s spare room if I struggle to get sorted myself. I’d rather do it on my own for the experience, but it’s good to know I won’t be totally homeless
Australia pays exceedingly well
I don’t know too many people here who are poor or broke. Everyone has a very high standard of living
From what I’ve seen, the jobs over there pay over twice what they do here. Even basic shop work is more money there than here!
This is all sounding very positive!
Just a reminder to contact Andrew Giles and ask him when the age change will happen for anyone who hasn’t already. He should be back in the office today.
Thanks to everyone who already has. Never underestimate the power of a noisy minority to make a change!
Thanks Charles, as usual 🙂
This is all sounding very positive!
Just a reminder to contact Andrew Giles and ask him when the age change will happen for anyone who hasn’t already. He should be back in the office today.
Thanks to everyone who already has. Never underestimate the power of a noisy minority to make a change!
A link to his contact details can be found in my previous post.
Hopefully we get a reply from him with some positive info!! 🙂
Hi everyone,
I have just seen a screenshot of an email that someone posted on Facebook and it’s a reply from the Australian department of foreign affairs advising the changes will happen within 2 years of EIF and said they expect the changes to become live between Q3 2023 and Q1 2025.
I’m not sure what to think of this because surely the FTA will be in force before Q3 2023?
Not the best news but I’m not sure if this department just take orders from the Government? So, maybe they just don’t know much more than we do?
Still haven’t received any response yet from the immigration minister.
Jonny, that’s horrible news if true.
Looks like I need to be making alternative arrangements
Yeah it’s not what I want to hear either however, it wasn’t a definite just what they expect.
The page is Australia backpacker’s info
I think it’s both governments that will make the decision and the last thing was they expected the deal to enter into force by Spring so that’s the end of Q1 so not sure why they are saying Q3 :/
Also, what Facebook page are you looking at with such information?
There was a commentator on here before who contacted a UK minister and said that once the deal entered into force the visa age changes would happen quickly. There’s so much misinformation with this, it’s so hard to plan your life. This is become a joke.
Yeah that was me I contacted my local MP and that’s what he said.
This is why I think it’s best we just wait for an official announcement as there is a lot of conflicting information out there.
Fingers crossed we hear something worth getting excited about soon.
No worries, Jonny
We should get a clearer picture by the end of January as to what will happen.
Barring anything totally unexpected the FTA will enter into force in Q1 2023. The only step remaining is for the Trade Bill to get passed by the House of Lords and get Royal Assent. Given the time other bills have taken from second reading to Royal Assent this could be anytime between mid-January and mid-March. Even if it were to take as long as the slowest bills passed last year (which I think is unlikely) it would still be passed in Q2. I don’t think the issue is when the FTA goes through but when the governments decide to implement the visa changes.
Jonny, was that email from the Dept of Foreign Affairs sent recently?
Yeah I agree, the big question is when does both governments want to actually implement the visa changes.
I’m hoping behind closed doors they have already decided they will make the changes quick.
Yeah, looking at the screenshot the email was sent a couple of days ago. :/
Extremely disappointing news if true.
Looks like I’ll have to apply for the Ireland or Canada WHV in the next couple of weeks.
Surely the fta for 2025 is more to do with the deal with the meat trade as that’s gonna take a while to come into affect and plan ?
Wouldn’t of thought they would change the 35 cap within the year as they’ve done that with other countries so can’t see that being an issue.
The 3 years without farm work work is the issue I’m worrying about as I will have to farm for 3 months then hope deal comes in time for the 3rd year.
Everything’s hearsay until it official so let’s hope we get the news in a week or two.
I agree Lee, the issue is probably scrapping the farm work whilst the agriculture sector is crying out for backpackers. However, they have introduced other countries in the WHM scheme so I’m hoping this should fill the gap a bit.
We all need to just wait and see what both governments officially announce when the FTA comes into force I guess. Fingers crossed
First comments for this age change were July 2020. It is now Jan 2023 and this still hasn’t been changed yet. I think everyone needs to plan for the eventuality that this won’t come into effect until 2025. It’s becoming a farce.
I always think of the worst so anything better is a bonus – I am trying to stay hopeful that the age change will come into effect soon. Like you say, it was pretty much first discussed in 2020 so they may think to themselves that it’s been long enough now so lets just change it now.
Thinking of changing my name to ‘Clinging on to hope’ lol.
Always have a plan b and c
Nothing helpful but they want to raise the age to 50
Hi everyone,
I have emailed my Local MP again to ask for some kind of inside information haha.
The last time I emailed him he advised once the FTA was in force we would be able to go by the new visa rules and his understanding was the changes would be made straight away, however what we are reading online is conflicted what he said.
I have asked the direct question of why would either government delay making the changes happen straight away.
Also, I have asked if there is an specific dates being talked about regarding when they want to make the changes.
Let’s see what comes back.
Unfortunately, being a UK citizen, I can only find that Australia will be the only country I could get a WHV (once the age change happens) in.
According to a table of visa ages, all other countries require you to be 30 or under, if you are UK citizen that is.
Great idea. Thanks. Between your local MP and the Aussie Minister for Immigration we will hopefully get some clarification. If your MP doesn’t know for sure maybe he can direct you to someone who might or ask them himself.
They both should be back at work on Monday.
Has this guy written his blog incorrectly? It says in the first part that the age for UK citizens has already gone up!? This is wrong surely?
Yes, it’s wrong. Newspapers and blogs have been incorrectly reporting this for more than a year. It’s frustrating as it takes a couple of minutes to go to the link below and confirm it.
I completed a 1-year 417 WHV back in 2013 then left Australia and only returned as a tourist.
I am 33 now and hoping to apply again when the age limit changes.
Does anyone know if having already had a WHV in the past affects applying for 2nd under the new regulations proposed?
Thanks in advance if anyone knows.
Hi Marc, no it wont be an issue and you will be able to apply for a second year (even if you didnt do the regional work). Cheers
Well, I thought I’d missed something there…I thought it had gone through and was confirmed. I almost cried thinking I could apply for my visa last night lol
We can all keep a close eye on the process of the trade bill going through the house of lords and loyal accent on this link.
The 2nd reading stage is tomorrow so fingers crossed it quickly moves onto the next stage after tomorrow. 🙂
Previously left a comment but I can’t see it now, apologies if it comes up twice.
I stayed in Australia on a 1-year WHV back in 2013. I am 33 now and plan to apply again when the age limit changes.
Does anyone know if having previously held a WHV will have an affect on my application under the newly proposed regulations?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Marc, replied to your other comment. Cheers
I have created this petition for the changes to happen on EIF. Anyone in the UK needs to sign it so we can be heard!!
Actually, I need 5 Signatures then they will update me and request another 21 signatures before sharing it more widely…
I will let you all know when to start signing haha
Just done it for you Jonny 🙂
I’ll sign it when you get it up
At this stage I’m not putting too much mental energy anymore into this visa situation, it’s better to just have no expectations and move on with my life as I’ve invested so much time into it for the last couple years.
Keep your head up mate! We are all due some luck.
Great idea Jonny. I’ll be signing and asking all my friends and family to do the same. When do we need to start?
Will you be posting it one the Facebook page where you saw the foreign affairs email too?
This is where I’m at with it…
“5 people have supported your petition so far. We’re checking your petition to make sure it meets the petition standards. If it does, we’ll publish it. This usually takes a week or less.
Once your petition has 21 signatures it won’t be able to add more until it’s been checked. So, please wait until it’s been checked and published before sharing it with lots more people.”
Just need to wait for it to be published so as soon as they email me I will let you all know when to sign
Charles – yeah I’m going to share it on all the Australia pages I can find. One of them have 239k followers so hopefully will get plenty signatures from this.
It’s worth a shot
Definitely worth a shot!
Cool, I’ll wait to hear from you when I can sign.
The second reading in the HoL is today. Let’s hope they have no amendments.
What’s the odds by the end of today the reading never happens? Based on how everything has been handled by the UK government, its possible
Yeah I have my fingers crossed they schedule the committee stage asap!
Losing hope – it’s definitely happening as it’s on the house of lords timetable for today. 🙂
Watched part of the live feed today while they was going back and forth they mentioned that the committee stage and 3rd reading would be done over the next few weeks
If that’s the case it’s looking like a March entry into force then.
Just want some info on the visas haha
Why do things in the UK take so long? The Australian side of the deal was ratified over 2 weeks.
I agree. If the third reading is a few weeks away we’re looking at late Feb early March for it to be passed and EIF a month later. Both sides can agree to EIF sooner so there’s a possibility it could happen immediately after receiving Royal Assent. They don’t exactly need extra time to prepare for it, it’s not like it will have happened suddenly .
The Australian side got handled in 2 weeks. UK government dropping the ball as usual.
Losing hope, while I was watching they kept on mentioning how Australia have had a such a good deal and the U.K. haven’t and how the meat market especially is going to hurt local farmers and carbon footprint a lot of them wasn’t happy. So I think this is why it’s took so long and even watching the live feed could tell they was dragging their feet on it.
You can watch it via Twitter or Facebook page, but again didn’t really mention anything mainly the meat produce. But like I said they’re looking to get it sorted in the next few weeks. It seems. One mentioned that they hope to get 2/3 of the deals done in the first quarter of the deal. (USA,China,Australia/New Zealand)
One of the lords did mention the visa briefly and he said it’s a great thing and they hope to increase the ages with other countries when negotiating trade deals.
No info on when it will happen but at least they are very positive about it
That is positive. Did you catch their name by any chance? Given that now is the time the lords will be making amendments to the bill it might be worth trying to contact them. I’m not sure if this bill covers the WHV (I doubt it) but if we can get the ear of one person who already views it positively it could make some difference. They’re in the government talking to people very day after all.
Australia definitely did not get it done in two weeks.
The bill was first tabled in February 2022 in Australia and didn’t get passed until November 16. It took the Australian JSCOT two and a half months alone to process it. The first reading of the bill in the UK was May 2022.
Both governments have taken their time with this.
Committee stage is on 23rd January 🙂 looks to be moving a lot fast than it did in the HoC
Hopefully it will move quickly onto the next stages after that…and we will FINALLY get an answer….hopefully!
Well after committee will be the report stage and 3rd reading at the same time then to Royal assent and into law nearly there
This is all looking good. Committee stage is coming much faster than average for non-emergency bills.
With regard to us getting an answer:
I called the office of Andrew Giles (the Immigration Minister) today. The person that answered wasn’t able to give me any information other than what is already online. When I asked if he is able to make any decisions regarding when the age change happens they responded “I’m not able to answer that”.
Now is the time to start making some noise. If they get more calls regarding the age change for Brits it should get pushed up the chain. So if you can I’d encourage everybody to give the office a call and ask when it will happen. The previous immigration minister was first to announce the age change for Italians and Danes so this is where the announcement regarding ours should come from.
Andrew Giles Office: +61 (03) 9497 9783
10pm UK is 9am in Melbourne where his office is located.
2 weeks after a reading is considered “much faster”?
There are still multiple stages remaining until final sign off.
It’s withing the normal time frame and not delayed.
Also, the next two stages happen at the same time (report stage and 3rd reading)
Then it’s royal assent.. so we aren’t far away now 🙂
Committee Stage can last up to a week and then Report Stage occurs once again, 2 weeks after that! I think a reasonable time frame would be for this bill to be done by end of Feb/ early March best case scenario.
Will have to wait and see though however, as this thing has taken its time!!
I think as we’ve been waiting so long for this, even a few weeks is seen as a long time.
I’m optimistic we will be hearing some good news by March. Still a bit of time away yet but at least it’s getting somewhere now In my opinion.
An ideal outcome would be they flick the visa switch to 35 at 01/03/23. But seeing as how this has been handled and all the waiting and misinformation, it would be just my luck that its 2025 instead.
This might be good news for us. It looks like the new Australia/India visa changes are happening around March time however, until now they also said it would be within 2 years.
If they are changing it that fast from EIF hopefully it will be the same for us.
Sorry, ignore me. This is UK and India they are talking about.
My petition has been published guys!
You need to be a UK Citizen to sign so if we can all share the link below and push to get as many signed as possible! 🙂
Just this minute signed it Johnny
Cheers Dan 🙂 try and get any friends and family members to sign it as well 🙂
We have 17/100,000 signatures so far haha
Thanks Jonny, appreciate you doing this. Unfortunately I’m in Australia and cannot sign, but hoping it gathers momentum.
No worries at all, anything to try and help get what we all want haha.
I’ve viewed the petition on the map and noticed there are a few signatures near me. Gwent, Ogmore and Caerphilly. I’m in the Vale of Glamorgan. Just wondered if it’s anyone on here? Would be good to connect.
I hate to bring down any optimism within this group but I also ended up contacting the Australian department of foreign affairs and trade and they also confirmed in writing that the age changes would happen sometime between Q3 2023 and Q1 2025.
So it appears it is not as simple as just ‘changing the ages over to 35’
Can you copy and paste the email here? It would be interesting to see the wording.
With regard to the age change: it’s just changing the number from 30 to 35 in the system at the same time as the partner country. It’s been done five times already. The likely cause of the delay is the removal of the specified work requirement as there was discussion in the Australian government during Q1-Q2 2022 about the need to research its potential impact before implementation.
Dear _______
Thank you for your correspondence of 3 January 2023 to the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship,
and Multicultural Affairs, the Hon Andrew Giles MP, concerning the implementation of the
changes to the Australia’s Working Holiday Maker (WHM) visa under the Australia-United
Kingdom Free Trade Agreement (A-UKFTA). Your enquiry was referred to the Department of
Foreign Affairs and Trade for response.
The A-UKFTA will enter into force (EIF) after the completion of domestic legal and parliamentary
processes by both Australia and the United Kingdom (UK). Australia passed the necessary
legislation in November 2022. The timing for passing legislation in the UK is dependent on the UK
Parliament and we hope this will occur as early as possibly in 2023.
Once both Australia and the UK have completed their internal processes, we (Australia and the
UK) then exchange notifications and the A-UKFTA will then EIF 30 days later (or another mutually
agreed date).
The changes to WHM visa will commence within two years of EIF. Therefore, we expect that the
changes will be in place ona date between Q3 2023 and Q1 2025. For further information on the
changes to the WHM, please visit the Department of Home Affairs website:
| trust this information is of assistance.
Yours sincerely
Edwina Stevens
Assistant Secretary, FTA Services Branch
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Again seems like a generic reply and doesn’t really state if it will or not. Best thing is just waiting till it’s finalised. I can’t see why they wouldn’t change the age range as they need more people.
May be generic but if those dates hold any weight, then we are f’**d
It does seem like a generic reply. Saying something without saying anything really.
Before anyone panics though; Q3 2023 is June this year. Four and a half months away and the same amount of time as from the start of September until now.
EIF will most likely be very late Q1 or early Q2 2023 so changing the age three months after EIF probably seems pretty quick to both governments.
Most importantly, I find this quite revealing; “we expect that the changes will be in place ona date between Q3 2023 and Q1 2025″. It’s their expectation, they didn’t say”It will happen between these dates”. So seems like they don’t have any concrete info yet either. Just like the Danish and Italian changes this could come out of the blue.
I really hope it’s not in 2 years. Not sure what other country I could go to at this age
Dan, you don’t just have to hope. You can contact your local MP to ask when it will change and express your desire for it be immediate. You can also contact the UK’s immigration minister.
The petition is a great but it requires 100,000 signatures before all the MPs become aware of it. You can make one aware of the situation this week. I don’t live in the UK but have asked my family to contact theirs on my behalf.
I will contact my local MP tomorrow.
Been looking online to see if anyone is sponsoring jobs….I’m desperate but don’t know how it all works so gave up haha.
Great! I look forward to hearing what they say.
Sponsorship is a bit of a nightmare. Not impossible if you have a degree or trade but the easiest route is by going in on the WHV and then getting sponsored by a company in Australia (normally one you’ve already been working for). From what I understand at least.
I have a degree and over 10 years of experience in finance, and I’m still finding it near impossible for any employer to sponsor me on a tier 2 visa in the UK.
Australia isn’t much better to be honest. It’s not impossible but it’s definitely not easy
Australian minister flying out to hurry the deal along…
UK taking their sweet f’n time
The deal will be done pretty soon and the UK’s bill passing process is not something we can have any impact on at this time.
From now on I’m going to be focusing my energy on trying to get the age change done ASAP as that’s something we might be able to change .
I’m sure this has been mentioned before, but what would be the reason once the deal is ratified/in place etc they wont just change the visa age limit there and then?
There’s myriad reasons they wouldn’t immediately change the age; not feeling any need to rush or governments/civil services just moving slowly is a good example.
I can only think of one reason where they might be in a position where they couldn’t immediately change it though: During the discussion around the FTA in Australia it was mentioned that the removal of specified work should be investigated to establish its impact before implementing it. However, there are two things I’m not clear on:
1. Whether this is binding and must be carried out or is just a recommendation.
2. Whether the age change and removal of specified work are coupled and must be changed at the same time or can be done separately.
So there’s potential for delays coming from the Australian side but I’m not 100% certain. There’s probably someone on here better informed on this aspect of the deal than me so hopefully they can fill in the blanks.
Seems like other countries agreements making progress except the Australia-UK agreement
That isn’t true.
The Second Reading took place on the 9th of January and the Committee Stage is set for the 23rd of January. Both the House of Commons and House of Lords have carried out every stage of the bill on the day it was scheduled so far.
Agriculture Minister Murray Watt has jetted to London as part of a government push to inject a sense of urgency into Britain’s ponderous passage of the Australia-UK free trade agreement.
That just says that progress is slow not that progress isn’t happening. Remember that “slow” is subjective, it’s slow for us and the Australian government (now that they’ve passed their side) because we want it ASAP. Keep in mind too that the UK government has so far only taken eight months since starting proceedings on this bill, Australia took nine.
It’s unrealistic to expect there to be any announcements in between stages. This is because between stages no work is being done on the bill or the what is isn’t ready for release. You can keep up to date with the process in the link in my previous post.
For anyone who may be getting concerned by negative posts:
The UK government are working on passing the bill needed to bring the FTA into force. There are a total of five stages left until the bill is passed and some of the stages often happen on the same day. The next stage is scheduled for the 23rd of this month.
It’s apparent that the UK government have been dragging their heels tremendously on this deal.
The political turmoil hasn’t helped either with the changing of 3 heads of government in the space of months
I’m literally leaving the UK on Sunday to start backpacking through South East Asia for several months so I’m hoping we get some news while I’m there otherwise I’ll be getting a tourist visa and just visiting Australia..
Good luck Jonny!
Asia is an amazing place and you’ll have a great time!
Fingers crossed everything works out!
Cheers Bradley! I’ll keep in contact on here while I’m away as I will be keeping an eye on any updates!
Let’s all hope for some good news by March when the FTA comes into force
Best of luck Jonny. Have a great time and thanks again for setting up the petition.
Thanks Charles! Thanks for all your input.
Let’s hope we all get to Australia soon enough and can all meet for a beer haha
Have a good time Jonny, I will be doing south east Asia for 3 months and will love some recommendations. Have a good time!
Cheers Lee! When are you doing it Lee?
I’m going to open a YouTube channel to be fair if you guys want to follow it haha (I’ll post the link once I have got it going)
Not till September! Going to 3 months then east coast for a month then either work or farm work depending on what happens as I’m 31 in august! I’m just over thinking that there’s going to be loads of younger people and I will stick out like a sore thumb while travelling haha!
And yes send it over.
Pretty good article, we aren’t just the only ones waiting for the visa changes with keenness
‘Ms Hiri said she knew of UK shearers and shedhands who wanted to come to Australia but could not because they were older than 30 years.
“There are a few of them that want to come over, but can’t, because of their age and they’re unsure how to apply for a visa.”
I have upmost faith in the Australian minister and him pressuring the UK government to get this through urgently. Its dragged on for far too long
This is the kind of thing we need! Sectors crying out for the changes, not just us backpackers!
Hopefully it will be heard by the government on both side and ensure the changes happen this year! Fingers crossed
Or if they are concerned about the impact it may have on the farming side of by removing the farm work, why not lower the amount of farm work needed.
If there are so many of us wanting to go then it wouldn’t be that bad in my opinion haha
I think they’d be more likely to change the age but keep the specified work. Which would be fine by me; it’s not all farm work and it’s only for three months.
See I need both changed as I have already been on my first year visa but lost proof of the farm work 🙁
Have you asked the station you worked on or Australian tax office if they have a record of it?
Can they go against making the change around farm work or ‘specified work’? Having made the initial announcement that it would be removed?
It’s part of the FTA so I don’t think so. Unless there’s some provision that would allow them not to – like the negative impact on industry being too great. You’d need to read the FTA to be sure though.
I’m in a similar situation as Jonny.
Already completed my first year, without doing Farm Work.
Me and my partner spent 9 months in North Queensland in Hospo and would have qualified for second year under these current conditions!
We would love to go back to the place we worked and complete the 88 days but cannot, and we would stay longer we had such a great time!
Brief mention of the visa here
Today’s proceedings
Lee, Jonny and Bradley
This is what I’ve found re the removal of specified work:
“The UK and Australia have agreed commitments that will result in unprecedented changes to existing Youth Mobility Schemes. These changes include making them available to nationals no older than 35 for a total stay of up to three years, without having to undertake specified work including regional work, for example on a farm. The change will be introduced within two years after entry into force to monitor any impact on the agriculture sector and ensure alternative workforce opportunities are in place.”
I find the wording pretty confusing. Are they going to introduce the changes and then monitor it? Or wait to introduce the changes and monitor things in the meantime? Also they refer to the “changes” – age and specified work – and then “change” – specified work only. So are they going to be made separately or together?
Yeah I have read this and I think it will all happen at the same time but the date won’t be confirmed until the FTA is in force.
Australia is crying out for skilled and unskilled workers so hopefully behind closed doors they are planning on making the changes happen fast to help tackle the work shortage.
The “within 2 years” timeframe has been set like this since they originally announced the changes so hopefully since then they have a decision to announce:)
Thanks again for the update! It again it seems like they dangle the carrot stick in front of you but not telling you exactly when or what exactly is happening, I don’t think they even know until the bill has been completed, but I guess it’s got to come from Australia also.
Anyone know when they next stage will be completed or Scheduled for ?
Think it’s also true once it’s complete we have to wait a month also after that ?
The date for the report stage hasn’t been set yet but expect it to be announced in the next few days. The report stage and third reading normally happen on the same day so there’s just that, a day bouncing between HoC and HoL for the amendments to be approved and then royal assent.
The FTA states that it will enter into force one month after both sides have made the necessary changes to their laws unless otherwise agreed upon. So they could agree that it will EIF the day after royal assent, we just don’t know yet. I would assume it will be a month after though and be pleasantly surprised if not haha.
Let’s hope it’s not another arduous 2 week wait
Committee Stage can last up to a week in HOL.
So don’t expect any update until that unfortunately.
Some Labour Lord (shock) has come with a load of amendments to the bill, so have to see how it plays out.
I had the amendment count (including joint amendments) at Labour 28, Lib Dems 7, Tories 3.
A lot of the Labour lord’s amendments are impact assessments that take place after EIF, others were small changes to wording. The impact assessments relate to things like climate change, labour rights and the NHS.
For example:
“Within one year of the passing of this Act, the Secretary of State must publish—
(a) a review of the lessons learned from the negotiation of the procurement
I was surprised the Tory Lords didn’t want investigation into the impact on British farmers. They must have been too busy selling faulty PPE or something……………….
Fingers crossed it doesn’t hold up play too much, as we know HOL can play funny buggers sometimes!
Yeah, hopefully this stage will go quickly.
Taking the opportunity to make these amendments makes sense if I’m being honest. The FTA might benefit me personally but there’s not a lot of good evidence that it will benefit the majority of British people. Wanting assessments of it’s impact that can inform future trade deals seems reasonable.
These amendments should have been put in place in the HOC.
People in the HOL have agendas and know they can stall things. These “assessments” are just one way of doing that.
They know as soon as this deal is in place Brexit is complete and there will be no going back. Some people in some quarters don’t want that.
The report stage is said to usually be 2 weeks after committee stage but doesn’t usually take as long as it does in HOC.
To be fair, we are at the report stage/third reading already this month.
It’s going light speed compared to when it was in HOC.
Fingers crossed guys!!
Committee stage complete!!
Hopefully report stage date soon!
Mentions at the bottom of this article, New Zealand visa changes may happen before the end of this year….. Surely Australia will see this as competition?
From the NZ immigration site:
“Both sides are committed to the improved scheme being in place no later than 2024.”
So does this mean both age range and no farming for 3 years before the end of the year ?
I wouldn’t trust any site as gospel at the moment, until its officially announced
There’s no mention of specified work just that you can currently only work for one year but that will be extended to three under the new scheme.
All quiet on the progress of the FTA since the 23rd. Nothing I can find anywhere
As Jonny said it could take up to two weeks so I’d wait till end of next week.
Ridiculous time frame
Just a reminder: the Australian Joint Standing Committee on Treatise (JSCOT) started their review of the FTA in March 2022 and took so long that it wasn’t completed before the election which the then-government decided to hold before completing their side of the deal for some reason. The new government then didn’t convene a new JSCOT until July 2022 after which they promptly went on holiday. They also took another two week holiday during a scheduled two week sitting period for the JSCOT because the Queen died and then finally got around to issuing their report in November.
I’m not saying this to defend either side, it feels like they’ve both taken a long time to get this deal finished. I think it feel that way because I’m waiting for something that will personally benefit me though. They’ve both passed other bills that have taken similar, equally long, amounts of time in the last year and I haven’t felt remotely frustrated by it. This deal is very close to EIF now, all we have to do is wait a little bit longer.
There generally aren’t announcements between one stage and the next. They carry out a stage and then there is silence until the date of the next is announced. Anything relevant to the bill itself won’t be reported until the stage is complete.
For anyone interested in New Zealand:
They passed their United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement Legislation Bill in mid-November 2022 so the UK-NZ trade deal should enter into force within a month of the UK passing the Trade Bill too.
Looks like we’re going to have double the visa options!
That’s good news! I mean I’ll get a visa in either Australia or New Zealand, whichever comes first haha
Good for you British, but I’d advise against going to New Zealand. There’s a reason why there’s over 1m new Zealanders in Australia, the job situation overall over there is very weak
Thanks for the advice but it looks like NZ has a labour shortage too.
I am in the same boat waiting for the age to increase. I see NZ will be “no later than 2024” – does anyone know if you’ve already had a year visa for NZ then you will be able to go back for the remaining 2? I know Aus are implementing this but can’t see it anywhere for NZ. Just trying to get options.
Hi Emma, yes age limit should definitely increase by 2024 for NZ. No more details regarding the agreement itself… it is quite logic to think it will follow the same path as Australia…
Here’s a quote from one of the members of HoL from the Committee Stage on Jan 23rd:
“We can see the timing a little more readily now: all being well, we should complete the passage of this Bill and I hope it might reach Royal Assent if not by the end of February then certainly very early in March.”
This obviously isn’t a guarantee but might give some idea of what to expect.
Also that link you posted, care to post a TL:DR version? I doubt anyone is going to read through that
It’s a constant guessing game as to what the UK government will do
Lots of ‘ifs’ and no concrete dates. Same as what the last 2 years have served up since the announcement of this age change
I had to leave NZ after a month in 2020 so I hope they will me apply again for the remaining 2 years if their changes come into force before Australias.
There isn’t really a TL:DR version I’m afraid. But it was said during a discussion about an amendment. Best thing is to Ctrl+F part of it if you want more context. It was fairly early on in the meeting.
Charles, the paragraph after the one you quoted says July/August/September:
The Procurement Bill in the other place still has a substantial amount of work to be done, and doubtless it will return here with amendments. That being the case, I suspect it would be rash to assume that it would pass before late May at the earliest, especially since the Session is to run longer. The Procurement Bill brings its provisions into force two months after the Bill itself is enacted, so in my view we could be in July at the earliest, and maybe in August or September, before the relevant provisions and the repeal take effect.
It should still take a few months (hopefully by July)
There hasn’t been official confirmation from the UK Parliament regarding the following (at least none I’ve found) but here is some encouraging quotes from the Aussie agriculture minister:
“I met with the House of Lords committee that was considering the legislation that underpins the UK Free Trade Agreement while I was in London.”
“And since I’ve returned that committee has actually passed and recommended the support of the legislation without amendments.”
“So it’s through the committee stage. It now has to go back to the House of Lords for its third reading.”
So does this mean there were no ammendments our side?
If so, does that mean the consideration of ammendments phase will be tricked off immediately once it reaches that stage?
Or have I got the wrong end of the stick completely lol?
Based on how everything has been handled from the UK government, it will be a long while before we hear anything and kept in the dark
If what was said is true then yes and if not; consideration of amendments normally only takes a day anyway. Report stage and 3rd reading are usually on the same day but in some cases report stage can go for a few days. A lack of amendments should keep it short though.
I’d expect a date to be set for the report stage this week. Let’s see what happens 🙂
Hi guys, I have been following this forum for quite a while hoping to gather some insight into when the visa age will be lifted. I am 32 years old and live in Sydney, but really want to move to London with my friend who already lives there (she has dual citizenship). It feels a little hopeless just waiting around for this age thing to take place. I am aware other countries like France and Ireland already have this visa age in place, but I don’t want to live somewhere that I don’t know anybody.
Does anyone know if theres any other possible visa I could apply for in order to live and work in the UK. From what I can see, it is very difficult to work over there unless you have prior work lined up.
Thanks in advance!
Hi Steph, yes seems quite difficult indeed. We have no news so far regarding the FTA… which is quite annoying for everyone.
Still radio silence from the UK government and media on this FTA.
Maybe it has been put on the back burner, again.
I dunno, I like to think that seeing as how quickly its moved through the different stages we are going to be pleasantly surprised. I think all of a sudden its going to pass and come into force sooner than we expect.
Or am I just being too optimistic ?
Hope is the only thing I’m holding on to at the moment. My mate whose in Brisbane said its a shame I cant go now as he has a job opening where he works. Seeing as he’s in charge of hiring, I could just walk straight into it.
You’re right to be optimistic Dan; the Trade Bill is very close to being passed. The HoL acknowledged that even with the Procurement Bill superseding it the Trade Bill is still needed to allow the FTA to start as soon as possible.
A big issue with this has been that Australia took sooooo long to take care of their side. As the FTA overwhelmingly benefits the Australian economy the onus was on them to bring the necessary laws into force and they just dropped the ball over and over. The old government holding elections before their JSCOT could publish its report, the new government not forming a new JSCOT for TWO MONTHS after coming into power then immediately going on holiday and two months later shutting down again during a JSCOT sitting period are all examples.
If you look at the UK parliament timings they started work on the Trade Bill shortly after Australia and then just paused it until Australia had finished mucking around. There was just no incentive for the UK to rush as their counterparts weren’t in a hurry to facilitate billions of additional trade for themselves.
None of this really matters now though. It’s very close to getting passed and we’ll hopefully have more info about visas soon 🙂
So the political turmoil in the UK had nothing to do with the delays..? Lol
I initially thought that it did too but if you look at the timings that just doesn’t seem to be the case. In fact, they restarted work on the Trade Bill during the latter half of the political turmoil. The UK govt essentially put the process on hold for four months from May to September while they presumably waited for Australia to show some indication that they wanted the deal to go through.
I was incorrect in my previous comment though: I said that the UK govt waited for Australia to stop delaying before they restarted work on the bill. However, it actually seems like they got tired of waiting and and took the initiative to start the process without any indication Australia was making effort to pass their side. If you look at the time from second reading in HoC until now in HoL the UK’s time frame has been five months which is comparable with New Zealand.
As Dan said: It’s quickly moved through the stages in UK parliament.
You can argue all you like
The facts are that Australia is the only country keen to push through this FTA and the UK is the one holding up the show, with no clear end in sight. Even Australian diplomats have flown over to speed up the process.
I wasn’t arguing :). It’s all good, we want the same thing here.
I was just pointing out that Australia made at least four major blunders that significantly held up the process and would have disincentivised the UK from rushing their side 🙁
Well, the ministers didn’t travel specifically for that. They were traveling for EU trade talks and dropped by the UK.
New Zealand are the real heroes in all this though. From starting work on their trade bill to it getting royal assent in five months. It’s very impressive and even quicker than the UK is going to be.
Since you know so much, what does your crystal ball tell you about when your government is going to approve this deal?
Haha thanks. That’s kind to say but I don’t think I know “so much”. Just what I manage to find with Google 🙂
You don’t need any kind of prescience to know when it will be approved because that happened in December 2021 when both sides signed the FTA.
But if you’re asking when I think it the Trade Bill will be made law: when it receives Royal Assent. Just like in Australia the UK Parliament announces the dates of each stage one at a time and as it hasn’t completed the penultimate stage the date of Royal Assent cannot be announced (if it will be at all).
It’s very likely that the UK will do what Australia did and not announce a date for the bill to become law but just say that they “expect” it to pass during a particular week/parliament sitting.
Hi everyone,
I’ve been following this page for a while, thanks for all the updates!
Looks like the report stage has now been scheduled for 14th March
Hi Gem, let s hope it will move forward!
14th March? Are these bastards taking the piss?
Clearly in no rush for whatever reason.
Where does it mention 14th March?
Never mind, just seen it! Surely it’s not going to be that late!? I thought it was all going to be completed by Middle of March, guess not! The closest I’ve got to going to Australia is my new passport that will be coming soon….literally can not do a single thing else, just like many others on this forum….it’s kind of pi**ed me off now 14th March, what a load of shite
Charles will still defend his beloved UK government and that they are working diligently to pass the bill XD
Hahaha ok.
I understand that you are feeling apathetic about this situation and that the reality of it is not meeting your expectations but getting personal is counterproductive. It’s probably a good idea to stop. Not for my sake but because it might deter someone else in our position with a genuine question or useful information from posting which would mean we all miss out.
We all want the same thing. I hope we get good news and you feel better about all of this soon 🙂
What happened to it coming into force in quarter one 🙁 oh well, hopefully it is passed by the summer!
Losing hope it’s more reason why I want to leave the U.K. because of the government!, Charles has helped this group/forum massively with information just like everyone else. And everything he’s said has been true and fair. But to put your frustration with a comment like that won’t make things quicker or better.
This is not benefiting any of us. But things we have to accept as it’s out of our hands.
Thanks Lee. You and me both haha. For anyone looking for a reason to be optimistic:
The terms of the FTA are that it will enter into force one month after both sides have implemented the necessary laws unless a different date is otherwise agreed upon.
Like Emma I was also under the impression the UK govt had committed to EIF in Q1 2023 (although I don’t have a source to back that up). So it’s still possible it could start in Q1 if both governments agree to an earlier start date.
Fingers crossed Charles. The Australian PM said in November 2022 that a trade agreement with the UK will be settled in the first quarter of 2023. This was in an article on Bloomberg, so hopefully an earlier date is agreed but both governments.
Fingers crossed
I’m still confused on this. The EIF part, if it enters in to force at the end of March say, does that mean all parts of the deal become effective/law? or can certain bits (visa age) come into effect at any stage after?
The Trade Bill is pretty much focused on creating the laws necessary for free trade. Once it’s passed FTA will enter into force and then trade etc as lined out in the deal will be able to start. The visa changes are (probably) not one of the things that will change immediately.
The interesting thing is that neither government needs to change any laws for the visa changes to happen. They could do it now if they wanted to they just happen to have agreed to do so after EIF of the FTA. So it’s not an issue of laws or needing the trade bill, they’ll just do it when they want.
So the short answer is probably no, the visa changes won’t happen on EIF.
I wish they would just announce a date for it, instead of leaving us all to guess and wait.
I agree! Wish they’d just get on with it so I can quit my job and get out there
I’m checking this every week at the moment for updates! Thanks guys for all the info.
I’m 33 this June so have time on my hands but ideally i want to go this year and get at least 2 years out there. Sick of the UK – place has gone so off the boil
I’m aiming for permanent residency at some stage but unsure of how to obtain it.
I keep reading different bits of information but as an unskilled worker, I don’t even know if this would be an option
Hi Dan, could be depending on your situation and professional experiences. Please check for some options. Cheers
I have 16 years in retail in the UK. I am a supervisor so I’m one level below assistant manager.
I will be doing it alone, no kids or partner. No criminal record etc.
The information out there is confusing at times
Hi Dan, I’m in a similar situation. Trying to work out how to secure PR but not currently on any Skilled visa options.
I’ve read that an option is to learn a trade (carpenter, electrician etc) out in Aus. Check out pathway to Aus. It is very expensive though and will take a few years. There is high demand for tradies out in Aus however.
Another option is to just reach out to employers if they offer sponsorship. Most will say no but you might luck out with a couple. Otherwise, best bet is to just get out there and network like crazy. You never know what opportunities might come up.
Hey guys, yes going on a student visa to get to the PR… can be a long process and quite pricy but worth it 🙂
I’ll check it out!
I know for a fact that if I go out on a WHV, whether it’s one or three, I won’t want to come back to the UK.
Although it would be one hell of an experience, I’ll just come back to the UK depressed and back to where I started… Living at home with my parents and stuck in a dead end job
Good article on the positives of living in Australia
Hi, any advice on how to get a PR visa ? Doubt the age will be increased in time for me now and desperate to go before Jan.
Been a month since the last hearing
You guys must have a lot more faith and patience in the UK government than I..
Think it was reported that the 3rd reading ? Was set for around March 13th ? So doubt we will hear much till mid/late March.
The procurement bill has its report stage on 23rd Feb so that might pass sooner and supersedes the UK-Australia trade bill anyway, right?
I don’t fully understand how the intricacies of the Procurement Bill relate to the FTA but my understanding is that it will yes. Any amendments will have to go back to HoL for approval though. I called HoL when the Trade Bill report date was announced and got told they were busy with some big bills which is why the Trade Bill got pushed to March. So that could impact the Procurement Bill.
I couldn’t find an official date for the Procurement Bill but its news page says it’s expected for the 23rd so hopefully they’ll set a date soon.
The Committee Stage of the Procurement Bill is finished according to its page. Still waiting for a Report Stage date though.
The Australian Ag minister said there were no amendments to the Trade Bill but it would appear there were so it will have to go back to HoC for a day or so after HoL finish with it.
What could the amendments be to the trade bill ?
Hey Mark you can check those here : (mainly regarding the Customs Tariff Amendment). Cheers
Hi, I`m thinking to apply to the Working Holiday VISA to Australia, I`m Italian and I have 31 years old, but I`m married and my husband is Argentinian, also 31. Is it possible to apply and go together?
Thank you !!!
Hi Sofia, the WHV is personal so you wont be able to ‘include’ your husband on it. Cheers
So, how’s everyone’s level of optimism that this deal is getting done before June? Or done at all?
Seems it’s been swept under the rug by the UK government
To anyone who may be confused by this:
It hasn’t been “swept under the rug”, that’s not how bills work haha. The date of the next stage of the Trade Bill is March 14th.
It’s sitting on top of the rug in a queue with other bills.
50k brits plan to flee dreary England
I just hope it gets done by the end of the year! Summer would be a bonus
Well, when they do decide to change the age for the visas, I bet loads will apply and we’ll have an even longer wait on applications.
I think the approval process is normally pretty quick, I’ve heard of some people even get their Aus WHV approved within 24 hours. I waited a week for my NZ one.
Good to know!
However, what’s baffling me is that apparently they don’t have to wait for this trade bill to pass to increase the visa age limits, they can up it at any time.
Just wonder why they won’t do it now or should I say, haven’t already upped it?
This isn’t a piece of journalism, it’s advertiser content for the UK Government:
“Separately to the deal, the UK and Australia have signed a memorandum of understanding which will soon enable Britons aged 18 to 35 to travel and work in Australia for up to three years”
I agree Dan, I don’t understand why they haven’t already increased it. My friend is over there just now and said they are crying out for people/jobs so surely this would be a quick and easy solution for that!
That’s exactly what my friend has said. Almost every shop or business he’s been to or passed is looking for workers.
What cities are you all planning on moving to (if this deal ever gets done) I’ve been seeing the rental market is crazy in Aus but still desperate to go.
Hi Mitch, yes it is getting quite difficult to find accommodation in big cities (mainly) in Australia. Suburbs are still accessible, you can always share a house with other people too … so there are still options don’t worry 🙂
Hi , any update on when the age is going to increase ?
Not so far – keep looking at this page 🙂
Mitch – I’m planning on going to Brisbane as that’s where my friend is. He will be able to help me get things set up etc. But in all honesty, I don’t care where I end up, as long as it’s Australia…I could be in a tent on the streets for all I care haha.
I’m happy to go to a hostel or even share a house with other people. I’ve been on a rental page that specialises mostly in rentals for backpackers, if I remember what the site is then I will share it here.
There are some really nice rentals, and I’m talking houses not apartments or flats etc. I would like to rent a house with other people like me who have travelled from afar – I can picture it now…4 of us sat out on the porch sharing stories and chatting about how great Australia is.
Hi, How long did it take for the age increase to 35 for countries like Italy, Ireland, Canada etc after both governments signed legislations ?
It was super quick for them as it concerned only an increase of the age – the FTA is a bit more complex… that s why it is taking so long. 🙁
Is this true? Because from when the laws in Australia were changed to allow for people aged up to 35 to enter on a 417 visa it was 16 months until the first actual age changes occurred. So maybe not super quick.
Do you ever do research or just say whatever you like to keep people engaged and let the comments section do free SEO for you so you can bank the ad revenue?
The MOU both governments signed says that they will introduce the age changes after the FTA enters into force. I don’t really get why both sides agreed to doing it that way. Why not after the deal was signed? At that point the FTA was past the point of no return.
On the plus side the report stage and hopefully 3rd reading of the Trade Bill are in one week and the deal will be much closer to EIF.
Is it likely to be changed this year to 35 or is it more likely to be next year ?
Likely to be this year 🙂
I really do hope so! Will they announce a date for the increase in advance or will they just change it randomly one day?
Did they announce a date for the increase with the other countries?
Australia Backpackers Guide:
Do you have good reason to believe it will be this year? If so can you please share the evidence with us. So far your predictions have proven to be incorrect and you have never provided any evidence to back them up. I find it hard to trust any information you provide.
The Danish and Italian age increase was announced by the previous Australian immigration minister online three months in advance. It wasn’t easy to find though. I don’t know about announcements from the other sides.
All this waiting and waiting and waiting has really put me off this whole idea of moving to the UK
Just came back from Asia and have now decided to move to VN instead and teach english. Straightforward process if you have a degree and online teaching certificate. Maybe this long delay has been in a blessing in disguise after all
Nice one losing hope, glad you were able to find a route. VN teaching english sounds much better than coming to the UK. Good luck to you!
Thanks Karl. Good luck to you as well
Next week will we find out if the agreement is signed and if so will that mean that the age change will happen this year ? Also can you apply for a WHV while in Aus on a holiday visitors visa or do you need to leave the country to apply ?
Hi Mark, based on what I have been on twitter today the FTA is likely to be finalised by the end of this month but we are waiting to find out what date the FTA will enter into force (either 30 days later or on a date mutually agreed by both governments)
However, the changes to the WHV can happen within 2 years of the FTA entering into force. We are all anxiously hoping for the changes to happen asap and be announced asap.
I really hope it won’t take 2 years from now to come into force 🙁 I would love to go later this year.
I received an email from the department of immigration and they said it will happen from 1/7/23 to sometime between 2025. So don’t hold your breath
Someone here, I think Jonny, was told by their local MP that their expectation was that the age change would be soon after EIF. If you look at the UK government ad I posted a few days ago they also mention the age change being soon when they could have not mentioned it at all
We still need to wait and see but I think there’s reason to be positive.
How long did it take for the age change for other countries such as Ireland, Denmark they’re both 35
Unfortunately they’re not a good guide for us as the age changes were negotiated independently and weren’t part of an FTA. We’re in a different situation.
However, what we do know is that all the laws are already in place to allow for an age change for Brits. To the best of my knowledge there’s nothing preventing it. It could, in theory, change on the same day as EIF. The age changes for the most recent countries, Italy and Denmark, were officially announced by Australia three months prior to the changes coming in effect so we might get a few months notice before increase for us. After they’ve been agreed the changes themselves are an administrative process as opposed to political one.
They could actually do it now but the UK and Australia agreed to increasing the age (and removal of specified work) after EIF and it seems like they are sticking to it. I’m not expecting any news until after the deal is ratified at the earliest. That’s likely to happen this month though.
Yeah my local MP did say that however, in my opinion I think it’s possible for the changes to happen on 1st July and we will be notified once the deal if in force (next month hopefully) that means it give everyone 3 months notice and will be in line with other visas changing on 1st July last year.
I really don’t see why they will wait as they need to workers in the country and even sheep farms were crying out for the changes to happen when I was reading online.
I don’t see why they would wait either. The removal of specified work might be an issue as the Aussie agriculture industry will lose a lot of cheap labour they have historically been able to take advantage of (sometimes abuse). Given how close it is to EIF though I’m assuming most Brits have delayed applying until more news regarding the changes comes anyway so the impact to the ag industry might already have happened.
NZ and UK are commencing theirs from the 1st July.
Just shows that we don’t needs the Trade Deal in place for this to go through!! So someone is holding it up!
Fingers crossed we get this done ASAP with Oz too!
I just saw this too!! I predict Australia will follow the this date as they won’t want everyone going to NZ instead
Amazing news for NZ! Does anyone know if you can apply for it again like you will be able to do with the new Aus one? I got a WHV for NZ in 2020 and only used one month before I came home, if I can get it again I will happily go there whilst I wait for Aus.
Hi Emma,
The link to their website is below.
It says they’re going to announce further details soon! But nothing to suggest you won’t be able too!!
Oooooo, a bit of positive news and some hope that, there is a small chance we all could very well be applying for our WHV this year!? – or have I completely misread the last few comments lol?
Dan is NZ an option you would consider if Aus doesn’t increase the age this year ?
Good point K, it could be an option for you.
K, Australia Backpackers Guide-I think I will consider NZ actually if the increase for Australia doesn’t happen soon.
I think so too Dan!
It appears as if rules for Oz, Canadian and NZ workers is changing from the 12th April.
“From 12 April, the annual allocation of visas under the Youth Mobility Scheme is increasing for Australian nationals (30,000 to 35,000) and Canadian nationals (6,000 to 8,000). Also, for nationals of New Zealand only:
The age range is being expanded from 18-30 to 18-35; and
the length of stay is being increased from 2 to 3 years.”
Some good news read the article! Sounds like the age range should be changed in 2-3 months max. Not sure on the without farming though.
This is amazing news! I think it doesn’t mention the removal of farm work as it’s referring to people coming to the UK and they already don’t need to complete 88 days regional work.
If this article is true then we should expect to see both government websites announce the changes happening on 12th April soon.
I will be so happy if this is the case as I’m in Bali at the moment waiting for the changes haha!
Fingers crossed everyone!
Hey Jonny!
I’m also in Asia awaiting the changes, currently in Langkawi! Eagerly awaiting the confirmation date so I can arrange the visa and flights to Aus!
Fingers well and truly crossed!!
Hi Mich! Good to see I’m not the only one haha!
After reading the article again, it seems it’s referring to NZ for the ages changes but that’s strange as they just announced a few days ago it would be 1st July. Think we just need to get an official statement from the government but still very exciting!
Haha you’re not alone!
Yeah it seems April 12th is for New Zealanders getting the visa for UK and July 1st for UK to NZ…seems unfair but still some positive news! Fingers crossed the Aussie visa is sooner than that and we can make our way over there :)!
How is it ? I want to go for a month or two but skeptical because of my age. Thinking everyone’s gonna be so much younger then me!
What time will we get an update on the changed is it today the 13th ? Thanks
Bradly and Lee – this the age change for Aus? Changed within 2-3 months?
Australian changes should be imminent
Odd how NZ was first out of the gate but this is a good sign
Do you agree that Australia aren’t going to want to be releasing the visas after NZ in a competitive sense?
It’s possible. I don’t understand why it can’t be changed sooner
Will I be able to apply for a second whv if I had one in 2014 and I’m now 31 ?
Yeah mate, you can apply for your 2nd and 3rd when the changes happen. I’m 35 at the end of the month and have done my first visa in 2010 so I’m hoping the changes happen very soon so I can apply for my 2nd
Did you complete your farm work as I don’t have my documents now with it being so long ago. I thought we would have an update today ?
No need to complete or have completed farm work when the new visa comes into force.
What happened to the official update today ? The link shared above is dated the 10 March. Really hoping we get an official update asap this is dragging on too long.
No news so far
Just checked the House of Lords time table. The report stage doesn’t take place until Tuesday midday so won’t likely find out till then or few days after this.
After watching the House of Lords they didn’t seem happy with the meat trade deal and wanted changed with that but some were moved and some not moved not sure what implications this has. But after checking the gov site the report stage in now complete according to that.
And from what’s been said in this group and what I’ve looked at 3rd reading is usually straight after this. Usually same day but they didn’t mention it but have seen it say it can take days. So hopefully this is done by the end of the week. Then it’s royal assent.
Sitting for third reading is 20th March.
How long does the consideration of ammendments take before the Royal ascent takes place?
Hopefully as its so close to the end, it won’t take too long at all.
Not sure what I’m looking forward to more, finally getting to apply for my visa, going to Australia or handing in my resignation at my dead end job
Dan, I dream about the day I will be handing in my resignation! I think I will cry happy tears when I am finally on that plane 🙂 I cannot wait to come onto this site one day (soon) and see that we can apply for the visa!
Yeah, I’m with you on that!
Think I’ll cry as well. Until I’m on that plane, it doesn’t seem real at the moment
Let’s hope it’s soon everyone. Lovely weather over here in Sydney at the moment
I’m really hoping it happens by July and we get the announcement soon so I can enjoy my current travelling even more!!
I keep checking on thr government website a few times a day just in case things have sped up haha.
I’ve already got my resignation typed up. All I need to do is hand it in as soon as my visa is approved.
In fact, as I still live at home with parents all I have to do is
Apply for visa
Sell all my belongings
Book flight and that’s it!
I’ve got my resignation typed up and sitting in the drafts folder!
It’s just one less thing to worry about isn’t it Karl! Plus, it makes me feel better that it’s sat there ready
Anyone looking for updates on the bill.
Thanks Shaun 🙂
This is very good news! Thanks for the update Bradley.
April 12th seems to be the date the visa rules in the UK will be changed to accommodate the age increase but June 29th and July 1st will be the dates the changes will come into force in the UK and New Zealand respectively.
Dan: If you look at other bills (which you should, don’t take my word for it) consideration of amendments normally takes a few days and royal assent could happen any time from the same day to a month later.
Charles: April 12th? For UK to change the age? For Aussies to come here or for UK people to go there?
Hopefully it wont be long now (actually, praying it wont be long now!)
Sorry, I didn’t explain it very well.
April 12th is when the rules that the UK’s visa office has to follow will be changed. The rules changes include increasing the number of Aussies and Canadians that be granted visas and increasing the age to 35 and length of stay for Kiwis.
However, Kiwis over 30 won’t be able to apply until June 29th and it will be July 1st for Brits. The visa rules get changed quite often (two weeks apart in one instance last year) so changing it for Aussies won’t be an issue.
With regards to the silence about the visa age change for Australia I’m assuming it’s because the wording of the agreement states they won’t change it until EIF of the FTA. I’m interested to hear other theories though if anyone has one.
We’re nearly there though!
Hi guys, I’m staying positive about the changes. I agree with you Charles, Australia probably won’t announce until the UK ratify the FTA and it’s a good sign NZ announcing the changes for 1st July as I think Australia will see this as competition to secure workers and I predict once the FTA is ratified they will announce the changes. That’s what I’m thinking and hoping anyway haha
I think you’re right Jonny. I’m expecting an announcement between ratification and EIF assuming they stick to the time frame of a month and don’t agree to a shorter period. I will also be surprised if the visa changes for Australia occur after July 1st as like you said; they could lose out on workers. I think there’s an incentive for them to introduce the changes before NZ but we’ll see what happens.
This is more interesting than relevant but if you look at the rules changes the UK has never had a youth mobility visa for over 30s and on April 12th they will. It really was as simple as changing some wording haha.
Final reading is today, 20th March. Hopefully we get some news:
Thanks Emme for sharing!
Check out on Instagram, they have just posted a story saying they believe it will be late April/early May
Oh my god, don’t! I’m getting excited already ahahhhaaaa
This site believed it was going to happen last year, so until the govt releases official dates its all heresay
Is that the timescale for them to announce the changes or for the changes to be put into place ?
Just watched the live stream of House of Lords. They have passed the bill! No mention on how long royal assent will be or when it’s going into force but looks like it will be within the month!
Also not sure with the removal of farming should
Hopefully find out soon!
Excellent! Thanks for watching it Lee.
Wooohooo!!! Thanks for letting us know Lee!
We’re just that one step closer to what we’ve been waiting for!
Consideration of amendments is set for tomorrow Wed 22nd.
Very weird because the report stage it was heavily scrutinised but the third reading everything passed… some mps was disgruntled. But have to accept it going forward. So from that I believe there won’t be any amendments. Unless mistaken
It’s looks like there is an amendment to make, although from what I understand it looks more like a correction to the wording. The Lords amendment can be found here:
Hopefully this means it won’t take long to resolve.
Hey Nixk, we should know by the end of Apr!
The Lords must have made amendments otherwise it would go straight for royal assent and not back to the Commons. It looks like it should be done there by the end of the week though.
only 1 I believe but we re nearly there !
This coming Friday (24th) there’s also this scheduled:
Trade (Australia and New Zealand) (Parliamentary Approval) Bill: Second Reading
There’s nothing that makes reference to the trade bill scheduled for next week so this might be the last thing before royal assent.
I’m thinking it will be all done by the end of March and in force by next month! Let’s all keep our fingers crossed for good news and all meet for a few beers when we are in Australia haha
I concur to the beers! XD
Yesss! Haha
Hey … yes only a couple of weeks to wait now !
If it’s all done and EIF by next month, will we still have to wait for a date on when they’ll change the visa age then?
Information overload at the moment
Yeah we need to wait for a date for the visas to change but it could happen anytime from the date the FTA enters into force… Hopefully due to Australia’s work force shortage it will trigger them to make the changes asap mate
I just did some more research and the Trade (Australia and New Zealand) (Parliamentary Approval) Bill: Second Reading that’s taking place on Friday isn’t anything to do with the current Trade Bill so looks like today is what counts.
Thanks to Nick we know there is only one amendment and it’s a small change in wording so it’s looking very likely consideration of amendments could be done today.
We are at the ping pong stage… Both houses need to agree the amendments made and goes to royal assent at that point. So, yeah providing HoC agree to the small amendment from HoL today it should go straight to RC! Fingers crossed!!!
Not trying to get anybody’s hopes up but there are two bills (Genetic Technology and Supply and Appropriation) that are scheduled to receive royal assent tomorrow. Charles Windsor has never had a proper job before so it would make sense to get him to sign three at the same time while they have his attention.
So oooo close now!
I can’t take this waiting any longer haha
Amendments passed!
All that we need now is Royal assent!
Hopefully we get a date sonning
It’s so close! When will we know a date for royal assent?
Is it too early to start crying with joy!?
Yeah I’d say so haha. We need them to announce when the visas will change as well as the FTA entering into force but hopefully we are just weeks away from getting the news we all want!
Apparently it’s gone through
Yeah I just read this as well… Let’s hope we hear something very soon confirmed the date of visa changes haha
My guess would be July 1 – 2023
Losing hope – you reckon July 1st for it to EIF to when the visa changes will happen?
I hope they announce a date that will be sooner than that of NZ
I reckon July 1 for the age changes to come into effect
It just seems like a logical round figure date
Yes agree 🙂
Usually changes happen in July so …
The link above says:
The Australia-UK FTA will enter into force after UK processes are complete and Australia and the UK exchange diplomatic notes identifying a commencement date.
Apparently the royal assent was done 23rd March and is now in law.
All done and dusted guys and girls… We should hear about the visas at any point from now I guess!
I simply can’t wait that long haha.
But I tell you, how good is it to see on the government website that all boxes are now ticked!
I am so excited!
If anyone here is planning on going to brisbane… Let me know and we can meet up haha
I know everyone here is excited, as we have been waiting for this for soo long. But on what grounds could a visa be denied?Imagine waiting this long for that to happen
Hey Tom, really depends on your situation (police clearance, first application, etc)
“The UK parliament approved the trade deal on Friday with royal assent meaning both nations can bring the FTA into force as soon as possible”
Could be any day now
So close now! Just waiting for it to EIF and then wait for them to announce the age change
yes should be super soon!
I don’t think I’ve ever checked a comment section of a website more than this one in my life haha.
Spoke to my friend the other day, he said I need to get out there now as it’s just amazing!
Same, I check this site every day for updates. So happy I found you all!
We’ll all get our wish soon. Just hope it’s sooner rather than later
I just want a concrete date so I can start planning properly!
Me too!! I’m in Bali until the end of April and want to be heading to Australia after that knowing I can get a working holiday visa by July haha
I’m in Thailand / Malaysia doing the same thing! The wait continues .. hopefully some news this week!!
Same here – my current visa expires 22nd April. It would be great to head straight to Australia on an ETA and apply from there in July. I’m guessing that’s what you’re planning too?
Hi Jem, no official date so far…
Where’s the best place to find out when the deal EIF and when they raise the visa age limit?
I’m guessing it will be this page?
Yeah not sure I’ve just been trying to google Uk aus fta and see recent news. Surely should see something within the month of when it was agreed.
Theres a bunch of sad activists that are challenging the outcome of the FTA
“A campaign group has taken the first step towards legal action against the UK government over its free trade deal with Australia, arguing that it flouts Britain’s international climate obligations.
Global Feedback, a UK and Netherlands-based group, said it would seek a judicial review, claiming ministers failed to carry out proper due diligence on the environmental impact of importing Australian agricultural products, such as beef and dairy”
Sad sad individuals 😀
Don’t think they’ll get far with complaining to be honest
Been a long time coming this fta I doubt anything will come of it
Can we get an EIF date please?
Don’t think they understand people have their lives on hold, and have done for months/years!
I’d expect to hear about it soon Bradley. We’re a small group relative to others that will benefit from this so they probably understand but don’t care. It’s in their interest to announce it when they have concrete dates though.
For anyone concerned about the Financial Times article:
That group is not trying to prevent the FTA from going through, they are trying to get the UK government to carry out an environmental impact assessment of the FTA and threatening legal action if they don’t. Both countries have a terrible track record regarding environmental protection so this kind of thing is (thankfully) inevitable.
This is their website:
Am I right to say it’s within 30 days or royal accent or a date mutually agreed?
I think it’s 30 days from when both governments confirm in writing that they’ve enacted the necessary laws unless a different date is agreed upon.
I’ve got my money on July 1
Australia and the UK’s free trade agreement is poised to come into force midyear, with Britain aiming to finalise its legislative paperwork by the end of May, UK Investment Minister Dominic Johnson says.
He said there were some technical instruments that had to be tabled before Westminster, around issues such as procurement, but these were straightforward and British processes would soon be complete.
“Towards the end of May is the target date. We’re committed. I harry and chivvy my team to press forward with the technical implementation,” Lord Johnson said.
I hope this doesn’t delay the announcement for the visa changes though. I’m flying to Australia later this month on a tourist visa and really hope they confirm the dates before the end of May otherwise I’ll be applying for a NZ visa on 1st July… Anyone else thinking the same?
Not wanting to panic anyone but this recent article is indicating that the implementation of the FTA might not happen until 1/07/23
“Advice from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade indicates the FTA might not come into force until early in the next financial year.
And both countries have up to two years to implement Working Holiday Maker visa changes that would extend age and work period limits for UK workers here”
Not good to hear this
It also says:
A Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade spokesperson told Sheep Central the Australian Government intends to exchange Third Person (Diplomatic) Notes with the UK to enable entry into force of the A-UKFTA at the earliest opportunity.
Just trying to gauge what’s going on above – do we feel the changes will be done and visa available on 1st July 2023?
Just trying to understand what ”implementation of the FTA” actually means.
I’m 32 now so hoping this happens in the next 4-5 months
I’m reading everything I can at the moment – feel that based on previous timescales July is maybe a little optimistic – August more plausible – but could be either (or neither!). The New Zealand announcement was made on the 10th March and will live by 29th June 2023 (3 months). A specific announcement just on the WHV hasn’t been made yet… It’s reasonable to assume the mechanics of the visa change should be relatively similar for Aus (and you can bet that Aus/NZ Governments knew intimately how both agreements were being agreed owing to how closly aligned their immigration policies are). Other countries are already 35 for Aus – so this isn’t a brand new process, just the change to include UK applicants alongside others.
Ofcourse, it’s possible that some kind of technicality gets in the way of all of this – both sides have given themselves the small print of “up to two years from the EIF of the FTA” which could well be the case. The quotes included above and the articles available would suggest that there is some real momentum on both sides to get this implemented ASAP – but we won’t know until we know. I’m keeping everything crossed for August though.
Hey Alex, we are hoping July … fingers crossed. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
I would like to think the age increase would come in to effect in July 2023 to compete with the New Zealand visa change. However, I guess no one really knows and we will just have to wait and see what happens.
I wouldn’t read too much into that article, probably just a disgruntled business owner who is waiting on the visa changes like us and is getting frustrated with lack of workers
I’ve got my money on 01/07/23 for the age changes
I really need the changes to happen by July to be fair, I really hope we get an announcement soon like New Zealand’s announcement.
“Australia and the UK’s free trade agreement is poised to come into force midyear, with Britain aiming to finalise its legislative paperwork by the end of May, UK Investment Minister Dominic Johnson says.”
Then the visas can commence within 2 years of the deal coming into force 🙁
Hopefully they just annonce the actual date of the changes soon
I agree. I just want to know the date, whenever it may be.
I’m flying to Cairns in Oz on Sunday… Praying we get good news this month! Hostels are soooo expensive in Australia now!
Seems to have gone a bit quiet to be honest. I don’t think we’ll hear anything until after the deal EIF…I think it will come after the NZ changes.
I’m starting to think the same mate
Australian hostels are a rip off 🙁
Don’t even talk about hotels
This is concerning radio silence since it was agreed, surely if it was July they would announce it by now ? I’m scared it might not get changed this year.
I think we won’t hear anything until end of May when the legislative paperwork is finalised by the UK.
It is a little concerning all this silence but hopefully Emma is right, all the paperwork needs to be finalised before they’ll say anything….I hope!
Everyone should be used to the radio silence by now, this thing has been going on for the best part of 2 years..
The silence the last two years was different though – before it was confirmed as going through UK Parliament it was always going to be months of waiting. We’re into a slight different period now. The NZ change was announced on 10th March and is going live on 29th June. The Aus change has been in progress for a little longer and only brings UK Passports in line with others (Ireland, Italy, Denmark) with the 35 age limit – so technical changes to reflect this should be minimal. The UK Government have a vested interest in getting this in ASAP as it’s their only post-Brexit achievement. The Aus Government have a vested interest in getting this in ASAP as there are loads of vacancies that need filling and I’m sure they’ll want to contend with the NZ change. I expect we won’t hear much the next two weeks but an announcement after that would be reasonable. My money is on August.
Well said.
August for the changes do you reckon, Alex?
I’ve emailed a couple of dozen people in the UK Government, FCDO, Home Office, and Aus Department for trade etc. not had any useful responses just yet. I’d be cautiously optimistic we might hear something this week or next about confirming a planned date. Could be worth emailing your MP and asking them to chase it too.
I’m thinking of going travelling next year and wanting to have a working ho in Aus but is it worth waiting or just getting a tourist visa?! What if you got sponsorship via a job opportunity – would that change the circumstance?!
Hi Raksha, if you want to work legally in Australia you will need a visa other than a tourist one. You can apply for a student or WHV depending on your situation, age etc.
Thanks! Okay well fingers and toes crossed for some correspondence on the age increase as I’m 32! Talk about disheartening haha
I’ll be 32 in July, Raksha….so many of us so desperate for this to happen!
I’d sell my soul if it means I could go hahaha
I’m 35 now and in Australia already praying to the travel gods it’s going to happen soon so I can stay here hahaha
Hey Jonny, no official date so far but as mentioned usually changes occur in July for visas…
Haha you guys are funny…everything crossed hope it works out for us!
Are you both wanting to work or having a working holiday out there now?
Hi Raksha, no official date so far so we are guessing July.
Raksha, I’m wanting to work out there and eventually get permanent residency! That’s the plan anyway.
SHame I can’t go now as my friend who’s currently out there manages a business and struggling to fill a position he said I could have if only I could go now!
Hoping there will be some news shortly which will announce the date for the changes. If not, I’m debating going to NZ instead after July.
Anyone else thinking the same thing (NZ instead?)?
Dan this sounds great! I’m looking to find some work out there whilst on my travels within the architectural field fingers crossed!
From what Jonny has said it does sound hopeful which is great! Just wondering when to start applying for jobs to get a good chance tbh!
NZ sounds like a fab idea to go for a polite visit haha it’s in my list for sure!!
So much exciting activity and now…nothing. 🙁
It’s nearly a month since the UK ratified.
Absolutely zero had happened since
I think we might get more updates after the kings coronation and 6th May… Well I hope!
Loads will have happened. Just nothing that we’ve heard about
Don’t sweat it. Announcement in the next month is most likely. The odds that the U.K. government were ever going to achieve the minimum notice period of 30 days were non-existent. I don’t think the Kings coronation will have any significance in government policy making but anytime up to/around then in May is possible.
Hi guys, so I’m in Australia now on a tourist visa. If the changes do happen on 1st July. Does anyone know if I can apply from inside the country or do I need to leave and apply?
Need to apply from outside of Australia, so will need to leave and apply:
Over 50% come back within 1 day, but I guess there could be an additional delay with the first few months of the updated rules?
It’s says on Scenario 1 that you can apply within or outside of Australia so maybe it’s another thing that’s changing?
Once the changes are made you can apply from inside if you’ve already had a 417 visa.
Hi Charles! Hope you’re well mate?
Yeah I have had a 417 visa years ago so I’d be applying for my 2nd visa ☺️
Hi guys, I just saw a post on Facebook and someone contacted the head of foreign policy and they told them the deal will come onto force at the end of May and that they hope for the visa changes to happen in July because NZ have already confirmed it. Hopefully this is true!
Can u paste the comment, jonny?
I messaged the head of forgein policy at the British chambers and they said the FTA is coming into place end of May so hopefully FTA start of July
hello ☺️ did they say they hoped the visa changes to be July?
they said NZ will be July and as it is the australia and NZ free trade agreement they are hoping AU will also be July
By Visa changes, do you think they mean the age change? Or do you reckon the removal of farm work will come alongside that or at a much later date?
Hi Alex, everything should come into force at the same time (visa changes and goods and services changes). Cheers
Does this mean age range or will this be the 3 years without farming as well. I’ve always been apprehensive with the farming one because I’d of thought they’d want to try hold out longer for this change ?
It will happen at the same time mate. To be fair I’m here now and loads of backpackers are struggling to find farm work so by releasing the UK citizens from doing these jobs will free them up for other backpackers from other countries I guess.
Thanks for the update Jonny!
With the FTA as good as done and NZ announcing the age change for July I haven’t been doing much reading about all of this recently.
How are you finding life in Aus?
Yeah there isn’t much else to read about at the moment to be fair. I think we will find out more in the coming week though.
It’s a stunning as I remember it! I have been going down the east coast on the greyhound coach and heading to Sydney this afternoon. I’m in Brisbane and it’s really sunny and warm! Can’t complain!
I’m not subscribed to The Australian Financial Times but this is the first bit I could see.
Australia and the UK’s free trade agreement is poised to come into force midyear, with Britain aiming to finalise its legislative paperwork by the end of May, UK Investment Minister Dominic Johnson says.
Hopefully comes in sooner I’m starting to plan my south east Asia trip then Sydney for Christmas!
Anthony Albanese has just arrived in London and said on his Instagram that ahead of the kings coronation him and Rishi will be discussing the FTA so hopefully one of the subjects discussed is the visa changes and we hear something soon!!
I’ve just had a reply from the UK Department for Business and trade;
We are working hard to bring the FTA into force at the earliest opportunity so businesses and consumers can reap the benefits. We expect to be able to bring the agreement into force in Spring 2023. The Government has brought forward the necessary primary legislation in the form of the Trade (Australia and New Zealand) Act 2023, which has now completed its passage through Parliament and has received Royal Assent.
The commitments regarding Working Holiday Visas were taken in a separate side letter which specifies that the changes will need to be implemented within two years of entry into force of the Free Trade Agreement. UK and Australian officials are working together to bring these changes into effect as soon as operationally possible.
No new information but at least the FTA is still looking like the next few months. I thought we’re already out of spring with it being May – but maybe not!
They’ve caveated the WHV timeline difference again – although my previous response form the Aus government has said all the Aus technicalities have already been completed. Clearly the UK can make a change quickly when they want to (NZ WHV) … guess we’re still none the wiser really!
That’s good that all the Australia technical processes are completed already for the visas as it’s the removal of farm work we were concerned about. UK doesn’t have to do much as they will just increase the age. Fingers crossed it’s being discussed now as both PM are in London together now
They should get it done and relieve us of our anxiety
NZ change was done efficiently and quickly
I agree mate! I hope they confirm more details over the next few days
Is it possible to move from an Irish passport Visa into a UK one?
My gf ( 28 y.o) is from Northern Ireland, and has dual nationality – so a UK passport and an Irish one.
Unfortunately she has lost her UK passport – and her new one will take a minimum of 10 weeks to arrive. But we are due to arrive in OZ in 3 weeks!!
She wants to apply now via Irish passport, then transfer onto a UK visa when the new passport arrives. This will allow her to take advantage of the new UK/AU visa rules (when they finally come into action, ofc).
If not, she is considering applying on an emergency UK passport? Anyone got any experience with this?
Any advice would be great, thanks.
Hi Tom, would definitely recommend to go with an emergency UK passport.
Judging by the link below, I believe we’ll hear something on the changes and if/when they come into affect during the Australia Budget.
I have had a look and this is due on Tuesday 9th. So not long to wait.
Nice find Bradley
This looks to be the light at the end of the tunnel finally.
Official release from UK government
“The agreement is expected to enter into force on the 31 May, subject to finalisation of UK domestic procedures with remaining changes to UK law coming into force at the end of May.”
Came here to post this too! NZ FTA at the same time so hopefully the Visa rules align with June as well! Buzzing
After what seems so long with silence since it passed in parliament, finally starting to hear some good news!
I’m trying to think ahead (maybe tok far ahead!), but how difficult do you think it would be to get permanent residency in Australia?
I’m an unskilled worker with only supermarket work since I left school at 16, I’m now 31. There is no future for me here, can’t get a mortgage, can’t afford to live on my own etc.
Just wondered how realistic I need to be here haha?
I was gonna come over as unskilled but I’ve recently in last year and half picked up a role as electrical technician started at 29. Now worked my way up really well and spoke to people on linked in they’re crying out for people in that sector. Don’t need any qualifications or anything. Failing that I know a friend who was doing furniture removal and he got offered a visa. And know a few people falling into jobs they wouldn’t imagine then getting sponsored!
Lee- Oh really!? So it is truly possible then to get sponsored relatively easily?
I know I shouldn’t be thinking about things like this yet as I still have to wait for them to change the visa age but it’s all I can think about haha
This article specifically mentions the age changes
Only for Australians but yes it will apply to both nationalities
I subscribed the the Australian newspaper just so I could read this article.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has pronounced “it is game on,” as the United Kingdom-Australia free trade deal is fast tracked to come into force at the end of this month, resulting in three year working visas between the two countries, as well as more jobs and exports.
Mr Albanese said the changes to the labour market as part of the free trade agreement would mean UK citizens up the age of 35 can obtain three year temporary visas to Australia and vice versa.
Previously the one year working holiday visa for UK citizens was for an initial 12 months and only for people up to the age of 30.
“If you are a UK citizen or a local Londoner as part of the FTA we will change some of the labour market, so that instead of being 30 years of age to get that temporary visa, it will increase it up to 35 in both countries, and extend it to three years so that people can come here and get that real experience over a longer period of time,’’ Mr Albanese said as he visited an Australian-themed store Bondi Green in Paddington on Thursday. Mr Albanese said the final processes of the FTA were being passed through the British parliament on Thursday so that on Friday when he meets with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, the work will be completed before the coronation.
“You always need a deadline,’’ Mr Albanese said.
“And this afternoon, literally today, some of the processes in the UK parliament are being completed so that tomorrow when I meet with Prime Minister Sunak at Number 10 Downing Street, we will be able to complete the FTA timetable so that this month it will come into force on the 31st of May.
Doesn’t say it will be within 2 years so maybe we are getting the visa changes soon??
Fingers crossed, Jonny
Looks like we are the winners now!!!
The long-awaited changes to the UK and Australian working holiday visas have been confirmed by Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese & we finally have good news to share!
We are pleased to announce that Anthony Albanese has confirmed that the agreement will be in place by the 31st of May, with the age eligibility changing up to the age of 35 instead of under 31 and extending the length of the visa from the current 2 years, up to 3 years.
This means that more Australians will be eligible to access the Youth Mobility Scheme Visa, and be provided with a longer period of time to gain valuable work and life experience as well as being able to explore the UK and Europe for longer – a win-win for all!
We anticipate that for those who are currently on a Youth Mobility Scheme Visa, you will be able to apply for an extra year, but this is yet to be confirmed.
These changes will also benefit UK travellers coming to Australia with the same increase in age limit and being able to work throughout their stay of up to 3 years – this is still to be confirmed by the Australian and UK Governments.
There is yet to be a formal release, but the Australian Prime Minister has made this announcement and we will be updating this blog as more information comes through.
Wow, finally!
I’m turning 35 in 2 weeks . If it kicks in May 31 will I still be able to apply before I turn 36 ?
Hi Clio, yes it should be the case and yes you will be able to apply. Cheers
My partner has done a first year working Holliday visa on an Irish passport in 2018 and did not complete the farm work . They now have also a British passport , will they be able to apply for a second year working holiday visa from Ireland or would it be need to be applied on the British passport ?
Hi Clio, the only way of getting a second-year is to meet the conditions of getting one. Cheers
I am seeing a few outlets quoting the “within two years” phrase!
God forbid this isn’t the case. We’ve waited long enough!!!
So I’m reading as many news articles as I can. I think the main take away from the current situation is that only the FTA is confirmed for 31st May but still nothing specific has been about the WHV. Although there are hundreds of news outlets reporting on it, I think they are all referencing the official UK/Aus Government statements which include the 2 year caveat. So the constant repetition of this fact isn’t bad OR good – it’s all come from the same source.
Apparently Albanese and Sunak have two meetings today to discuss timescales – coupled with the Aussie Federal budget on Tuesday next week. I’d imagine we’ll still have to wait until next week until anything is confirmed. Fingers crossed though – I think the NZ change should keep us positive though 🙂
Correct me if I’m wrong but surely it wouldn’t benefit the age changes to commence within 2 years?
People will just think, OK, I’ll go to NZ instead.
I think because an official date hasn’t been set yet, they are just quoting the 2 year thing.
I reckon it will happen this year… Well, I’m praying more like!
Yeah I hope we hear more over the next week and get a confirmation date. I really don’t see the benefit of them waiting 2 years without sound bias!
ABC News just posted an article stating it will be in place by the end of May! See article for the link
I think if it was imminent guys we’d have got a date by now, much like we have for the NZ situation.
The constant “within 2 years” is excruciating and I can only think that this has been factored in with an underlying cause.
These bloody politicians have had our lives on hold for 2 years now and we still don’t have a date.
We can only sit and wait and hope for some positive news.
I’m not so convinced by that Bradley – politics always moves slowly and the labour shortage in NZ is slightly more acute than in Aus which may have been a driver. The whole FTA has been sat on for two years and only moved quickly in the past two months. It could be that there’s an absolute shocker waiting for us all but I don’t think the events so far points to this. I don’t know the exact timescales between when the Danish/Italian/Irish increase to 35 was announced/implemented but that would be a good comparison to make.
No wording I’ve found points to being so confident of imminent implementation.
I’ll be happy to be proven wrong.
ABC News just posted an article stating it will be in place by the end of May! See article for the link
My money is on 1st July 2023
It just makes sense
Hi there, ABC News just posted an article stating it will be in place by the end of May! See article for the link
Where is the article? I can’t find it
Are you talking about the FTA or the visas?
Check the homepage guys theres are more recent thread and conversation
There’s no mention of the date for visas. Just implementation of the FTA.
We need actually government postings now, not articles. We’ve seen articles before claim dates which haven’t through. I.e when the deal was first signed.
I got confirmation via email from NZ PM’s office that the NZ WHV will still only be a once in a lifetime visa 🙁 so now Aus is my only option
What does that mean, once in a lifetime visa?
I have dual passports – Can I apply for a 2nd year WHV on a British passport inser the new deal if my first WHV was on an Irish passport?
Hi Grace, no it is not possible in practice to apply with 2 different passports…
*under the new agreement
For news on the FTA – please check
You can only apply for it once. Whereas Australia are going to be allowing people that have been before to apply for their 2nd or 3rd years.
So, NZ are only increasing the age, not the amount of WHV’s you can have is that right?
Yep – seems that way from the response I got from the NZ PM’s office
Can you do one in NZ and then the three in Aus?
Seen article that Australian prime minister is in trouble for falsely telling U.K. and Aussies that the 2 no farming visas will come in this month which is actually incorrect.
Sooo confused
It is all so confusing! Have anyone contacted either government for clarity on the WHV changes ? As the Aussie PM has twice now made it appear that changes will be made collectively, however, as already stated by many posters there is still the ‘within 2 years’ language circulating around media :S! Think my head is about to fall off!
Jonny, I also just spent 3 months in Melbourne on a tourist visa/trip to Asia, waiting around. I’m now back in Leicester working to regenerate funds to hopefully return to Aus to work at end of British summer…hope it works out for us!
I had a response today and they said within 2 years of 31st May then I have just seen this video of the PM confirming the changes will happen… I need to see it on the gov website before I believe anything.
I’m also concerned there is no mention of the removal of farm work as it was 13 years ago since I did my farm work and I don’t have payslips etc anymore as I didn’t think I’d ever be able to come back!
You have done the same as me! I was travelling through Asia and Bali then I arrived here at the beginning of April and praying I don’t have to fly home and come back later in the year (if the changes happen before Christmas) I’m 35 now so I only have until next March before I’m going to be too old…again haha!
What month do you think you will come back out?
Yeah I watched that video too and it could be seen as confirming the changes will be made when the trade deal comes into force, but could also just be him listing the benefits going forward without specifics :/
Yeah I didn’t want to have to pay for all of the flights either, but it’s at least opened up a summer in the UK…attending a few festivals will comfort me XD!
I’m hoping to fly back September 1st. Fingers crossed! Looking likely we wont hear anything until May 31st now though, unless they recognise people are waiting around for this information and release something sooner.
Heres to hope..!
Hi Dan – yes you can do a NZ WHV then an Australian one.
But as I did one month of my NZ WHV in March 2020 they will not let me reapply for a second year in NZ 🙁
Hi Emma, do you know if there is any offical postings about this? Already spent a year in NZ, but this was my back up option if Oz didn’t get it done in time.
I can’t seem to find much, it’s still all the old information. Without the updated rules which will come into effect 31st June.
I keep checking daily for any update on the visa changes but like you said, it’s all old information.
I do think they will wait for the deal to officially enter into force and then set a date for the visas. I don’t think it will be 2 years down the line but maybe I’m just trying to convince myself otherwise haha
Hi Bradley, I emailed the NZ PM and got a reply from his office confirming that for NZ you will not be able to reapply. The response:
“The working holiday visa scheme only allows for a person to be granted one WHV. We are not currently considering granting further WHVs to those who were unable to use the full duration of their initial visa”
hi all
Trying to make sense of what is going on here.. i turn 33 in June so i have time but i’m desperate to get over to Aus asap.
Do we think that it could take another 2 years for the age to be put up?
By what I’m seeing id assume they will lift the age to 35 but it seems the farming will still be in place up to 2 years. But it’s all hearsay until it’s actually confirmed.
I am happy to do the farm work, after 3 years of waiting for news I just want to be over there!
Do we think the 31 May is the date for it going up to 35 officially, or 31 May is the date they will decide the day, so to speak..?!
James – people have said its possible on the 31st May, may be the date we will hear a date set for the visa age increase.
Have also heard others saying July is the time when changes happen etc but again, we’re all just guessing here.
Until there’s an official date announced and is on the government websites etc, we just gotta wait. This waiting game sucks
Thanks Dan
Yep it does suck. I’ve been checking up on this thread now for over 6 months. I have some time on my hands but it really sucks here in the UK right now and this weather is really giving me itchy feet!
Same here James….I think this is the site I’ve visited the most in the past 6 months! Sometimes I’m on here checking for comments 3 or 4 times a day ahaha.
I am holding out hope that others on this site are correct and we will hear someting at the end of the month.
I’m comparing this waiting to when I was younger waiting for Christmas day! I just can’t wait for it!
All quiet on the visa age change front. Still hoping to hear a date at the end of this month!
Guys, it’s at the stage now where both governments need to simply decide what date to implement the visa changes… I think we all need to contact and email our local MP’s and push for an update on when they plan to make the decision… I have emailed mine simply requesting to find out when they will be having the discussion and making a decision. Let’s all do it and get others to do the same. Just an idea haha
Will find out my local MPs details and give them an email later today. No harm in asking I suppose haha
You’d like to think with it been said that it’s going into force end of my may.. that we should find out by June..
I really hope so mate. Not sure why they can’t just give it an actual date
Stupid article giving false hope
Yeah it’s very annoying when they are like “rules set to change soon” then later in the article are like “government has 24 months to implement the changes”… That’s not soon and it’s not news as we have known this for 2 years already..FFS haha
Going to email my local MP to see if he has any info on the visa increase, won’t hurt to ask I guess.
Does anyone know what I could put to make my email look somewhat proffessional? I’m not very good at writing to people…how and what could I write? Thanks
And if you want a good start on this – genuinely just put something into ChatGPT and use that as a framework!
Poke this into ChatGPT and go from there: Please write a letter to my MP in the UK Parliament, asking for them to confirm the start date of the UK Australia working holiday visa age change. Please make it clear that I already understand the official comment on the 2 year implementation but want them to be more specific and not just quote old information.
My Local MP has been great – he even issued a follow up question because the first one contained the stock response. There have been 4 questions to the Home Secretary in the last few weeks – one still to be answered – but none contain any helpful information…
Don’t sweat how you’re writing the email too much Dan, they’re humans after all – as long as it’s polite and makes sense! Don’t worry about it being word perfect.
I’m going to write back to my MP again and just reinforce that there’s been no new information from any of the responses and ask if there’s anything we can do to push for a date for an announcement.
Wow we made it to 1000+ comments and still no set date for the age changes! FFS!
3 years of ineptitude by both governments
This article says the age changes will be 2025 :/
I wonder what their source is. And they only talk about Australians going to the Uk, not vice versa.
All we can do is wait until next week and see what the news on the 31st brings us.
In the absence of an official announcement – all of these news articles are just rehashing the stuff we already know (just phrasing it differently).
Wouldn’t sweat it until there’s a proper statement.
If it will be 2025,the majority of us can kiss goodbye to ever going over.
But yeah, I am remaining optimistic for next week for some sort of official statement that says otherwise.
If nothing is heard by the 31st, what other significant date would we be most likely to hear something do you think? Or if nothing is said by end of the month, will we be possibly looking at 2025?
Don’t think so mate. We all know the 2 year caveat that’s been quoted loads.
It could be two years – but I doubt it will be. As mentioned before – other changes have taken 4 months to be implemented.
Think this will be the question to keep an eye on over the next few days – although suspect this will come back with the same sh*t we’ve been quoted a million times before – it does at least ask a slightly different question about what conversations have been held!
Only thing I’m thinking with that article is that’s included with the no farming and age range surely they will at least do the age range instantly then do the farm work removal at another date. If so doesn’t make sense!
Someone on my road is a researcher for House of Lords so I’ve sent him a nice message asking if he will know the info on this fta and could tell me about anything he knows or could find out.
Any reply mate? Haha
Sent the message but hadn’t replied back…
If no new news comes out by next Wednesday, safe to say the age changes are cooked.
Very strange that the NZ changes were done swiftly and the Australian ones haven’t changed.
I was thinking the same. If no news by next week I reckon it will take almost 2 years for it to come in.
I’m probably wrong but becoming less and less optimistic by the day
Theres something going on in the background they’re not telling us which is why the changes haven’t happened.
Has to be! Surely it’s the only explanation. If next week comes and they’ve not announced a date, I’m going to be fuming
I’d be happy with a date on Wednesday. I’d just like to be able to plan what to do with my life lol.
I’m with you there! Stuck in limbo at the moment.
That’s the thing.
Hanging on, waiting. Not being able to make plans, commit to events and/or peoples schedules. So infuriating.
I have to imagine we won’t hear anything, and it won’t be in place for 1st July. Waited long enough. Greater forces at play, for which us mere mortals not know of.
I just had a reply from UK in Australia on twitter and they quoted this…
We are working to make the final arrangements for bringing this into force. Announcement soon…!
The word we’ve heard over 1000x times within these last two years
Just trying to stay positive for some news next week. Where did you get the reply from Jonny?
It was on twitter, they posted about the FTA coming in next week and I asked if they would be announcing the visa changes and that was their reply. It’s better than no news I guess haha
A glimmer of hope Johnny haha. Or they’ve just said that so it will shut us all up for a bit
Haha yeah I hope not
This wait has been crazy. I hope they follow through with it, so many people on hold with their travel plans. I’m so grateful for this forum btw thanks everyone for their updates!
Me too Raksha! This forum has become my place to vent and ask questions and talk with many people in the same situation as me.
Yeah I feel the same, I’m so glad I’m not the only person going through this horrible waiting game and can discuss things with you all.
I’m literally praying for news this week or I’m flying home for summer and hopefully can come back at the end of the year with the visa haha
Tomorrow is D Day
My prediction, nothing will be mentioned about the age changes.
‘This is the first ‘new’ UK trade deal signed since Brexit; the UK’s other trade agreements have largely rolled-over previous EU deals. The agreement is due to come into effect at midnight on 31 May 2023.’
Everything crossedddd
Fingers crossed for tomorrow or early Thursday morning (our time).
The replies Jonny’s had would make it sound like the announcement is close – it would make sense that it’s all tied together… stressful 48 hours coming up even longer if they still don’t give us an answer!
Can anyone read this new article? It’s behind a paywall
I can… Here it says…
Australia’s free trade agreement with the UK has officially come into force, in what Trade Minister Don Farrell has called a “boon for young people”.
The deal will reduce tariffs on Australian products – including beef and wine – and significantly boost the mobility of younger workers through an expansion of working holiday visas.
Australians could previously apply to work in the UK only for two years and needed to be under the age of 30, but that eligibility has now risen to 35 years old, while the length of the maximum stay has increased to three years.
“Australians will benefit from new skilled visa pathways to the UK, providing more direct channels for aspiring young Australians to live and work in London, which has the world’s highest concentration of financial and professional services firms, before returning home to apply these skills in Australia,” Mr Farrell wrote for The Australian online. “Our free trade agreement with the United Kingdom, which enters into force today, is so vital. It will help grow our domestic industries and homegrown manufacturing capabilities, delivering benefits to Australian businesses, and creating new ell-paying jobs. This new trade agreement will open new export opportunities, promote greater investment into Australia and help diversify our trade relationship.”
Losing hope, you can read the article here:
Hopefully this is made official on the Australia Immigration website if the article is correct!
January 2024 guys…
Hey Jonny thanks for posting. If legit I hope this fits your needs x
Good spot mate! Will wait for it to be confirmed via official sources too – but that’s definitely better than the worst-case scenario! Does that sort you out?
Well that means I’m farked
I turn 36 in aug
Absolute clown show this whole thing has been. Why can’t they make the changes now or july
Oh well, I’m already In Asia teaching with work so it’s not all bad, but it would have been good to have options
The article doesn’t comment on when the WHV for UK citizens to come to Australia begins.
Hi Fran, from 1st July 2023 for the age increase. Cheers
Long shot but if you can apply beforehand like Dan mentioned maybe you have a chance for next year?
They have honoured people applying just before they turn 31 previously?
If not then gutted 🙁
You are safe mate… 1st July for the age increase but the farm work isn’t until 1st July 2024 so I’m screwed haha
As far as I can tell, this article says when Australians can move for the UK WHV. Does it also mention anything about the Australian WHV (for those of us from the UK)?
Hi Fran, the agreement allows indeed UK citizens to come to Australia up until their 36th bday. Cheers
Stupid question incoming….For UK citizens, we will be able to apply for a visa for Aus in January 2024? Or can we apply before hand? Information overload in the past hour on this forum hahaha
Happy to be corrected – but I think you can apply/be approved beforehand – but not to enter before the 31st of Jan. All of my mates on WHV’s have been approved in less than 24 hours up to now – but I guess they’ll have a fair backlog from these changes so it may go to a few weeks?
Interesting comment there, Alex! I hope this is true, because I will apply tonight hahaha.
Has visa processing become that quick? I know when my mate applied during beginning of corona, his took about 8 months! But I guess a lot of office workers were off, borders were closed and everything just took so long.
If anyone can comment on this, please do….I got butterflies HAHAHA
My first year Australia whv (2018) came through in 24 hours 🙂
If we can apply before so like tomorrow Dan hahaha that would be fab with the intention of going next year – that’s what I wanna do
Need to see what they officially say! Guess I can start looking for jobs this side of the year then which is fab!
Cant believe the anticipation i really thought it would be earlier!
Reporting it on the Sydney Morning Herald now too:
Australia’s trade deal with UK comes into force
By Caroline Schelle
Australia’s free trade deal with the United Kingdom will come into force today, with more than 99 per cent of Australian products to enter the country duty-free.
Australian producers of wine, beef, sheep meat, grains, rice, sugar, and dairy products will benefit from duty-free quotas or tariff elimination.
Assistant Trade Minister Tim Ayres told ABC Breakfast News this morning said the deal would provide more opportunity for exporters, firms and workers.
“They are one of our oldest friends of course, the United Kingdom, but this is a new chapter in the economic relationship,” Ayres said this morning.
He said the deal would mean $4 billion worth of goods from the UK would be tariff-free, and would lead to a $200 million a year advantage for Australian consumers.
For exporters to the UK, up to 99 per cent would be tariff-free and there was significant progress on agricultural goods including wine, and red meat.
“Some … uplift in beef and lamb quotas, for example, is spread over a few years,” Ayres said.
British products including cars, whisky, confectionery, biscuits and cosmetics coming into Australia are expected to be cheaper.
And from January 31, more Australians will be able to apply for working holidays in the UK and stay for longer.
Thanks for Sharing Michelle 🙂
Unlucky – Losing Hope.
This has taken way too long. Our lives have been in limbo for years now.
Hoping for those on the right side of 35 it’s all worked out okay!
Fingers crossed we get official statement today.
So, it’s not official but the date seems to be Jan 2024?
This article is saying July 1. Nothing is official until the government websites release the official statement
It says July 1st the age limit for uk applicants going to aus will go from 30 to 35. But from july 1 next year, uk applicants will be able to stay up to 3 years….i cant make sense of that at all, but it is late and im tired haha
The government website has been updated with the 1st of July 2023 for the age range!
1st July 2024 for the removal of farm work… I’m screwed a bit as I did my farm work in 2010 but payslips back then we’re handing to you with your wages in a envelope… I have no idea where I put them as I didn’t think I’d ever need them again until now. Anyone have any idea?
Once you’ve had a proper look, if you still don’t have them – I’d maybe contact the farm where you worked as they may keep records (even if they paid you cash). They’ll likely get audited too so I’d assume they’ll be a paper trail somewhere. They may not be helpful – but I guess it’s worth a shot. Failing that I’d speak to a human in immigration and see what they can offer you, might be worth getting an immigration lawyer?
Well it looks like for UK passport holders they can apply for the new YMS visas from 1st of July
Australian passport holders will need to wait untill January 31st 2024!
Even though I will still only he 34 by then I think I will go to canada for the time being as I’m already in the UK and cant be bothered waiting around so long
At least in Canada I can also see America and if anything , it makes the decision easier for me by taking an option away for now
There’s also the possibility of Denmark or france or ireland or italy but I feel Canada will be cool
Heres the link
Shafted with the July 2024 – another year of waiting until I can go.
Doesn’t make sense.
Why is it the UK always gets the raw end of the deal?!? I’m in the same position as Losing Hope and turn 36 in August.
I did my first 1 year whv back in 2018-2019 and was just in the age limit (30), so doing farm work didn’t make sense at the time as I wouldn’t of been able to get a 2nd year whv anyway due to my age.
Now it seems brits still have to wait until 1st July 2024 for the specified farm work requirements to be removed (this is bullsh*t!), yet people from Oz don’t have to meet any requirements coming to the UK?
This isn’t like for like and I’m just sick of this UK government bending over for a half-assed deal that frankly no-one gives a sh*t about.
Such wasted hope for many over the last few years!
I’m screwed too mate. I’ll be 36 by the time the farm was is scrapped. Never again will I put any hope in the government
NZ is an option?
With the third year/6 month option only available from July 2019, does anyone know if they’d accept payslips prior to that date?I’ve got 3 months before and 3 after it stitched me out of my third year back then
Hi Dunk, work needs to be performed after 1st July 2019 – so only your 3 months worked after this date will be counted. (Please note that the FTA is now into force so UK passport holders will be able to apply for another year even if they did not do the work (from July 2024)). Cheers
Thanks for the speedy reply folks, really appreciate it. had a feeling it might be a long reach for it to be back dated but worth an ask to save applying for a 189. 2024 isn’t all too far away and for those on this group who tick over the age bracket, I hope you all make it over there whether it be on 189 visas, student or sponsorship. Thanks for all the updates too, it’s kept me focused and motivated all winter
So, if you apply to go in July 2023, will you still have to do farm work to get the second and third visa when the rules change in 2024?
I will be turning 36 in February 2024. Under the new guidelines I will be eligible to apply on the the 1st of July. My question is, can I apply for all three visas in one go even though I will be over 35 for the last 2 years?
Hi Janine, you can only apply for 1 year at a time. So you can apply on 1st July and then apply for a second year just before turning 36. Cheers
Hi all
Thanks for all your posts – really helpful
Can i get this straight, the age changes to 35 as of 31 July 2023? The farm work is by the by for me (happy to do it) but just trying to make sense if I will be able to apply and go from 1 July 2023. (I turn 33 in June this year)
Hi James, as far as I can tell, if you haven’t had a WHV before, you can apply on 1st July 2023.
From what I can see on the “welcome to travel” website, we will not have to do the farm work, as that will be removed by the time we apply for a second visa in July 2024.
Why don’t you guys just go when it changes in a months time, why do you have to wait til July 2024? That’s an awfully long wait
I will be applying in July 2023. But for people that have already been to Aus and didn’t complete any farm work, they will have to wait until July 2024.
Oh, I see. Thanks Emma
Im in the same boat 34 atm and had my 1st year in 2015 but never stayed and didnt do the farm work.
All this info is just making it all confusing
Hi Glen, you will be able to apply form 1st July 2024 (but before your 36th bday).
Thank you for the reply much appreciated just gutted its a years wait to apply for my 2nd 3rd years
Hi so am 34 never been to ozz dose that mean I can apply for visa 1st of July and won’t have to do any farm work as il be flying out December this year many thanks peeps
Hi Tony, yes you can apply from 1 July 2023. Then to renew, you will need to apply before turning 36. Cheers and Enjoy 🙂
Don’t know whether this makes it any clearer but we can apply from the 1st July!
Absolutely buzzing! I’ve already been in contact with my friend whose already over there to let him know I will be applying 1st July. He’s already got things planned for us to do hahaha
I’m really happy others get to apply as well but also feel for those who will miss out due to age.
If I applied and had a visa accepted just after covid when i was 30, but never actually used the visa – i.e. i never actually went out to Australia at all in the end… i can still apply for the visa right? I think you guys said that would be fine, but just wanted to double check again! Thanks!
I can’t believe it’s actually happening after all this time! I hope the website doesn’t crash on 1st July haha
Finally good news, I will be going Vietnam,Thailand,Tokyo,Sydney,Melbourne for November onwards, finally come together!
Hope everyone got what they needed. And thanks to everyone for commenting and helping each other with the information needed!
I’m in a weird situation. First of all thanks to everyone who’s been posting all these months and keeping us all updated.
I’m from Scotland and my fiancé is Australian. He turns 36 in September. We need to move back to the UK as my mum isn’t well but because of the nature of our jobs (we’re ski instructors and have been travelling between NZ and Japan for years) we aren’t eligible for a partner visa.
Am I right in reading that the rules change for Brits going to Australia in July 2023 but Australians going to the UK it’s January 2024?
Thanks again for the help!
Hi Jane, yes it will be from January for Australians…
Just doesn’t seem to make sense that it’s not happening at the same time
I had a WHV granted in 2 years ago but i never arrived in Australia…
I am now 32 and want to apply again in July of this year, I just want to make sure this is possible?
My original visa was never activated but it was granted, i just never used it.
If you could confirm that would be great!
Hi James, Yes you will be able to apply as you never ‘activated’ your visa by entering the country. Cheers
Best of luck to everyone! I am unable to find my farm work proof from 2010 and turn 36 in March so I’m one of the unlucky people to miss out on the fantastic opportunity.
Back in the UK now so time to get back to reality for me haha
Jonny – If you turn 36 in March, why can’t you apply for a visa in July this year? Sorry, I’m still learning all of this visa stuff haha.
I have already done my 1st visa but I can’t find any records of my farm work as it was 13 years ago and since they aren’t removing the farm work requirements until July 24 I’ll be too old by then… Worst outcome for me
Keep hunting for it in the meantime Johnny. You never know, you might find it
Can u not apply when you are 35 ? And enter in July 2024 when they life the restrictions .
Hi Laura, you can apply up to your 36th bday. Cheers
I’m 35 now as of Feb 2nd.
From July 1st I can apply for a working holiday visa but that only allows me one year, is that right? I can’t then apply to extend as i’ll be 36?
Can you advise?
Hi Kyle, yes you can apply from July. If you want to renew, you ll need to do it before you turn 36 (up to the day before your bday). Cheers
Am sorting my visa 1st of July and a friend out there could have me a sponcer how dose it go from there planning and hoping to apply for passport eventually??
This is what I am hoping for as well, Tony.
I’ve read many things saying it’s difficult if you’re unskilled and even read that apparently it’s not as hard as it seem. I take it you mean permanent residency?
I am currently 35 from the UK and turn 36 in may 2024
Am i elegible for 3 years still when the new rules kick in
or only 1 as will turn 36 in may 2024?
Hi Dan, from July you can apply for a WHV. You will be able to apply for a second year up until you turn 36 (may 24). Cheers
Yes permanent mate what is it that you do yourself pal ?
I’m just a section supervisor in a supermarket… Nothing skilled or special haha. What about you?
In the lifting game mate work with cranes ️ hopefully everyone gets sorted good look peeps
I am absolutley gutted that the visa changes are implemented next year for Aussies. But Nzers are earlier! I might have to look at other avenues but losing hope:(
Just so I have this right… From July 1st, I can apply for a WHV for Australia (UK)
and if I travel out January 2024, will have to do farm work until they remove it in July 2024?
You won’t need to make because when your first visa runs out in January 2025 the farm work requirements will have already been removed.
So if I plan to go in Jan 2024, I can just get any old job without the farm work?
Yeah youll not have to do it mate,when or if you renew to a 2nd year the farm work will have been removed well before then
Yeah mate haha
So I’m 34 and from the UK. I turn 35 next April. If I land in Australia in January 2024 on a working holiday visa am I right in thinking I can stay there for 2 years?
January 2024 I will be aged 34 years and 9 months (first year of wh visa)
January 2025 I will be aged 35 years and 9 months old (second year of wh visa)
Will I be able to get a 2nd year wh visa as I’ll be under 36?
Hi Adam, yes as long as you apply before turning 36. Cheers
Please help, if I’m applying for my first Aus whv do I need to apply when I’m in the UK as I’m planning on going to NZ first for a whv then Aus. Can I apply for my Aus whv while I’m in New Zealand ?
Have they removed the ‘6 months max working per employer’ limitation??
I thought the new arrangements meant we could work for the same employer for the full duration of our WHV?
Hi i just turn 31 yo last month and early this year i got my 2nd year visa. I am indonesia, is there any chance i can get 3rd whv 462 ?
Currently i work in agriculture job
Hi Sultan, from 1st July the age limit is increased to 35 for UK passport holders 🙂
Hi Tom, I don’t think so, I think that was only removed during COVID.
I have booked my flight to New Zealand and will be going to Aus in October!
Already filled out what I can on my visa application so on the 1st of July I can finish it off and submit it. Getting prepared early hahaha
I don’t no we’re to start what website do I use for visa application please ?
This is the website to use.
Create an account and away you go
Hi All
Wondering if you would be able to help …
I’m turning 35 this month. I completed my 1st WHV in 2011. I never did any farm work. Am I able to apply for a 2nd WHV?
I’m confused with the ages (some state 30-35 years old inclusive) and requirements.
Any help appreciated.
Hi Megan, no you will be able to apply only from July 2024.
Hi, thanks for the response.
In July 2024, I will have turned 36, so I’m guessing this isn’t an option for me?
There is a strong chance of me getting a sponsorship before I go dose this mean I can apply for citizenship after couple years how dose it work please thanks
Will a drink driving ban from 6 years ago and 3 points for speeding stop me from getting my visa peeps ????
Had a quick look on Google, Tony and from what I can see they will refuse if you have a ‘substantial’ criminal record or served prison time. I’m no law expert but I’d say you’re safe with your ban and points.
How much money are you all taking with you to Australia? Im hoping to go in January and by that time I should have £6.5k. Just curious that’s all
I have just applied for my 2nd visa. I was able to find a lot of information about my farm work but not all the payslips. However, I did my 1st visa in 2010 and the requirements for payslips didn’t come in until 2015 so I wrote a covering letter along with my documents so fingers crossed they are happy with the documents I have supplied.
Is there a limit to how many whv are granted for uk citizens to Aus per year ?
I hope not! I’m applying on Saturday just to be one of the first to get my application in haha
Apparently theres maintenance works on 30th June – 1st July on the immigration website haha. I just went to register for an account! Might start filling in my application form like you said Dan just to get the ball rolling. Hope its easy!
Yep quite easy and quick!
Hope you got your visa yet 🙂
Visa applications open tomorrow!!! As far as I know there is no cap for British citizens applying.
Visa applications open tomorrow!! As far as I know there is no cap for British citizens applying.
Just applied haha
Hey I’m looking to apply for the visa but the website hasn’t changed it’s age (UK requirements) it still says 30. Is it worth hanging on or should I apply?
Hey Daniel, all good now?
Hey sorry I’ve only just noticed you replied. Yes I applied on the 1st and was granted instantly. Woo thank you
Hi, I’m looking to apply as well and it still says UK = 30 same as the table above in this article which is making me wonder if it’s worth risking the application?
Anyone else applied recently and know?
Hi sita, age limit is 35 for UK passport holders. Cheers
Applied today and within seconds I was granted the visa! How bloody quick was that!
Immi website a bit temperamental at the min I found, probably due to the high volumes of traffic
I applied and approved within the same minute! Feels so real now, can’t wait.
Were these first or second WHV Dan and Emma?
I applied for my second year and still no approval. Not declined, but no approval either.
I know I’m just being impatient (and maybe a little paranoid)
How did you manage to apply for you second year ? I thought the second year wasn’t possible until 2024 ?
Emma – Crazy isn’t it! My mate (who left for Aus last year) said it wont feel quite real until you get that email to say it’s been approved
Tom – Mine was a 1st WHV.
I was expecting to wait ages, had to read the document twice to make sure I saw right.
When did you apply for your 2nd WHV?
Yesterday! Took hours to complete, lots of info needed on farm work, including uploading of pay slips etc.
And site was was glitchy, a few refreshes needed.
I wonder if they work Sundays? And maybe I’ll be at update today. I’m already out here on a tourist visa!
Congrats guys! Hope you enjoy OZ
I’m the same as you Tom – I have applied for my 2nd visa yesterday but haven’t had any response yet.
I’m back in the UK now but if my visa grants I’m coming back to Australia later in the year
My 2nd year has been granted!! Only took 5 days
Jonny, how did you do this with you working previously?
Did you find your payslips?
I had the details of the farms and tax returns from when I claimed by tax back… Didn’t have payslips and didn’t need them as I worked there before 2015 (that’s when they required you to send payslips) I worked on farms on my first WHV
Just got my Visa through at 35, incredible feeling!! Sausage rolls on me!
Yayyaya! Congrats and enjoy
All so lucky being able to apply now!!
ive gotta wait till July 2024 to apply for my 2nd
Have a great time all ☀️
I wonder if they are focusing on 1st WHV’s first as they anticipated loads of applications yesterday?
Hope you don’t have to wait too much longer
Hey folks congratulations to all of you that have had your visas approved!
Just wondering if anyone has any info regarding application for whvs whilst an EOI for PR is underway? Due to get my trades assessment approval back this week and will be eligible for my 3rd year next July but apprehensive about the wait times and concerned that it may snooker me if I get the 189 underway beforehand, cheers!
Hi guys just wondering if yas could help me out I have applied for my visa it says received will that say excepted once all done or will I receive a email many thanks guys good luck
Hi Tom – 1st WHV for me too, so way less paperwork etc for them to get through to approve mines. They might actually have to get a human to look at yours whereas I’m sure mines was just ran through computer software as it was approved so quickly.
Hi Tony – you will get another email through to say it has been granted.
Applied on Saturday and granted just moments later for first WHV. Incredible.
Yay! Congrats!
Hi my visa is asking for a character declaration what is this and how do go about it thanks
Just applied for mine and it was granted straight away! Had to double check I wasn’t missing anything hahaha
So surreal I’m well excited! Is anyone looking to find work in the architectural/ construction field?!
Hi, follow up to my original question. Kind of taking this scenario to the extreme.
Could I apply for the WH visa and have it approved when I’m 35 years and 364 days old, and then be able to enter Australia a few months later when I’m 36 years old to do a 1 year working holiday?
I guess a simpler way to ask is do you have 1 year from your visa being approved to enter australia even if you’re 36 years old? Or do you age out automatically when you turn 36 regardless of WH visa being approved.
I ask because I’m either going to go this December, or do a masters degree and then go for a year.
Hi Adam, yes you have 12 months to enter Australia once your visa has been granted 🙂
Sensational. Can you point me to an official website that can give me confirmation of that just for my peace of mind? I’m not saying you’re wrong, you do a great job, and run a terrific website.
Hi Adam, it says it on the immigration website and it also says it on the visa itself.
Awesome. One last question, do you need to show proof of the 5k (Aus Dollars) and enough for a return flight in your bank account when applying for the visa or just when you enter Australia?
Hi Adam, you will need to show proof of the funds when applying for the visa. No need to have a return ticket though. Cheers
Hi I have applied for whv I declared a drink driving conviction which is 7 years old and 3 penalty points they asked for police certificate I have sent back which is clean as a whistle dose anyone no how long it will take to process and will I be ok for visa ??
Youll be fine mate 2 weeks roughly when i had applied for my 1st visa with a certificate
Anyone no how to get in touch for update on whv I applied on 2nd had to apply police certificate heard nothing as yet or you think it’s a back log thanks peeps
Hi Tony, try through your immiaccount or Vevo. Cheers
Do you no how long it can take to be granted thanks
Hi Tony, really depends, can be a few hours up to a few weeks …
Anyone applied for whv with police certificate submitted mine on the 2nd then uploaded certificate on the 9th July still waiting for response what yas think ??
Just says further assessment on immi account
If I get my first year in July 2024 ages 35 can I get my second year ages 36 in 2025 ?
Can I get a second year visa at 36 if I get my first year at 35 ?
I applied for the visa 1st year on immi website, completely upload and payment and i have an email with a ‘granted’ letter and it just says ‘granted’ on my immi account.
I assume this means i now have the visa? Seemed odd because i literally applied and it took no time at all, literally happened instantly as soon as i paid!
Hi James. Haven’t been on here in a while. Yes, it does mean you have your visa. Mine took 10 seconds! I had to check as well as I didn’t think it would be approved so quick – a facebook group I’m on saying it was likely auto-approved by the system which I guess means it wasn’t passed on to a human for further inspection.
I applied for whv on 2nd July they asked for police certificate after I declared a drink driving conviction which is 7 years old and 3 penalty points which are 2 years old I submitted certificate on 9th July which is clean haven’t heard anything since any info peeps please thanks
Anyone’s visa taking so long ?
Hi everyone has anyone got a email address I can use to contact anyone to chase up my visa as I have been waiting 2 months thanks
Visa granted finally!! I will be working in construction my occupation isn’t on the list can I still aim to getting PR ?
I’ve been checking this site every few days to see if your visa had been granted Tony, glad it finally has!
I’m also looking into PR without any skilled related things – been doing some research but getting mixed answers, with some saying it’s easier than people think while others say it’s almost impossible without a skill on the list or a shed tonne of money.
Hopefully we get sorted mate good luck
I’m praying we do. For a better life, aye!?
Hi everyone! Just been reading through out old messages and stresses about the visa! My 2nd visa got granted in July and I have just booked my flight, landing at the end of Feb! Hope everyone has sorted out their visas and have the best time down under!
Hi! Thanks for that article!
I’m 31 and Spanish and Brazilian citizenship.
Do I still have any possibility of working visa?
Couldnt find at Aussie government website.
Hi Isabela, You must be aged 18 to 30 years old (inclusive) when you apply.
If you apply for the visa while you are 30, but turn 31 before the government have made a decision, they can still grant you the visa if you meet all other requirements.
Hi, i’m italian, i have now 35 years old, can i apply for the work holiday 417 now and travel to Australia with 36 years old?
Hi there, yes you can apply until your 36th bday. Once approved you ll have 1 year to enter Australia (you can enter even if you are 36). Cheers and enjoy 🙂
Hi, i am a uk citizen and currently 33 years old. I want to apply for the work holiday visa next year, i will be 34 then. When the first visa is issued i will have 12 months in oz and if i am happy there id like to renew it but i will be 35 years old then. Am i allowed to stay for 3 years on a whv consecutively so long as i arrive before im 36 or if i turn 36 in oz i wont be allowed to renew for a 3rd year whv as ill be to old?
Hi Adam, you can apply up until your 36th bday. So once you apply, you have 12 months to enter Australia and then you can decide to renew (but before you turn 36). Cheers
Hi, I’m 32 and from England I haven’t done a working holiday and Australia before, if I apply for the Australian working holiday visa now, would I still be required to do the farm work to extend the visa in the future?
Hi Bill, no as you will need to renew after the new rule enters into force in July 2024. Cheers
Hi there!
In your article you said:
„Other partner countries (such as Germany) are still in the process to amend the bilateral Working Holiday Maker agreement expanding the eligibility age to 35“
Can you give me some more information on how you know that Germany is already in the process of amending the age limit? I can‘t find anything about that online, it would be amazing!
Thank you!!!
Hi Deniz, other countries are discussing the age limit but nothing has been decided or published so far.
Hi peeps am moving to Brisbane on
30th Jan on my 417 just wondering what travel insurance to take out with me Gona be gone for at 3 years or can I just take short term cover until I get there and then sort it in ozz thanks
HiTony, you can check
Hi I’ve landed in Brisbane and have a job next couple of weeks how dose it work with working for the same company for more than 6 months as this job is long term also how long is it before I apply for my 2nd year visa and how do I do it thanks
Hi Tony,
From 1 January 2024, until further government decisions, you can work for the same employer in Australia for more than 6 months without asking permission if your work is:
in different locations and work in any one location does not exceed 6 months
in plant and animal cultivation anywhere in Australia
in certain industries, including aged care and disability services, fishing and pearling, tree farming and felling, construction and mining, in northern Australia only (see Northern Australia)
natural disaster recovery work
in critical sectors, including agriculture, food processing, health, aged and disability care and childcare, anywhere in Australia
in the critical sector of tourism and hospitality anywhere in Australia.
Hi how is it before you need to apply for second visa couple months before first 1 runs out ?
I completed a 1 year WHV back in 2012/13. I did not complete any regional work back then.
Is the requirement for 3 month regional work still set to be removed on July 1st 2024? I am now 34 and looking to apply for a 2nd WHV.
Hi Marc
Yes you should be able to apply after 1st July. Cheers
Finally, after almost a year of having my visa, I’m flying out to Brisbane this coming wednesday!
I’m both scared and excited at the same time ahhhh
Hi dose anyone no how long it is before you can apply for pr after being sponsored heard it was 2 years and dropping to 1 year thanks
If I have been on the working holiday visa 1st year when I was 21 but not completing the farm work and now I’m 30 looking to apply for the 2nd year is this a possibility of happening?
Hi AJ, yes if you hold a UK passport 🙂